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Essential Natural Uses Of....COCONUT OIL: Herbal Homemade Remedies and Recipes, #5
Essential Natural Uses Of....COCONUT OIL: Herbal Homemade Remedies and Recipes, #5
Essential Natural Uses Of....COCONUT OIL: Herbal Homemade Remedies and Recipes, #5
Ebook70 pages27 minutes

Essential Natural Uses Of....COCONUT OIL: Herbal Homemade Remedies and Recipes, #5

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About this ebook

Coconut Oil – The Engine Fuel of Life!

Ugly, hard and hairy. Not the sort of description you would normally associate with anything that you want to put in your mouth but coconuts are a rare exception!

All The Things You Could You Do With A Lovely Pair Of Coconuts...

We can use almost everything related to coconuts for something beneficial (skin, flesh, milk) but when it comes to the oil derived from it, that when things go from beneficial to AMAZING.

There Are Over 200 Reported Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
The blessings of coconut oil (Yes! We said BLESSINGS!!) are many and varied and there are as many ingenious (and delicious) ways to include it into your diet, many of which we will cover in this book.
The Acids And MCT's In Coconut Oil Do Amazing Things For Your Immune System, Heart, Liver And More
In short, coconut oil is a Super Food with incredible benefits and including it as part of your regular diet will do wonders for your overall health and well-being.

Key Sections of the Book
The Medical Research Supporting Coconut Oil As One Of Nature's Super Foods
Amazing Benefits of Using Coconut Oil Internally – Recipes,  Weight-Loss, Remedies + More
Over 35 Recipes, Remedies, How-To Guides & Essential Information on How To Use Coconut Oil To Super-Charge Your Well-Being

Download Your Copy Today!
Tags: coconut oil, coconut oil recipes, coconut oil cookbook, coconut oil benefits, coconut oil remedies, coconut oil handbook, natural remedies,  coconut oil weight-loss, cleanse, health, vitality, energy, weight loss, lose weight, fat loss, fitness and diet, dieting, healthy, healthy living

PublisherBen Raines
Release dateFeb 18, 2014
Essential Natural Uses Of....COCONUT OIL: Herbal Homemade Remedies and Recipes, #5

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    Book preview

    Essential Natural Uses Of....COCONUT OIL - Ben Raines

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents



    Varieties Of Coconut Oil

    Refined/Non-Virgin Coconut Oil

    Virgin Coconut Oil

    Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil

    Numerous Benefits of Coconut Oil

    How Make Your Own Virgin Coconut Oil

    External Application Of Coconut Oils

    Face Scrubs

    Coconut Oil Skin Softening Scrub

    Coconut Lime Sugar scrub

    Citrus & Coconut Sugar Scrub

    Ginger and Coconut Oil Sugar Body Scrub

    Face Masks

    Coconut Oil, Lemon and Honey Face Mask

    Coconut Oil Moisturizing Mask

    Coconut Oil Acne Face Mask

    Carrot And Coconut Oil Face Mask

    Coconut Oil Skin Toners & Lotions

    Coconut oil lotion

    Coconut Oil Acne Face Wash

    Coconut Oil, Almond & Beeswax Lotion

    How To Use Coconut Oils For Weight-Loss

    Super Coconut Oil Based Recipes

    Coconut Oil Starters

    Coconut, Quinoa and Spinach Salad

    Spiced Lentil Soup With Coconut Milk

    Veggie Fritters

    Indian Sweet Potato Fries

    Coconut Oil Main Dishes

    Chile Chicken With Caramelized Sweet Potatoes & Peaches

    Coconut Grilled Chicken With Mango Salsa

    Chickpea Curry With Coconut Rice

    Spice-rubbed Wild Salmon

    Potato Masala And Egg Skillet

    Fish Wrapped In Banana Leaf

    Lamb Tacos

    Coconut Oil Desserts

    Homemade Mocha Nutella

    Lemon Pancakes With Yogurt + Berries

    Chocolate Banana Almond Flour Muffins with Chia Seeds

    Dark Chocolate Zucchini Brownies

    Coconut Oil Remedies

    Coconut Oil Sunscreen Remedy

    Coconut Oil Facial

    Coconut Oil Hair Conditioner

    Coconut Oil & Mango Hand Cream

    Coconut Oil Toothpaste

    Coconut Oil Deodorant

    Coconut Oil Athlete's Foot Remedy

    Coconut Oil Insect Repellent Remedy





    Ugly, hard and hairy. Not the sort of description you would normally associate with anything that you would want to put in your mouth but coconuts are a rare exception!

    This tropical fruit hides a wealth of benefits within its unappealing shell which holds sweet, white flesh and even sweeter milk.

    But the real mother-lode isn't in its flesh or juice; it's in its oil!

    The oil is extracted from the kernel of the coconut and has a mountain of beneficial uses.

    But hold onto your hats (let's not get too hasty), as it hasn't always been like this for coconut oil. A few short decades ago, powerful companies from within the farming and manufacturing lobbies went on an orchestrated drive to convince the world that fats such as the ones found in coconut oil (saturated fats) were terribly bad for us (to spend

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