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The Angelspeake Book Of Prayer And Healing
The Angelspeake Book Of Prayer And Healing
The Angelspeake Book Of Prayer And Healing
Ebook136 pages1 hour

The Angelspeake Book Of Prayer And Healing

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Two years ago, Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold published a remarkable book that showed us how we could reach out to our angels for guidance, comfort, and love. Drawing on the unique angel communication techniques that these two sisters have been teaching in workshops across the nation, Angelspeak has sold more than 45,000 copies to date, and another 15,000 in its Spanish-language edition.

Now the authors take us to the next step: calling upon God’s messengers for help in solving personal problems and healing. Focusing on the specific steps we can take to solicit angelic intervention in times of crisis, they offer wisdom and practical advice on such topics as getting clarity on what we want in our lives, how to be trusting no matter what happens, and the power of divine healing. Interspersed throughout are the stories of people who have used the Angelspeake process and have had their dreams fulfilled.

A partnership with the divine is there for the asking—that is the uplifting message of this handsomely designed and illustrated book.
Release dateSep 16, 2014
The Angelspeake Book Of Prayer And Healing

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    The Angelspeake Book Of Prayer And Healing - Trudy Griswold


    Life is good. When life feels bad, it is because we are not good in it. This is a book about having a good life. This book is about balance, reconciliation, and about tapping into the goodness life is.

    God is good. God gives us life and God loves us. When we are apart from the goodness God is, when we try to run our life our way, then life becomes difficult. When we let life happen, when we surrender, when we reconcile with all the goodness God is, with the help of His angels, then life can be everything we decide to have it be. We can have a good life in spite of the most shattering event, the most dire trouble, fear, pain, or difficulty.

    Life is not easy. Do not confuse good with easy. Our personal lives today are not easy, but they are very, very good. How can some people survive awesome difficulty, sickness, financial ruin, or death of loved ones, and rise to a place of serenity, understanding, and even joy? How can the most ruinous situation become the avenue to finding a good life? A great life? A life filled with peace? Can you do it? Can you turn your life into a joyful experience? Can you heal yourself and find a God who is loving and helpful? We say, yes, you can. The difference is having an enthusiastic and joyful attitude and a willingness to allow your angels to help you solve daily difficulties as they arise.

    This book is about working with life. Angelspeake was about how to communicate with divine beings. This book is about how to use these same beings, once you have contacted them, in order to find a more joyful existence, to find a balance within yourself, and to form new attitudes toward yourself and God.

    Life is good, and learning this truth is not going to be hard to do. God’s angels are standing right beside you, as you read this line, waiting to help you. All you have to do is ask for their help, believe it will be given to you, let them help you, and then say thank you for the goodness that happens.

    We know now that our angels didn’t come to us because we were special, but rather because we were not. We know now that many other people are being awakened around the world. We also know we are no different from you, and thousands of others who are reading this book.

    We have never seen an angel or been plucked from the jaws of death. We are simply two sisters who, for some reason we may never fully know, were awakened by their angels. We were ready to listen when we first heard their message and we have continued to follow the guidance we have received from our angels every day since.

    Angels help us in every way imaginable. They are messengers of God and do what God wants them to do. There is nothing they cannot do. At our first class we were asked, Who do we pray to now that we know our angels? The answer is God! God! God! When we pray, God responds through His angelic realm.

    Over the years, we have formed a partnership with our angels and have found that our lives are happier, easier to manage, more abundant, and fulfilled. We have been taught by our angels, loved by them, led by them, but mostly, encouraged by them. What they told us would happen, has happened. Not always in the way we imagined. Usually better. From being full of doubt and skepticism, we have built a relationship of trust and friendship. We truly love our angels, feel their love in return, and cannot imagine our lives without them.

    When we were opening to the angels and beginning to trust what they said to us, and did for us, we went through a series of ups and downs emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, and personally. After our book Angelspeake: How to Talk with Your Angels was published, we began receiving many phone calls and letters from other seekers as they walked their spiritual path. We repeatedly heard one question: What do I do now that I can communicate with my angels?

    You discovered that learning to Angelspeake was obviously only your first step in obtaining divine help. Now that you could communicate with angels, you wanted to move forward even faster, with more power and clarity. You longed to know more about angels and how to most effectively use their input in all areas of your life. Some of you had had great success with angelic communication, but not with letting your angels help you change your lives for the better.

    A lot more was happening with students and readers around the world than we ever knew! The angels continued to teach us after Angelspeake was published. We learned that they were pleased with Angelspeake, and that people all over the world were reading it. Now it was time to deepen the message with another book. It was through hearing about your personal discoveries that we realized The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and Healing needed to be written. We began to be taught, as never before, the significance and importance of The Four Fundamentals: Ask, Believe, Let It Happen, and Say Thank You. We were already aware that these simple four directives could empower and change lives, but we had no idea how much or how encompassing those changes would be.

    We see Angelspeake as the key to your communication with your angels. We see this book as the door to the storehouse of help your angels will give you to enjoy an enhanced, new, spiritual way of life. Use the lessons and encouragement of Angelspeake to improve your communication, and by all means, do your best to talk with your angels as often as you feel the need.

    One of our first surprises came when Angelspeake appeared on the Publishers Weekly Religion Bestsellers List. We did not think of Angelspeake as a religious book! We looked at the book as a written form of our Angelspeake classes, and thought of it as a how-to book. Communications we received from our readers had nothing to do with religion either. Readers told us how writing to their angels had changed their lives.

    Letters and phone calls related experience after experience of people writing to the angels and using The Four Fundamentals. We received letters from believers and doubters. We heard stories that bordered on the miraculous. We heard how people broke down their personal barriers and found freedom. We found people who built an angel network to give themselves and others needed support. We found some who had lifelong dreams come true. We found others who were saved from disaster—financial, spiritual, and physical. We found kindred spirits who had stories to share that taught us other ways to look at our own progress.

    We found some angry and fearful people. We heard from a few so limited they could not believe anything except what was interpreted for them by others. We heard from people who had more concern for the world than they did for themselves and others who had never asked for anything for themselves in their entire lives! We found souls who could not pray and souls who could not stop praying. We heard from men who would not believe for fear they would have to give up their power if they became spiritual. We heard from women who were afraid to ask for themselves for

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