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The Six Faces Of A Die
The Six Faces Of A Die
The Six Faces Of A Die
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The Six Faces Of A Die

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In our lives, who decides the road we take to get to work or to a date? Do we decide it? Or is it destiny? This is the feeling this book means to communicate, the way fate can change an ordinary-looking situation into something dangerous or strange, or both. In "The six faces of a die" you will find math equations which might transform our reality, movies which seem to become alive, and trips to the mountain in which tranquility will never be present, among others. But, within all these tales, there lies a question: who throws the die which decides the future of the main characters in all these stories?

Release dateDec 8, 2014
The Six Faces Of A Die

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    Book preview

    The Six Faces Of A Die - Juan Sepulveda Sanchis

    Juan Sepúlveda Sanchis


    Original Tittle: LAS SEIS CARAS DE UN DADO

    Juan Sepúlveda Sanchis 2013

    Editorial Seleer

    [email protected]

    Printed in Spain / Impreso en España

    Printed by SELEER EDITORIAL 2013

    Cover Design: Juan Sepulveda Sanchis

    1st edition

    ISBN: 978-84-940962-1-2

    Legal Deposit: MA 33-2013



    Gandas’s Game

    Summer’s Cinema

    Bitter Surprises 


    The 72 in Cartagena

    The Lightened Room

    1.  Ganda’s game

    Since we’re feeling so anesthetized

    In our comfort zone

    Reminds me of the second time

    That I followed you home

    See you at the bitter end

    Brian Molko, singer of Placebo

    I suddenly sat on one of the plastic seats and, as I recovered my breath, I looked around languidly. I saw it all by fits and starts, everything was moving at a different speed, as if I was seated in an amusement park. Seated by my side, there was a young man with rastas in his hair and huge headphones with which he was listening to music at a really high volume. His ears were full of piercings, and he was wearing baggy, shredded pants. His whole body was covered with tattoos, metallic bracelets, and scars. I stared awestruck at his shoes, the thick white shoelaces were full of coal dust.

    At that time in the early morning, when the sun had barely come up, two different realities met at the subway: those who were going to work, and those who had been partying all night. The young rasta man looked ambiguous because he stunk of alcohol and, at the same time, was reading some notes. Nobody looked at him, I was the only one looking at him with a slow and blurred stare.

    Suddenly, the subway stopped at a station and the movement made me slide towards him. The young man, with an ugly face, quickly shoved me away. Immediately, he stood up and left the subway car cursing. With all the movement, everything started spinning again. I closed my eyes trying to stabilize my head, I felt sick and I knew I could throw up any time. After a few minutes I finally managed to relax and when I opened my eyes I found a sheet of paper between my feet. It most certainly belonged to the young man.

    I bent to pick it up. I focused on reading the page. I took a deep breath and thought for a while, I wanted to know what that page was about, but I could not focus. It was weird, it was full of numbers and apparently unconnected formulas, but it seemed to be pretty intuitive. Evidently, because of the illustrated wagons it represented a game taking place in the subway. But I could not figure out how to play it. Looking at the drawings, I realized that each seat at the wagon had a position number. I looked around at how the wagon was arranged in order to find out exactly where I was. I was confused, the alcohol did not let me focus, my head was moving in circles and, unstable, I fell to the floor. I angrily squeezed the paper and stood still for a while in pain. Then, I slowly opened my eyes. I had a blurry perspective of the real world, everything seemed to be upside down and constantly moving. Suddenly, under the seat, I saw a glint, it looked as if there was a brass plaque in each space. I approached, dragging myself, and I found out that it was a numbering. It looked as if there was a number under each seat. A simple code placed there by the manufacturer. I approached as much as I could and I checked what the number under mine was. The other passengers looked at me confused, watching me drag myself along the floor as gum and papers stuck all over me. I read the number three on the brass plaque and went back to my seat. I smoothed out the paper and tried to find out if there was a way to apply that number. After turning it up and down a few times, I figured out how to make the illustration fit with the wagon I was in. The shape of that wagon, considering the distribution of the seats, metallic bands and doors, coincided with one of the wagons in the drawing. With that seat number I had to be able to do something, but there were lots of formulas and I had to check them one by one. Finally, after all the possible operations, I found one which worked only with my seat number. I introduced the number in a new formula which said number of action. The operation was simple and I could figure out the result mentally. This time, the result was the number four. Now I had to find out what to do with that number of action. Everything was very confusing and I was not sure I was using the information correctly. Who was that guy? What kind of game or paranoia were these numbers? I started to feel intrigued by the game and I kept thinking over and over about the information on that piece of paper. Any notation could be a valid clue for me to deduce how the game worked. The problem was that there were no other formulas that provided that data so I decided to turn the page looking for an answer. That number had to be connected with something, I should be transcribed somehow (? Don’t understand the previous sentence). And there it was, I found a long list of things to do. The list thrilled me and made me smile at the same time. The asterisks had to be related to the number, as every word had a different number of asterisks.

    TRICK **

    ROBERY *




    That night I was coming back from a club called La Palma. A place of smoke, pork rind, and electronic music. I had spent hours there seated next to my best friend telling him how a five-year relationship was unexpectedly over. Between one drink and another, I had detailed the last days of my relationship with Verónica and how she had destroyed, from my point of view, all the bonds we had.

    The hours went by but I could not stop thinking about it. With a scotch in my hand, I kept on narrating in detail our last conversations and asking myself why it had finished that way. In the climax of what seemed to

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