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Your Simple Path: Find happiness in every step
Your Simple Path: Find happiness in every step
Your Simple Path: Find happiness in every step
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Your Simple Path: Find happiness in every step

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Are you at a crossroads? Do you feel that there has to be more to life? The sole purpose of this beautifully simple book is to reconnect you to what truly matters. Each chapter is a step towards letting go of what no longer serves, and liberates you to create a life of authenticity and meaning.
Release dateJun 27, 2014

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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Your Simple PathFind Happiness in Every Stepby Ian TuckerI thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this 117 page enlightening how-to on the finer points of awakening to who we really are, and celebrating it every step of the way. The author's relaxed cozy style just pulled me right into such a secure place that I could breathe and look freely at the questions in each chapter that helped me understand and enjoy just being me.I also found the personal stories to help me to gain insight and trust the process. I truly believe that simple is the best approach and that was proven to me over and over again. I would recommend this great teacher to anyone who wants to reclaim the treasure of life. Thanks Ian, I so get this.Love & Light,Riki Frahmann

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Your Simple Path - Ian Tucker



Ian Tucker has a simple but profound message. One that he continues to live by example. I have watched as those that have attended his talks and seminars come away better people.

Stuart Morris, Director, The Birmingham Holistic Centre

Ian writes in a wonderfully simple yet inspiring way, we are always able to pass on correspondence from our readers who find his work of immense benefit.

Emma Van Hinsbergh, Editor, Natural Health Magazine

Reader reviews

I read this book in a day but shall cherish it for life.

A book beautiful in its simplicity and easy to follow. I felt a subtle shift in myself whilst reading it and I knew immediately that I could trust Ian’s wisdom.

Awesome reading, Your Simple Path helped me to understand life and how to find happiness in simple things.

What an inspirational book! If you live a busy life I strongly recommend you take time out to read it.

This is an absolutely amazing and intriguing book!

From the opening chapter I couldn’t put it down, it held me straight away! I now carry it with me and if I feel anxious I take it out and start reading it. It makes me feel better instantly, just like that! I know that might sound a little crazy but it’s true. It’s as if the energy, the healing energy inside the book lifts me instantly.

I keep this special little book very close. Depression had control over me for many years, but whilst reading Your Simple Path I began simplifying my life and it has helped me enormously.

First published by O-Books, 2014

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Text copyright: Ian Tucker 2013

ISBN: 978 1 78279 349 6

All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical articles or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publishers.

The rights of Ian Tucker as author have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Design: Stuart Davies

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For Serena, Jacob, Eve and Alfie.


I first met Ian when my son started to play for the local under eights soccer team.

Ian was the coach but of a kind very different from those of the other teams we played.

Some of these men would rant and rave and criticise – and, on occasions, reduce some poor little lad to tears.

Ian, by contrast, was quiet, gentle and positive. He was always supportive of every player in the team, whatever mistake he might have made.

In their pre-match and half-time huddles, the boys would sit around him, leaning in to hear him, and would absorb every word he uttered. They trusted, respected and loved him. Thus inspired, the team rarely lost and became the best in the region.

When he showed me an early draft of Your Simple Path it was clear that this same, gentle understanding and wisdom was there for all of us.

Ian Tucker is one of those rare people who seem to know about who we really are and how easy it is, in a frantic world, to forget and become lost.

In the last few years, my family has been through some dark places.

My wife and I nearly died from eating poisonous mushrooms which wiped out our kidneys and put us on dialysis for four years.

The impact on us all was severe.

It was sometimes hard to stay positive and not to wallow in a swamp of self-pity, bitterness and guilt.

Ian’s simple words of guidance were a source of strength.

I know this book will do the same for all those fortunate enough to read it.

Nicholas Evans,

International best selling author of The Horse Whisperer.

Love’s Whisper …

There comes a time in everyone’s life when a gentle light begins to shine within, a calling for you to realise what really matters.

How making others laugh makes you laugh more, how reducing others’ fear makes your own disappear.

How being grateful for the little things brings even bigger things to you.

And that how peaceful you are is the true measure of success.

Have you heard Love’s Whisper yet?


Life – it’s a simple word. In essence it’s the period between birth and death, most of us get about eighty years at it and are generally provided with everything that we need to have a good time.

They even tell us that the best things in life are free and so on paper we have it made.

Common sense would suggest that if we spend eighty years doing something we’d become pretty good at it, but for some reason that doesn’t seem the case with Life.

As you read this book you’re living your life.

How’s it going? No, seriously, how’s it going?

You’ll be a certain age in a particular place and by now you will have a title or label that defines you. It tells others how important you are, or if indeed they should interact with you at all.

Doctor for example is deemed to be a particularly good one, whereas bank manager doesn’t carry as much clout as it used to.

At some point we have decided that a politician is more important than a lollipop lady; that we should respect a managing director more than the people who keep the building clean and house husband still doesn’t roll off the tongue as easy as housewife.

Outside of your title you may be a Miss who wants to be a Mrs., or a Mr. who wants to be a Miss.

At this very moment you could be relaxing on a sofa, dug in on a battlefield, commuting on a packed train or waiting on death row, either way, this is the life that you have chosen.

Some of you will be able,

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