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Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery
Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery
Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery
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Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery

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This is the fourth volume in a series of books focusing on natural gas engineering, focusing on two of the most important issues facing the industry today: disposal and enhanced recovery of natural gas. This volume includes information for both upstream and downstream operations, including chapters on shale, geological issues, chemical and thermodynamic models, and much more.


Written by some of the most well-known and respected chemical and process engineers working with natural gas today, the chapters in this important volume represent the most cutting-edge and state-of-the-art processes and operations being used in the field.  Not available anywhere else, this volume is a must-have for any chemical engineer, chemist, or process engineer working with natural gas.   


There are updates of new technologies in other related areas of natural gas, in addition to disposal and enhanced recovery, including sour gas, acid gas injection, and natural gas hydrate formations.  Advances in Natural Gas Engineering is an ongoing series of books meant to form the basis for the working library of any engineer working in natural gas today.  Every volume is a must-have for any engineer or library.

Release dateSep 2, 2014
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    Gas Injection for Disposal and Enhanced Recovery - Ying Wu

    Chapter 1

    Densities of Carbon Dioxide-Rich Mixtures Part I: Comparison with Pure CO2

    Erin L. Roberts and John J. Carroll

    Gas Liquids Engineering, Calgary, AB, Canada


    The design of a gas injection scheme requires knowledge of the physical properties of the injection stream. These are required for both the design of the surface equipment and the modeling flow in the reservoir. One of the important physical properties is the density of the stream. The physical properties of pure carbon dioxide have been measured over a very wide range of pressure and temperature and there are several reviews of these measurements. However, the stream injected in the field is rarely pure carbon dioxide. For acid gas injection, the common impurity is methane and for carbon capture and storage, the common impurity is nitrogen.

    This paper reviews the literature for measurements of the density of carbon dioxide with methane containing less than 20 mol% methane and for mixtures of carbon dioxide with nitrogen again with less than 10 mol% nitrogen.

    1.1 Introduction

    The injection of carbon dioxide into subsurface reservoirs is one tool to combat increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Typically the CO2 comes from the combustion of fossil fuels, but can also come from other industrial processes such as the production of natural gas.

    The transport properties of the fluid to be injected, and the density in particular, are important in the design of these processes. For example, to estimate the pressure required to inject the stream requires the density in order to calculate the hydrostatic head of fluid in the well.

    To inject the gas stream it must be compressed to sufficient pressure to achieve injection. It is also important to know the density of the fluid during compression. High speed compressors are not design to handle high density fluids.

    The CO2 to be injected is rarely in the pure form. If it is separated from eat natural gas then methane is a common impurity, whereas if it comes from flue gas then the major impurity is nitrogen. These mixtures tend to be rich in carbon dioxide with only a few per cent of impurities.

    1.2 Density

    Typically the density is expressed as the mass density in kg/m³ or the molar density in kmol/m³. However, depending upon the experimental technique used and the personal preference of the investigator, various other quantities can be used. For example, the specific volume, m³/kg, and molar volume, m³/kmol, are merely reciprocals of the density expression given above.

    It is also common to express the density in terms of the compressibility factor or z-factor. The z-factor is defined as

    (1.1) equation

    1.3 Literature Review

    A review of the literature was undertaken to find all of the experimental data for the density (in its various forms) for mixtures of CO2+CH4 and CO2 + N2 regardless of the concentration of the various components. The results of that review are summarized in this section and the data of importance to this new study are highlighted.

    1.3.1 CO2 + Methane

    Table 1.1 summarizes the experimental data for mixtures of carbon dioxide and methane. Many of the density data were taken in association with vapor-liquid equilibrium measurements and thus are the density for the saturated phases.

    Table 1.1 Summary of Experimental Measurements of the Density of Carbon Dioxide + Methane Mixtures

    The first significant measurements of the densities of CO2 + methane mixtures were those of Reamer et al. [1]. They report compressibility factors for five compositions: pure CO2, 79.65 mol% (91.48 wt%) CO2, 59.44 mol% (80.09 wt%) CO2, 39.50 mol% (64.17 wt%) CO2, and 15.31 mol% (33.15 wt%) CO2. The temperatures and pressure of this study are such that all of the data are for the gas phase. Although the composition is slightly outside of the range of interest in this study, the density for the 79.65% CO2 will be examined in detail.

    The paper of Magee and Ely [3] is particularly interesting to this study. They measured the density of a mixture of CO2 (98 mol%) and methane (2 mol%) over a wide range of temperatures -46° to 127°C (-55° to 260°F) and pressures up to 34.5 MPa (up to 5000 psia). However most of their data are for temperatures less than 77°C (170°F); only one isochore¹ had measurements as high as 127°C (260°F). They state that the measured densities are accurate to ±0.1%. They also report a few points for the density of pure CO2 and their measured values are almost all within ±0.1% of the calculated value from Span and Wager (1996) with the exception of a single point and there is a typographical error in the table presented by Magee and Ely [3].

    1.3.2 CO2 + Nitrogen

    As with methane and ethane, there is a significant amount of data available for the density of carbon dioxide nitrogen mixtures. These experimental studies are summarized in Table 1.2.

    Table 1.2 Summary of Experimental Measurements of the Density of Carbon Dioxide + Nitrogen Mixtures

    1.4 Calculations

    An attempt was made to compare the experimental data to the compressibilities of pure carbon dioxide using the principle of corresponding states with pure CO2 as the reference fluid.

    Four different methane mixtures were investigated, 2% methane from Magee and Ely [3], two mixtures of 10% methane from Hwang et al. [11] and Brugge et al. [5], and 20% methane from Reamer et al. [1]. The 10% methane mixture from Brugge et al. [5] had data taken entirely in the vapour phase.

    One nitrogen mixture of 10% was investigated, with data from two papers by Brugge et al. [5, 12].

    An additional data set by Arai et al. [2] containing mixtures ranging from 4.3% to 22% methane was used. However due to each mixture having few data points, all near the critical point, the data was not included in this analysis.

    Several methods for estimating the mixture critical properties where employed.

    Two objective functions were calculated for all methods to minimize the error. The absolute average difference, AAD, is defined as:

    (1.2) equation

    A similar equation could be used for the densities, however for densities the average absolute errors, AAE, were used.

    (1.3) equation

    Two other error functions were also used in the analysis but not in the optimization. For the compressibility factors the average deviations, AD, were also calculated.

    (1.4) equation

    For the density, the average errors were calculated.

    (1.5) equation

    1.4.1 Kay’s Rule

    As a first approximation the pseudo-critical temperatures and pressures mixture were calculated using Kay’s rule, mole fraction-weighted averages of the pure component properties:

    (1.6) equation

    (1.7) equation

    The critical temperatures and pressures for carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen used in this study are summarized in Table 1.3.

    Table 1.3 Critical Temperature, Volume, Pressure and Compressibility for Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrogen*

    The experimental compressibility factors were compared to those from pure CO2 calculated from the pseudo-reduced pressures and pseudo-reduced temperatures based on Kay’s Rule. For each mixture the results are shown in Figures 1.1 through 1.5. For the 2% methane, only the isotherms of 280 K through 350 K are shown, however all data was included in the error calculations. These plots show that this is a reasonable approach to calculating the z-factors for these mixtures although these can be improved. The AAD for the 2 mol%, 10 mol%, and 20 mol% mixtures are 0.002 75, 0.009 78 [11], 0.001 11 [5], and 0.007 22 respectively. The AAD for the 9% nitrogen mixture was 0.002 13.

    Figure 1.1 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Kay’s Rule for 2% Methane Mixture [3].

    Figure 1.2 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture 11].

    Figure 1.3 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture [12].

    Figure 1.5 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Kay’s Rule for 9.1% Nitrogen Mixture [5, 12].

    Figures 1.6 through 1.10 show the experimental densities compared to the calculated densities using this approach. The predicted densities are reasonable but appear less accurate than the z-factors. The 2%, 10%, 20% methane and 9% nitrogen mixtures had AAEs of 0.633%, 2.44% [11], 0.141% [5], 0.951% and 0.423% respectively.

    Figure 1.6 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Kay’s Rule for 2% Methane Mixture [3].

    Figure 1.7 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture [11].

    Figure 1.8 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture [12].

    Figure 1.9 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Kay’s Rule for 20.4% Methane Mixture [1].

    Figure 1.10 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Kay’s Rule for 9.1% Nitrogen Mixture [5, 12].

    For the 2 mol% mixture, the maximum absolute difference was 0.017 79 occurring at a pseudo-reduced temperature of 1.027 (310 K) and a pseudo-reduced pressure of 1.19 (8.71 MPa). The maximum error in density was at the same pressure and temperature and was 5.30%. The 2 mol% mixture contained data taken at eight different isotherms, ranging in temperatures of 280 K to 350 K (pseudo-reduced temperatures from 0.745 to 1.325). Each isotherm reached a maximum difference at a different pseudo-reduced pressure, with the higher isotherms have a maximum at a higher pseudo-reduced pressure. Isotherms below the critical temperature had negative maximum differences occurring at low pseudo-reduced pressures. From a pseudo-reduced pressure of about 3 to about 4.5 (the highest pseudo-reduced pressure), the difference in z-factors was less than about 0.002 for all isotherms.

    The maximum absolute difference of z-factors for the Hwang et al. [11] mixture was 0.055 68 occurring at a pseudo-reduced temperature of 1.024 (300 K) and a pseudo-reduced pressure of 1.22 (8.67 MPa). For the Brugge et al. [5] methane data, the maximum was 0.006 24 at 300 K but at a pseudo-reduced pressure of 0.898 (6.38 MPa). This was the highest pressure in the data set. The maximum error in densities occurred at the same pseudo-reduced temperature and pseudo-reduced pressure for both mixtures. The Hwang et al. [11] mixture had a maximum error of 17.1%, which is very close to the critical point for this mixture. As can be seen from Figure 1.7, densities change rapidly with changes in pressure for this isotherm near a pseudo-reduced pressure of 1. The Brugge et al. [5] mixture had a maximum error of 1.01%. The Hwang et al. [11] data set consisted of five isotherms ranging from 225 K to 350 K (pseudo-reduced temperatures of 0.768 to 1.195). The 225 K, 250 K, and 275 K isotherms all steadily increased from a difference in z-factors of about 0.002 to 0.01 across the measured pseudo- reduced pressure range of 0.45 to 6.32.

    The 20 mol% mixture had a maximum absolute difference in z-factors of 0.034 56 and a maximum error in densities of 7.33% at a pseudo-reduced temperature of 1.106 (311 K) and a pseudo-reduced pressure of 1.77 (12.07 MPa). As with the other mixtures, each isotherm reached a maximum difference at a pressure near the critical point. At high pseudo-reduced pressures greater than around 6, the 311 K isotherm started to greatly increased in difference. The 478 K and 511 K isotherms also started to increase in difference in z-factors, however they increased in the negative direction.

    The 9 mol% nitrogen mixture had an AAD in z-factors of 0.002 13, with a maximum of 0.017 21 occurring at a pseudo-reduced temperature of 1.041 (300 K) and a pseudo-reduced pressure of 1.36 (9.57 MPa). The maximum error in density was 5.30% occurring at the same pressure and temperature as for the z-factors.

    1.4.2 Modified Kay’s Rule

    Although the original Kay’s Rule gave reasonable estimates for the compressibilities, a modification was used here. The pseudo-critical temperatures and pressures were modified using a binary parameter. These mixing rules are discussed in this section. Modified Pseudo-Critical Temperature

    The modified pseudo-critical temperature is given by:

    (1.8) equation

    where τij = τji and τii = 0. For a binary mixture this becomes:

    (1.9) equation

    New values of the z-factor were calculated using the modified pseudo-critical temperatures with different values of τ12 and the original critical pressure from Kay’s Rule. An optimal τ12 for each mixture was found by minimizing the AAD in z-factors. The optimal τ12 value for the 2 mol% methane mixture was -14.09 K corresponding to an AAD in z-factors of 0.001 67 and an AAE in density of 0.343%. For the Hwang et al. [11] 10 mol% mixture the optimal τ12 value was -9.91 K giving an AAD in z-factors of 0.006 59 and an AAE in densities of 1.62%. The Brugge et al. [5] 10% mixture had an optimal value of τ12 of -4.22 giving an AAD in z-factors of 0.000 05 and an AAE in densities of 0.007%. The 20 mol% methane mixture had an optimal τ12 value of -8.47 K giving an AAD in z-factors of 0.004 26 and an AAE in densities of 0.508%.

    It was observed that there was some variability among the data sets for the τ12 for the methane mixtures. An overall optimum τ12 of -9.75 K was estimated using a weighted average based on the number of data points in each data set.

    The optimal τ12 value for the 9% nitrogen mixture was 0.98 K corresponding to an AAD of z-factors of 0.002 01 and an AAE in densities of 0.417% Modified Pseudo-Critical Pressure

    The pseudo-critical pressure is given by:

    (1.10) equation

    where πij = πji and πii = 0. For a binary mixture this becomes:

    (1.11) equation

    New values of the z-factor were calculated using the modified pseudo-critical pressure with different values of π12 and the original critical temperature from Kay’s Rule. An optimal π12 was found by minimizing the AAD in z-factors for each mixture. The 2 mol% methane mixture had an optimal π12 value of -0.177 MPa corresponding to an AAD in z-factors of 0.003 99 and an AAE in density of 0.900%. The optimal value of π12 for the Hwang et al. [11] 10 mol% mixture was -0.541 MPa giving an AAD of 0.008 02 in z-factors and an AAE in density of 1.98%. The optimal value for the Brugge et al. [5] 10% mixture was 0.371 giving an AAD in z-factors of 0.000 10 and a AAE in density of 0.894%. The 20 mol % mixture had an optimal π12 value of -0.195 MPa giving an AAD of 0.006 67 and an AAE in density of 0.894%.

    As with τ12 there was variability with the π12 amongst the methane mixtures. The overall optimum π12 value for all methane mixtures was -0.183 MPa, which was obtained using a weighted average as with the τ12.

    The optimal π12 for nitrogen was -0.092 MPa resulting in an AAD of 0.001 88 and an AAE in density of 0.367%. Combined

    The optimal τ12 and π12 for each mixture were used in conjunction to calculate new z-factors and compared to the experimental z-factors as shown in Figures 1.11 through 1.15. These were optimized separately and may not be the optimum in a two-dimensional sense. By comparing Figures 1.1 through 1.5 to Figures 1.11 through 1.15 one can see a general improvement in the estimated compressibility factors for all of the mixtures considered here.

    Figure 1.11 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 2% Methane Mixture (Magee and Ely, 1988).

    Figure 1.12 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture [11].

    Figure 1.13 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture [12].

    Figure 1.14 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 20.4% Methane Mixture [1].

    Figure 1.15 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 9.1% Nitrogen Mixture [5, 12].

    The AAD in z-factors were 0.001 43, 0.002 49 [11], 0.001 05 [5], 0.003 54, and 0.001 84 for the 2%, 10%, 20% methane and 9% nitrogen mixtures respectively. The experimental and calculated densities are shown in Figures 1.16 through 1.20. The AAE in densities were 0.282%, 0.716% [11], 0.139% [5], and 0.371% for the 2%, 10%, 20% methane and 9% nitrogen mixtures respectively.

    Figure 1.16 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 2% Methane Mixture [3].

    Figure 1.17 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture [11].

    Figure 1.18 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 9.9% Methane Mixture [12].

    Figure 1.19 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 20.4% Methane Mixture [1].

    Figure 1.20 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Combined Modified Kay’s Rule for 9.1% Nitrogen Mixture [5, 12].

    For the combined modified pseudo-critical pressure and temperature method, the smallest AAD in z-factors were achieved for all mixtures except for the 10% methane mixture by [5], where the modified pseudo-critical pressure and modified pseudo-critical temperature methods on the own achieved smaller differences in z-factors. However the combined method did achieve smaller difference than the original Kay’s Rule for the 10% Brugge et al. [5] mixture.

    The smallest AAE in densities for the 2%, 10% Hwang et al [11] and 20% mixture were observed in the combined method, however the 10% Brugee et al [5] methane mixture had the smallest error in densities in the modified pseudo-critical pressure and modified pseudo-critical temperature method. The 9% nitrogen mixture had the smallest AAE in the modified pseudo-critical pressure method.

    1.4.3 Prausnitz-Gunn

    The original pseudo-critical temperature from Kay’s rule was combined with the modified critical pressure estimate from Prausnitz and Gunn:

    (1.12) equation

    The experimental and calculated z-factors using this method can be seen in Figures 1.21 through 1.25, and the experimental and calculated densities can be seen in Figures 1.26 through 1.30. The AAD in z-factors were determined to be 0.002 56, 0.009 64 [11], 0.001 25 [5], 0.007 10, and 0.003 33 for the 2%, 10%, 20% methane and 9% nitrogen respectively. The AAE in density were 0.524%, 2.41% [11], 0.158% [5], 0.939%, and 0.607% for the 2%, 10%, 20% methane mixtures and the 9% nitrogen mixture.

    Figure 1.21 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 2% Methane Mixture [3].

    Figure 1.22 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 9.9% Methane Mixture [11].

    Figure 1.23 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 9.9% Methane Mixture [12].

    Figure 1.24 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 20.4% Methane Mixture [1].

    Figure 1.25 Experimental and Calculated z-factors Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 9.1% Nitrogen Mixture [5, 12].

    Figure 1.26 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 2% Methane Mixture [3].

    Figure 1.27 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 9.9% Methane Mixture [11].

    Figure 1.28 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 9.9% Methane Mixture [12].

    Figure 1.29 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 20.4% Methane Mixture [1].

    Figure 1.30 Experimental and Calculated Densities Using Prausnitz-Gunn Equation for 9.1% Nitrogen Mixture [5, 12].

    1.5 Discussion

    A summary of the AAD in z-factors, AD in z-factors, AAE in densities, and AE in densities can be found in Tables 1.4 through 1.8.

    Table 1.4 Calculated Errors Using Kay’s Rule

    Table 1.5 Calculated Errors Using Modified Pseudo-Critical Temperature Method

    Table 1.6 Calculated Errors Using Modified Pseudo-Critical Pressure Method

    Table 1.7 Calculated Errors Using Combined Pseudo-Critical Method with Optimal τ12 and π12 Used

    Table 1.8 Calculated Errors Using Prausnitz-Gunn

    For the 2%, 10% Hwang et al. [11], and 20% methane mixtures, the AAD in z-factors between Kay’s Rule and Prausnitz-Gunn-method were within 2% of each other, with the z differences for Prausnitz- Gunn being slightly smaller than Kay’s Rule. For the 10% Brugee et al. [5] and nitrogen mixture, Kay’s rule differed from Prausnitz-Gunn by differences of 11.3% and 44.0% respectively, with Kay’s Rule achieving the smaller differences.

    For all mixtures, the Combined Modified Kay’s rule resulted in smaller AAD in z-factors than Kay’s Rule, and Prausnitz- Gunn method, with differences of 57.0%, 118% [11], 5.74% [5], 68.4%, and 14.5% less than Kay’s Rule for the 2%, 10% and 20% methane mixtures and 9% nitrogen mixture respectively.

    The optimum method for all mixtures, except the 10% Brugge et al. [5] mixture, was the Combined Modified Kay’s Rule. This method achieved z-factors that deviated, on average, 0.281%, 0.717%, 0.417%, and 0.371% from the experimental values for the 2%, 10% [11], 20% methane and 9% nitrogen mixture respectively.

    The optimum method for the 10% Brugge et al. [5] mixture was the modified pseudo-critical temperature method, with z-factors that deviated, on average, 0.005% from the experimental values. For all methane mixtures, the modified pseudo-critical temperature method achieved smaller differences than the modified pseudo-critical pressure method. For the nitrogen mixture, the opposite trend was observed.

    1.6 Conclusion

    This corresponding states approach shows promise for predicting compressibility factors and densities for carbon dioxide mixtures with small percentages of impurities. In fact, for many engineering applications the use of the simple Kay’s Rule may be of sufficient accuracy.

    For all mixtures, except for the 10% Hwang et al. [11] data, all methods predicted densities, on average, within 1% of the experimental values, and z-factors within 0.0008, on average. For the Hwang et al. [11] data, the densities were predicted within 2.5%, on average, and the z-factors were predicted, on average, within 0.0100. The Prausnitz- Gunn method predicted the densities and z-factors more accurately for all mixtures except for the 10% methane Brugge et al. [5] mixture.

    For all mixtures, for the methods examined here, the Modified Kay’s Rule achieved the smallest differences in z-factors and errors in densities between the experimental and calculated data. The Combined Modified Kay’s Rule method gave the lowest errors for the 2%, 10% Hwang et al. [11], and 20% methane mixture. The Pseudo-Critical Pressure method gave the lowest errors for the 9% nitrogen mixture. Using the optimal methods, z-factors were estimated within 0.7%, on average, of the experimental values for all mixtures, as well as densities were estimated, on average, within 0.8% for all mixtures.


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