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Credit Mysteries, What You Don't Know About Your Credit Can Hurt You
Credit Mysteries, What You Don't Know About Your Credit Can Hurt You
Credit Mysteries, What You Don't Know About Your Credit Can Hurt You
Ebook66 pages53 minutes

Credit Mysteries, What You Don't Know About Your Credit Can Hurt You

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Whether purchasing a car, getting married or maybe divorced, if you aren't credit aware, your credit score and credit report can take a bad hit. This books explains in easy to understand language the ins and outs of credit scores, getting started on credit history or starting over after a bad spell in life. You, the reader, can learn what to do before going car shopping, what pitfalls to watch for before marriage and if divorce is in your future, how to make sure you don't get financially hurt in the process. The reader will find out what it means to be a co-signer or co-borrower on a loan and questions to ask before doing so. You will also learn about the three major credit reporting agencies, what types of accounts are reported and for how long. Get ready to learn the mystery of credit that your loan officer or other credit professional may not know or be willing to take the time to share with you.

Release dateNov 28, 2014
Credit Mysteries, What You Don't Know About Your Credit Can Hurt You

Barbara Tubbs Hill

After over twenty years in the Collections, Credit and Mortgage Industry, I felt this book would be helpful to people who don't understand credit and how it works. I worked as Assistant Vice President of Mortgage Lending with Suntrust Bank and then with two mortgage broker companies. In addition, I done collections for a third party collection agency as well and bank collections. Each area has taught me new lessons in credit and how easy it is to get messed up.My husband and I now have two rescue dogs. Our precious Chulupa died June of 2013, leaving us with Snookies and Daisy. I am a wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. I enjoy working with young people and given the opportunity will spend time talking to them about credit. I am a guest speaker for civic groups and adult education classes.

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    Credit Mysteries, What You Don't Know About Your Credit Can Hurt You - Barbara Tubbs Hill

    Credit Mysteries

    What You Don’t Know About Your Credit

    Can Hurt You

    Barbara Tubbs Hill

    Print book copyright 2012 Barbara Tubbs Hill

    ISBN: 978-1-934610-74-9

    eBook copyright 2014 Barbara Tubbs Hill


    Smashwords edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the author.

    Barbara tells it like it is. No soft shoe approach. She has been there, done that as a real estate salesperson, collection agent and mortgage loan officer. She has lived life with financial issues all of us have had or will probably encounter. Most financial people will not take the time to tell clients how to clean up their credit, but Barbara is hands on and knows how to help get the problems corrected effectively. Her book is easy reading and easy to understand. She is an excellent teacher on credit and everyone in the real estate classes she has spoken to for me has left knowing something they didn’t know before. Barbara, in my opinion, is the Credit Expert!

    Sandra Johnson

    Real Estate Instructor

    Shoals School of Business

    Exceptional reading for both consumers and lending professionals alike. The Do’s and Don’t’s explained throughout the book are extremely informative and helpful in understanding credit repositories and how to generate optimum credit scores for yourself and your customers. Using the information and tactics within the book will allow you to receive the best possible interest rates for your lending needs or gain more loan approvals for your customers. The lower interest rates will save thousands of dollars compared to higher rates received with lower credit scores.

    Justin T. Goad

    Senior Mortgage Loan Officer

    Barbara Tubbs Hill is unparalleled as an advocate for anything she believes in. It is our good fortune that she believes in us. Barbara believes that we all deserve to have the credit scores needed to be healthy consumers. To be cliché, Barbara Hill has your back. Her book is concise and well-written, and has been a great help to those of us who need to understand the ins and outs of credit. I have witnessed friends and family who have been benefactors of her help in securing loans for their homes. Barbara demonstrates her belief – that everyone deserves a chance.

    Vicki Goldston

    Motivational Speaker

    Author of Be S.A.F.E. (Still, Aware, Faithful, Excellent)


    This book is dedicated to the clients who, over the years, taught me so many lessons in credit, compassion, and understanding of how the process works sometimes and doesn't others.

    My special thanks also to my friend and editor, Cheryl Morris. for her constant encouragement and reminding me every day to write, write, write!

    Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and do not give legal advice. I am not an accountant and do not give accounting advice. I am not a Certified Financial Planner and do not give financial planning advice. The content of this book is the result of years spent doing collections for a collection agency and later a major bank. For over ten years, I worked as a mortgage loan officer for a major bank and then in the mortgage industry as a mortgage loan specialist. The stories are true and reflect the always interesting, changing, and challenging world of credit. My hope is that the reader will take with them a desire to learn more about their own credit and how to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes of others. I also hope the reader will share their own stories, mistakes, and lessons learned so they can be of help to their children, family, and friends.

    Table Of Contents


    The Basics: Why Should You Care

    Inquires: The How And Why

    Your Credit Score

    Who Pulls Your Credit And Why

    How Long Does It Stay On There?

    What Are Ratings And What Do They Mean?

    Junk Debt Buyers

    What To Do

    Before You Tie The Knot (Get Married Or Live Together)

    Before You Untie The Knot (Get A Divorce)

    Getting It Right The First Time Or Starting Over

    Things Not To Do

    How To Start Building Your Credit

    Starting Over

    Odds And Ends – Myths And Truths

    About The Author



    Dear Readers,

    There are many books available on credit – how to get it, maintain it, recover it and then how to use it wisely. When I first conceived the idea of this book, I, like many other writers, thought to ride the wave of popular titles and subjects to fame and fortune. Making money from it was a very good idea. But as I’ve begun the process of putting this book together now, there is a

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