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Methods of Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction
Methods of Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction
Methods of Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction
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Methods of Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction

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About this ebook

Methods of Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction is an accessible guide to the mathematical methods of microeconomics. Worked examples are combined with exercises and solutions for readers, as economic relationships and equilibrium values are revealed and outcomes predicted.

Consumer preferences and utility are examined with indifference curves, and differentiation to find marginal utility and the marginal rate of substitution. Consumer choice uses a Lagrange multiplier for optimization of utility functions subject to a budget constraint.

Risk attitude and expected utility look at absolute and relative risk aversion measures, and apply risk averse, neutral or risk loving attitudes to find the expected utility linked with gambling or buying insurance.

Production maximization optimizes production functions subject to cost constraints. Cost minimization optimizes cost functions subject to production constraints. Profit maximization with quadratic cost functions is performed for perfectly competitive or monopoly firms. Monopoly, monopolistically competitive, and oligopoly equilibrium values are calculated with optimization.

The effects of asymmetric information are examined by comparing actual, equilibrium, and efficient outcomes for buyers and sellers.

PublisherK.H. Erickson
Release dateOct 21, 2014
Methods of Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jan 28, 2019

    It have good examples, good for beginners.well elaborated ,applications are easy to under stood.

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Methods of Microeconomics - K.H. Erickson

Methods of Microeconomics: A Simple Introduction

By K.H. Erickson

Copyright © 2014 K.H. Erickson

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.

Also by K.H. Erickson

Simple Introductions

Accounting and Finance Formulas

Choice Theory

Corporate Finance Formulas




Financial Economics

Financial Risk Management

Game Theory

Game Theory for Business

Investment Appraisal

Marketing Management Concepts and Tools

Mathematical Formulas for Economics and Business

Methods of Microeconomics


Table of Contents


1 Consumer Preferences and Utility

2 Consumer Choice and Utility Maximization

3 Risk Attitude and Expected Utility

4 Production Maximization, Cost Minimization

5 Profit Maximization with Quadratic Equations

6 Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly

7 Asymmetric Information


Methods of Microeconomics applies mathematical methods to microeconomic topics to predict outcomes and calculate equilibrium values, and worked examples are combined with exercises and solutions for readers.

Consumer preferences and utility are examined with indifference curves, and differentiation to find marginal utility and the marginal rate of substitution. Consumer choice uses a Lagrange multiplier to perform constrained optimization of utility functions subject to a budget constraint. Risk attitude and expected utility look at absolute and relative risk aversion measures, and apply risk averse, neutral or risk loving attitudes to find the expected utility linked with gambling or buying insurance.

Production maximization optimizes production functions subject to cost constraints, and cost minimization optimizes cost functions subject to production constraints. Profit maximization with quadratic cost functions is performed for perfectly competitive or monopoly firms. Monopoly, monopolistically competitive, and oligopoly equilibrium values are calculated with optimization.

Finally, the effects of asymmetric information are examined by comparing actual, equilibrium, and efficient results for buyers and sellers.

1 Consumer Preferences and Utility

Mathematics can be used on a consumer’s utility function to determine preferences, indifference curves, marginal utility and the marginal rate of substitution between goods.


A consumer’s utility function is U = 2x1 + 4x2. U represents utility, x1 represents the number of units of good 1, and x2 represents the number of units of good 2. Find the consumer’s indifference curves, preferences, their marginal utility and the marginal rate of substitution.

Answer 1.1

The first step to create an indifference curve is to create a hypothetical value for utility, U, and it can be simply denoted as a constant value, K. This gives U = 2x1 + 4x2 = K. The next step is to simplify and rearrange the equation in terms of x1 or x2 to show the relationship between the two goods. To write the utility equation in terms of x1 both sides of the equation are divided by 2:

2x1 + 4x2 = K

x1 + 2x2 = 0.5K

Then 2x2 must be subtracted from both sides of the equation to write it in terms of x1:

x1 = 0.5K – 2x2

This is the indifference curve, and the form of the equation above shows it is a straight line with a constant factor or vertical intercept of 0.5K, and a slope of –2.

The negative slope means the two goods here, x1 and x2, are negatively correlated in the consumer’s preferences, and as the consumer increases the quantity of one good they will reduce the quantity of the other. This means the two goods are substitutes, and the straight line with constant slope means they are perfect substitutes, as the consumer’s marginal rate of substitution (MRS) between the goods will be constant at all consumption levels.

The marginal rate of substitution of good x1 to good x2 (MRSx1x2) gives consumer preferences on the proportions of good x1 to good x2, and MRSx1x2 represents how 1 unit of good x1 is valued in terms of the number of units of good x2. This can be found with the utility equation, U = 2x1 + 4x2 = K, as the marginal rate of substitution of good x1 to x2 equals the marginal utility of good x1 (MUx1) divided by the marginal utility of good x2 (MUx2):

MRSx1x2 = MUx1 / MUx2

As the marginal utility of good x1 (MUx1) represents the change in overall utility resulting from a unit change in x1, it can be found with the partial derivative of the overall utility equation (U) with respect to x1, denoted as Ux1:

MUx1 = Ux1

The derivative is the change, and the partial derivative of the utility function with respect to x1 notes the effect of a unit change in x1 on overall utility. A partial derivative is found by multiplying a variable’s power by its coefficient, and then reducing the power by 1 (i.e. the ‘power rule’):

U = 2x1 + 4x2

Ux1 = (1) 2x1⁰

Ux1 = MUx1 = 2

Here the x1 coefficient of 2 was multiplied by the x1 power 1, before the power of 1 was reduced by 1 for an x1 power of zero: x1⁰ (and an x value to the power of 0 equals 1). Putting these two together gives a coefficient of 2, multiplied by 1, for a result of 2 overall. And the same process can be used to find the marginal utility of good x2, MUx2, which equals the partial derivative of the utility function with respect to x2, Ux2:

MUx2 = Ux2

The method to find Ux2 is the same as for x1, except the partial differentiation is performed on x2:

U = 2x1 + 4x2

Ux2 = (1) 4x2⁰

Ux2 = MUx2 = 4

The x2 coefficient of 4 was multiplied by the

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