About this ebook
Kiva, baptized to Maria was a mixed race baby girl nicknamed miracle baby. Born in a farm village by a HIV infected mother who was forced into prostitution by human traffickers. Her mom got pregnant, contacted HIV and died while in child labor. She was raised by grandparents, tested HIV negative and was discovered by missionaries who came to help evacuate victims of volcanic eruption that destroyed her village. She kept to her tradition and preserved her virginity till after marriage and later became a super star celebrity.
Abangan village is a small enclave where everyone knows everyone, and their only means of survival is the traditional cut and burn hand to mouth farming which was only introduced after the hunting age era was abandoned and there were no more animals left to be hunted.
Due to the geographical location of the village, they tend to marry each other because they do not trust to intermarry with outsiders with different traditions. Ole is the only daughter of her family living in a small hut just right behind their farm. She is one of the most beautiful and elegant girl in the village.
She was deceived by illegal recruiters, promised a job in a garment factory that never existed and was lured in prostitution where she got pregnant, infected by HIV and died while in child labor. Her baby "Kiva" survived and was not infected by HIV hence was nicknamed "Miracle Baby."
Miracle baby was discovered by missionaries who came to help evacuate victims of volcanic eruption that melted a nearby mountain and destroyed her entire village. Baptized to Maria as the missionaries established school, church, health center to help the survived villagers get back on their feet. Maria got interest in music and went on to became super rich and wealthy and the most successful entertainer in the country.
She sticks to her village tradition and chooses to remain pure and virgin so she could give her future husband a special gift. Though tempted several times by different men, but she insisted and kept to her tradition.
Her mansion was robbed, cars stolen, but was not deterred. She went on the organize a charity organization named after her mom, and used it to fight back against the illegal recruiters and human traffickers. Through her charity, she was able to bring electricity, water, paved roads and scholarship programs to her village, prompting all villagers to give priority to sending their kids to school.
Maria survived all the advances and temptations, and hence proving that it's still possible to be pure and maintain virginity even while working and living in a big city.
She organized a home coming concert in her village where she reunited with her first boy friend, Marcus, whom she later married and gave her special gift.
Jeffrey Jefferson
Jeffrey Jefferson worked as an Accountant for several years. He took a detour from accounting and became a marketing director with several private, multinational and manufacturing corporations before trying his hand at writing fiction.Educated in Asia and North America, Jeffrey Jefferson, holds two business degrees - a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), major in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration (MBA), major in Marketing and General Management.He is a webmaster and has written several articles and blog posts.
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Maria Went To Town - Jeffrey Jefferson
Maria Went To Town
By Jeffrey Jefferson
Copyright 2014 Jeffrey Jefferson
Published by Jeffrey Jefferson at Smashwords
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This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to Smashwords.com or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - The forgotten village
Chapter 2 - The pretty farm girl
Chapter 3 - Ghost job recruiter
Chapter 4 - Escape into hell
Chapter 5 - Dead at delivery room
Chapter 6 - The volcanic eruption
Chapter 7 - The church missionaries
Chapter 8 - The new faith
Chapter 9 - The arrival of Maria
Chapter 10 - First talent show
Chapter 11 - Glimpse of city life
Chapter 12 - Imaginary world
Chapter 13 - Amateur singing job
Chapter 14 - The recording contract
Chapter 15 - First city storm
Chapter 16 - Living your dream
Chapter 17 - Hidden city Dark side
Chapter 18 - Romance in big city
Chapter 19 - Forced vengeance
Chapter 20 - Homage to the root
Chapter 21 - Special gift to husband
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What makes greatness is starting something that lives after you. I would like to dedicate this piece of work to a great number of people I hold dearly in my heart, who contributed and inspired in one way or another to the completion of this book. List is too long to name everyone, hence all I can say is thank you all for your support as the work is finally completed.
To my dear son KC, out of sight is not out of mind.
Kiva’s Abangan village is a small enclave where everyone knows everyone, and their only means of survival is the traditional cut and burn hand to mouth farming which was only introduced after the hunting age era was abandoned besides, there were no more animals left to be hunted, they have all escaped to the government national forest park located miles away.
The village is rules by a self-made local chief who makes the rules, gives orders, settle disputes and certify marriages. It’s a quiet village where nobody disobeys the chief's order, and the women are all loyal to their husbands and children to their parents.
They are completely independent, and lacks nothing but only the current technologies, most of which they have never seen, torched nor used. There is no quest for anything, and no much ambition for any particular trade or sports because no trade or profession ever existed in the remote village.
Due to the geographical location of the village, they tend to marry each other because they do not trust to intermarry with outsiders with different traditions besides, it’s far away from other neighboring villages, with no passable roads, no electricity, no school and no social life. It is considered a dead village by their neighbors.
Ole is the only daughter of her family living in a small hut just right behind their farm. She is one of the most beautiful and elegant girl in the village, and as strong as the men. She likes to farm till late week after week, hence making her the most popular among all the girls of her age, hence several potential husbands lined up to marry her soon as she turns eighteen.
She immediately trusted and accepted a suitor’s help offer, but not knowing he has other plans. He began to advance and came so close making their bodies almost robbing each other as they both farm in one direction. He seduced the young virgin, and she easily submitted to his advances and they went to a hidden corner and made some passionate love under the rain with nobody watching. They both loved it and he promised to marry her in few months.
They both knew the consequences of braking the virginity law, but they believe it would not apply as long as they were not cut. But they were wrong, an old couple saw them, but had not reported to the chief yet instead, demanded some valuable assets from them before reporting to the chief if they refuse to pay.
The issue was still heating on when a news came to the village that some people from the capital city working as agents came to the village for the first time. They came to recruit young women who are willing and would like to work in garment factories as trained sewers. It was like a god sent miracle to Ole. At last, there is a way to settle the old couple, and escape and live in the city for good. She immediately embraced such adventure and wanted to join right away, invariably to escape her offence.
She just made quick and irreversible decision without thinking of back clash or what if it was a hoist or too good to be true projects. None of those came to her mind as she is desperately in need of immediate cash.
The lady recruiter gathered together some interesting young girls, Ole among them. With an interpreter, she explain to them the nature of the job, location, salary, food and living general conditions.
Ole, was very interested and ready to go at any condition. She has convinced her parents and they wanted her to go and enjoy her life in the big city besides, she has personal problem and wanted to escape, and this is her best opportunity.
All the girls opted out, but only one, Ole, sitting there and willing to register. She is ready to travel with her immediately. Wasted no time, they left on foot to the next village where a car was waiting to take her to the city.
Ole was very happy to have escaped the punishment of the virginity issue and couldn’t wait to start a new life in the big city even if she barely understands the city language and life styles.
They finally got to the city, where Ole saw heaven on earth, the glittering lights, cars, trains and people moving like sea waves. Then she was taken to a hotel where to spend the night and get ready for the factory job. First night was perfect, she was well fed with a different kind of dish, and entertainments. They wanted to make her feel happy and relaxed before the brutal ordeal.
She was locked up in a hotel room with no way to escape, and cannot talk with anyone. Next day, her first customer arrived, knocked at the door, and she jumped in happiness, thinking at least someone has finally came to help but it was not. He pretended to help her get a new job, but he only came to make love to her. On satisfying his urge, he