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The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience
The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience
The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience
Ebook178 pages4 hours

The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience

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What do we mean when we say, "I made the time pass more quickly," or, "I’m creating some ‘me’ time"? InThe Textures of Time, Michael Flaherty examines how we alter or customize our experience of time. His detailed analysis reveals different strategies we use to try to manipulate time, further describing and defining those strategies within six discrete time categories: Duration, Frequency, Sequence, Timing, Allocation, and Taking Time.

Using in-depth interviews and analyzing responses through a sociological lens, Flaherty unearths folk theories and practices, which he calls "time work," that construct circumstances in order to provoke desired forms of temporal experience. As such, time is not justinflicted on us; rather, its various textures result from our intervention, and/or from our efforts to create different forms of temporal experience. These first-person accounts also highlight ongoing tensions between agency and determinism in social groups. Ultimately, in keeping with his central thesis, Flaherty's lucid prose make this book a quick read, and the strategies he describes reveal the profound and inventive ways we "manage the clock."

Release dateDec 22, 2010
The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience

Michael G. Flaherty

Michael G. Flaherty is Professor of Sociology at Eckerd College and the University of South Florida. He is the author of The Textures of Time: Agency and Temporal Experience (Temple University Press, 2011). He was also the recipient of a Marie Curie Fellowship at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (2016-2017).

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