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German Existentialism
German Existentialism
German Existentialism
Ebook57 pages38 minutes

German Existentialism

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These pro-Nazi speeches by the author Being and Time are collected here to demonstrate the truly dark and shameful turn taken by the eminent philosopher.

“On the day of German Labor, on the day of the Community of the People, the Rector of Freiburg University, Dr. Martin Heidegger, made his official entry into the National Socialist Party.” And so begins one of the most controversial texts available today. Heidegger, a German Nationalist and proud Nazi, thoroughly examines the history, the philosophy, and the rise to power of the Nazi movement in Germany.
Martin Heidegger’s distinguished Italian colleague, Professor Benedetto Croce, said of his German contemporary, “This man dishonors philosophy and that is an evil for politics too.” Croce’s severe rebuke was not singular at the time when Hitlerism was rampant over Europe. It is true that among the almost one thousand professional philosophers of Germany and Austria only very few actively opposed National Socialism. On the other hand, no one degraded his history profession in the way that Heidegger did, by becoming a spokesman for National socialism and attempting to mold his theories into one pattern with Hitlerism.
Release dateNov 4, 2014
German Existentialism

Martin Heidegger

Heidegger’s contribution to the growth and development of National Socialism was immense. In this small anthology, Dr. Runes endeavors to point to the utter confusion Heidegger created by drawing, for political and social application of his own existentialism and metaphysics, upon the decadent and repulsive brutalization of Hitlerism. Martin Heidegger was a philosopher most known for his contributions to German phenomenological and existential thought. Heidegger was born in rural Messkirch in 1889 to Catholic parents. While studying philosophy and mathematics at Albert-Ludwig University in Freiburg, Heidegger became the assistant for the philosopher Edmund Husserl. Influenced by Husserl, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche, Heidegger wrote extensively on the quality of Being, including his Opus Being and Time. He served as professor of philosophy at Albert-Ludwig University and taught there during the war. In 1933, Heidegger joined the National Socialist German Worker’s (or Nazi) Party and expressed his support for Hitler in several articles and speeches. After the war, his support for the Nazi party came under attack, and he was tried as a sympathizer. He was able to return to Albert Ludwig University, however, and taught there until he retired. Heidegger continued to lecture until his death in 1973. 

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Rating: 2.25 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It is indeed astonishing how a person with so much knowledge as Heidegger could fall in such stupidity. It is an interesting report.

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German Existentialism - Martin Heidegger


I am presenting this small collection of speeches, statements and appeals by Martin Heidegger with a considerable amount of uneasiness. These documents — and they are only a few from the vast evidence available — are bound to throw the light of simple reasoning and simple ethical awareness upon a widely known philosopher who, by joining the National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler, brought discredit not only upon his distinguished teacher, Edmund Husserl, but also upon the philosophical profession.

Heidegger himself once defined philosophy as the search for the meaning of being. We heard him as a young man proclaiming the Nietzschean insight that God is death, that man lives engulfed by nothingness, and that man in all his complicated mentality is forever becoming, never really being.

Martin Heidegger avoided whenever possible the use of accepted metaphysical terminology, engaging himself in the process of intricate word coinage which made it quite difficult for the non-initiated to find their way through his labyrinthine Weltanschauung.

But I am not at the moment interested in interpreting the existentialist philosophy or theology of this follower of Soren Kierkegaard who turned into a follower of Adolf Hitler.

I must say initially that, in my eyes, word coins that are used interchangeably for metaphysics and for National Socialism are counterfeit. It is a cheerless task for me to prove by the translation and presentation of Heidegger’s own words that he has betrayed by doing so German philosophy in particular and philosophy in general.

From the days of the early Vedas of India, the Tao Te King of China, the early wisdom literature of the Hebrews and the meditations of Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, to the very presence of contemporary thinkers like Whitehead, Santayana, Einstein and Bergson, marking such giants in between as Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Kant — all through these thousands of years philosophy was there, the queen of the sciences.

The world stood still in the face of philosophy, because she served neither time, secular ambitions, nor purposeful deflections. Philosophy was the search for the perennial good and the understanding of the perennial ideas.

Then there came a man from the ranks of the professional philosophers — those dedicated to the search for the highest good — who made the queen a handmaiden of a villainous; monstrous demagogue.

Martin Heidegger joined the sinister cabal of Hitler, Himmler, Goering and Streicher, the church busters, the art defilers, the perverters of history, the defamers of jurisprudence, and the grand assassins of millions of women, children, and aged.

And how masterfully Martin Heidegger managed to weave into the sanguinary pattern of National Socialism the pseudo-profundity of his metaphysical terminology!

Here are some prize quotations from the pen of Heidegger, the neo-existentialist:

The National Socialist Revolution is not simply the taking of power in the state by one party from another, but brings a complete revolution of our German existence. "The Führer himself, and only he, is the current and future reality of Germany, and

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