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My Death Experiences: Accounts of a Preacher’s 18 Apocalyptic Encounter with Death, Heaven & Hell
My Death Experiences: Accounts of a Preacher’s 18 Apocalyptic Encounter with Death, Heaven & Hell
My Death Experiences: Accounts of a Preacher’s 18 Apocalyptic Encounter with Death, Heaven & Hell
Ebook411 pages6 hours

My Death Experiences: Accounts of a Preacher’s 18 Apocalyptic Encounter with Death, Heaven & Hell

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“My Death Experiences” is an intriguing read about the realities of life & death woven with the supernatural. A Compendium of what awaits mankind in the afterlife.
Release dateJun 19, 2014
My Death Experiences: Accounts of a Preacher’s 18 Apocalyptic Encounter with Death, Heaven & Hell

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    My Death Experiences - Zion Odum



    Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 –

    Remember earnestly also your creator, that you are not your own but his property now in the days of your youth, before the evil days come or the years draw near when you will say of physical pleasures; I have no enjoyment in them.

    Before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars are darkened and the cloud return after the rain of tears; in the day when the keepers of the house tremble and the strong men bow themselves and the grinders cease because they are few and those who look out of the windows (the eyes) are darkened; when the doors are shut in the street and the sound of the grinding low and one rises up at the voice of a bird and the crowing of a cock, and all the daughters of music are brought low.

    Also when the old are afraid of danger from that which is high and fears are in the way, and the almond tree (their white hair) blooms and the grasshopper (a little thing) is a burden and desire and appetite fail, because man goes to his everlasting home and the mourners go about the streets or market places. Remember your creator earnestly now before the silver cord of life is snapped apart or the golden bowl is broken or the pitcher is broken at the fountain or the wheel broken at the cistern and the whole circulatory system of the blood ceases to function then shall the dust out of which God made man’s body return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God who gave it to give account."

    The above chapter means that every human being will give account of how he or she spent each minute of their life in this planet and receive a reward accordingly.

    Death is the most dreaded experience in every man’s mind. The idea of people dying and resurrecting in most quarters is regarded as untrue, or an antiquated belief. Most people believe the quote the days of miracle are long gone and that it ended with Jesus Christ and the apostles. The news that Christians prayed someone that was dead back to life is mostly regarded by non- believers as a hoax.

    Here am I in the middle of it, having experienced death for more than eighteen times, seen and entered into hell, walked through the flames of fire and coals of brimstone, seen people in hell, heard their cries and seen their endless torments, seen Satan and all classes of evil spirits.

    Have seen Heaven; walked on the streets paved with gold; walking beside our Lord Jesus Himself, has spoken with Him several times, seen the crystal sea, seen the throne of God Almighty, seen the form of God, seen many holy Angels, seen the 24 elders, seen the out of this world architecturally designed mansions, seen trees and velvety singing flowers, seen the rocks and heavenly landscape, seen some saints already in Heaven, been given messages from our Lord to the church.

    But because I am shy and hates the arguments which these revelations, (the entire near death experiences) will generate; I started begging God to show these things to those His renowned servants who know better. But He refused and said that it was for this purpose that I was born into the world.

    I refused to obey His call to share these experiences because I didn’t want to tell anyone that I’ve died before. I once mentioned it in course of my evangelism inside a commercial bus in Lagos state and the passengers in the bus got so scared of me; it was as if they saw a ghost, so I decided to keep the whole thing to myself.

    Sometimes this near death experience lasts as short as one hour; sometimes much longer, the longest lasted for ten hours. As I continued to refuse to testify to what you are about reading in this book, I told God that I prefer financing churches instead, since I was financially comfortable, all of a sudden I started losing money and other material possessions.

    I shun some job offers so as not to sin against God and humanity. Most businesses I do succeed, but I don’t ever receive a dime from it; the people I do business with always defraud me but God kept on protecting and providing for me even though I did not realize that it was because of my disobedience that all those things were happening to me.

    A day came in a bid to win a soul, I told my friend some of these experiences, and he was alarmed. He said that it was not everybody that God allows to see and hear the things I’ve been shown and told, that this could be the main reason why I was born. I told him that the Lord Jesus Himself told me the same thing severally but I don’t know how people will see the whole story. They may think I cooked it up, forgetting that I don’t want to damn my own soul in other to save another person’s.

    He told me not to worry about that. He encouraged me to go ahead and do a movie of these experiences and distribute them to people. He said that God will provide the money for it. I agreed, went home and repented of my disobedience before God in prayer, and then God spoke to me and told me to compile the experiences, the sights and the sounds of Hell and Heaven and publish it in a book and make the eBook available for download on my website.

    The fact still remains that no matter how prepared you are in making your death wish or will, and no matter how carefully you lived your life on this earth, even if the doctors tell you when you will die; death will still take the fellow by surprise. It comes when you are not expecting it and if any one is sure of the exact moment in which it will occur, which is very rare and unheard of, it is still the strangest experience and a formidable fighter.

    It easily subdues its victims; even to say goodbye to loved ones close by is not allowed. No physical strength or will power can resist it. It mocks your strength. It exposes you to the extreme weakness found in humans and the defencelessness you will be confronted with for all eternity should you end up in the place of torment, fire, weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    It is also important to note that a few moments before we exhale our last breathe, our spiritual eyes and ears pop open and we clearly see and hear the entourage or escorts (these are spirit beings) we invited via the commitment we showed towards God before this stage of our lives. This entourage (spirits) will be with each of us at this time of our existence and into the new immortal existence we are going into.

    Some people see holy angels descending into their rooms, talking to them, encouraging them and taking them by the hands into the new existence; while others see demons, (ugly, fierce, wicked beings with horns and tails) dragging them away into the new existence and they keep struggling to break free until they exhale their last breathe, but the people around them cannot see these entourage. They only see the physical struggle by the dying person moments before he or she dies or they notice the dying staring surprisingly at a particular place not far away from him or her. For a true born again believer, God’s promise to us at this point in time, of which King David by the Holy Ghost reaffirmed.

    Psalm 23:4 ─

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comforts me.

    The Angel of the Lord encamps round about those who fear the Lord, and he delivers them from evil.

    Psalm 34:7 ─

    Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the age. I will never leave nor forsake you ─ thus says the Lord.

    A great many people are allowed to see their entourage a few minutes before they die; some longer. But the instantaneous change in their behaviours will show the onlookers where the dying is going to spend eternity. This is mainly a sign to those around the dying to reaffirm to them that life does not end here at all; and that God is real and is the judge of all.

    The journey through the valley of the shadow of death – Psalm 23:4 (if you are allowed to pass that way) further confirms to the dead person what to expect in eternity.

    You may see this book as a manual as I included many related topics; this is to help you both in this life and in eternity so as to be rewarded with a stay in Heaven.

    Dear reader, it is not late to make amends. Repent of all your sins, blasphemies etc. Believe the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary; turn to Him in all honesty. Make Him your Lord and Saviour today because tomorrow may be too late for you. His shed blood cleanses the sins of as many people that come to Him in sincerity and repentance from their sins.

    The things written in this book are no scare tactics; go to any hospital and observe those dying a few minutes before they give up the ghost. From your physical observation, see whether I am right or not. You can also pray to God to open your spiritual eyes to see whatever the dying patient is seeing before he or she exhale the last breathe, and then you will know that I have experienced what I’ve written in this book.

    I also included some topics you’ll need to understand in order to grow as a Heaven-bound Christian; though some may criticize this book due to this slight diversion; am not perturbed because God Almighty commanded me to write this particular book this way. He said that He wants this book to be complete, so that whosoever gets it will be able to run the Heavenly race successfully to the end. He said that He does not only want people to know how Heaven and Hell are, but He wants people to know what to do to get into Heaven at the end of their lives.

    By writing the things contained in this book, I am not assuming the place of perfection; but am striving daily (in this world full of evil and wickedness) to live for the only true God, the one who can kill the body and cast the soul into Hell. I’ve made tons of mistakes like every normal human being; but I always run back to my Saviour’s feet in deep repentance and He forgives and restores me back to faith again. Though I saw my name written in the book of life in Heaven and was ushered into her; I cannot relax on these and throw all caution to the wind, until I finally receive my crown in Glory.

    God is too big to be toyed with and expect not to be damned for eternity. There is nothing you can offer me that can be as dear to me as my own soul; so I reassure you that what you will read in this book is true.

    God bless you.

    ─ Zion Odum

    My Journey Immediately after Death

    In 1999, in another encounter, I died in course of my sleep and I saw myself walking out of myself (my body) that lay on my bed as that brightest warm light shone steadily on me. I walked through the walls of my apartment into the open and immediately I saw myself on a very broad road, well constructed and highly lighted but not by the sun, moon, stars or electricity. I looked around me there was nobody around, then I looked ahead to see where the road led to, I couldn’t see its ending from where I was standing, then I looked behind me again to see where it started but what I saw was people of all races, colours and of all ages queue behind me on a single file.

    They were all sober, silent and deep in thought. Nobody bragged or wanted to claim their right, everybody is humble. All the things you’ve done wrong and said kept coming into your mind. I was the first on the line and nobody was talking or turning back. A force was just moving everyone of us forward until we reached the entrance of a very large, dazzling country whose description is beyond words. The road we were walking on extended and stretched past this beautiful, dazzling country to another place.

    The Giant Holy Angel and the Book of Life

    But there was this mega giant angel with a large voluminous book on a magnificent table. This angel has two wings, his body radiated like the mid-day sun, likewise the big book and table. He had a golden dazzling pen and he was sitting on a chair. His height even though he was sitting dwarfed every one of us. From afar, he looked like the height of a tall building.

    As I got to where the angel was being the first on the line; he spoke to me in a very clear English accent, telling me my name and as I answered yes, he flipped to where my name is written inside the voluminous book on whose cover is engrafted the book of life. He saw my name and smiled with satisfaction and bent the book for me to see my name written there and I saw it: it was written with a golden ink; then he told me to stand at his right hand side.

    The next person and several others in their thousands were told to go to his left hand side since their names were not seen in the book of life and that left hand side is a continuation of that broad road. It seemed like it ended in a very deep pit, because I kept on hearing the people screaming as if coming a very deep pit. Their screaming is always prolonged and echoed from beneath. All I kept doing in my heart was calling onto God for mercy.

    I was very afraid because many pastors and reverends went to the left, many pastors, bishops, priests and religious leaders names were not found in that very large dazzling book before the angel; and he does not even as much as look at their faces or talk much to them. All he does is to indicate with his left hand and say with subdued anger and disgust; to the left.

    After perhaps thousands of people have gone to the left will you see somebody whom he will tell to stand at his right hand next to him as he said to me, and that person’s name must be seen in that great book called The Book of Life.

    As the angel got back to my case, it was discovered that I was hot tempered and that alone cancelled out every other acts of righteousness I’ve done, so I started begging for mercy desperately; then I heard the sound of a loud thunder from the dazzling country like as if it was saying something. I didn’t understand what the thunder said but that angel raised his face and paid attention to it. This thunder can shake the world. It sounded like a mighty thunder alright but the mega giant angel heard and understood what it said because at that instant he took a large brush and dipped it into a shining white bowl containing blood and wiped it across my offense and gave me the sweetest smile. He said to me, the blood of Jesus, your Master has covered your sins. I started thanking the angel but he quickly said I should thank the Lamb of God, Revelations 21:9 indicating towards the gate closest to him.

    Immediately the gate of the dazzling country opened on its own accord, a man without wings and in full control just strolled out to come receive me. I ran to Him, intending to bow at His feet, but He gently raised me and gave a hug instead as though I’m His baby sister. I was dumbfounded, this man was Jesus Christ Himself; He radiates so much divine power, yet so gentle and very friendly. He held me by my right hand and walked with me all the way into the dazzling country.

    He kept on looking at my face admiringly and kept on smiling at me and He loves calling me by my first name. It’s like He was composing a poem with my name, it seemed like we were best of friends and He was so proud to be associated with me. I was tongue-tied, but my heart was filled with praises for Him.

    About His physical appearance – Jesus is stunning to look at. His height is about 7 feet, broad shouldered, has semi-light brown curly with golden tinted hair that terminated at His waist. The colour of His eyes is the same with His hair but there are like pools of love in its purest form. He has the most perfect set of teeth and a moustache. He is very handsome, looking partly Jewish and partly Greek, and looks like a young man of about 30 years and He was the same person that appeared to me physically in my village many years ago. I’ve had this particular death experience repeating itself more than seven times.

    He was so excited to have me in heaven for I later saw the word HEAVEN written on the wall, same thing was written outside on the divers coloured dazzling wall on the lower side of the fence, but I didn’t notice it due to fear when we were going to be judged. In Heaven, the road we were walking on was pure gold; it was so shining and translucent. The road branched to so many places within Heaven.

    The grasses and flowers and trees are so healthy and positioned architecturally that it is only the greatest architect that can create such breathe taking designs that are just too complex yet serene with plants. The houses are alive and rotate slowly, everything imaginable and beyond human imagination are there for your comfort.

    Everybody knows and loves each other; you just know people, the good sides of them nothing negative is ever to be remembered. Jesus was holding my hand and was pointing out people and places for me to see. I would have jumped off the golden tarred road but I guess He knew what I would have done, so He didn’t let go of my hand until we got to the glassy sea which is a sea of transparent crystals-like water. The thought of entering into the water was the last thing to cross my mind as I didn’t want to dirty it. It has a mild sweet smell emitting from it.

    The mansions of heaven are far too complex. Some of the castles in there are sitting on about 75 acres of land (the building alone) and they are built with diamond and gold, sapphire mixed with jasper stairways and marching combinations of the other precious stones. These castles are in their thousands as well as those buildings that look like majestic chandeliers.

    The Crystal River

    The crystal river originates from under the throne of God and branches to every part of Heaven. It flows from the northern and southern sides of the throne of God. It is also called the river of life, as whosoever that drinks it shall never taste any other form of death. It flows to the major street in Heaven. It has tributaries too, but the water is never stained by any other form of water it comes in contact with.

    On both sides of it is the tree of life bearing twelve types of fruits; one type per time, yielding fresh fruits every month. Immediately beside the tree of life is the twin golden tarred broad ways that stretch from the gate of Heaven to the end of the city. So many varied and diverse roads link up to and from the main street. Each building looks so inviting and is adorned with trees, some bearing fruits, shrubs, palms, waterfalls, carts, chariots, wagon, coaches, horses of various colours, zebras, birds, towering gate houses, pearly gates etc.

    The crystal sea or the river of life flows into every other water body within heaven, but it still retains its sparkling, clean nature even as it cleanses the rivers and everything else it comes in contact with. Rivers in heaven are teeming with fishes of assorted types. See the origin, formation, and the uses of the crystal river in the book of Ezekiel 47:1, 2 and 9 and in the book of Revelation 22:1-2.

    The Throne of God and God in Person

    Looking not too far from the glassy sea was a blue throne embedded with diamonds with a bright rainbow behind it; beside it is another majestic golden throne embedded with diamond and red shinny precious stones. The crystal sea is coming from under the throne. People with dazzling bodies and clothing were singing to the person sitting there, some strange, large, gigantic and powerful creatures were before Him.

    They have human eyes in every part of their bodies. There were 24 kingly elderly Jewish men sitting in a circle around the throne, all worshiping the Person that is sitting on the throne. The Person that is sitting on the throne is very handsome, He looks like He is in His mid 50’s; our Lord Jesus had told me that, He is His Father and my Father, and the Father of all the saints.

    He sat on a very large throne. His chair has arm rests and a place for Him to put His feet on. It looked like sapphire and diamond were used to make the chair. He had the physique like a full grown man, a mega giant, but His arms and feet look like jasper and on His face, neck and head, were emitting very intense white light. I knew He was looking at me, something inside of me told me so and that He loves me so much, but I was awe struck at His appearance because I didn’t know that the creator of the whole universe would look like this: I thought His skin would be like that of a white man and that His height would be like that of a very tall basketball player.

    But He is taller than any skyscraper you can ever see (in His sitting position), with off- white translucent shinny skin like a super jasper and a hyper whitened very healthy full curly woolly hair that extends to His waist and has super blinding white lights constantly bellowing from His face; His voice thunders and His seat is in the midst of the greatest furnace that has constant lighting and thunder rays emitting from it and at the same time, the clearest crystal river (water) is flowing heavily from the slab under the furnace that is directly under His throne, truly I expected something simpler.

    The angels standing at the throne area are different. They have four wings each, with two wings they cover their bodies; they spread the remaining two wings out sideways touching the other angels standing next to them. They also have hoofs in place of legs and each had four faces, the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox and the face of an eagle.

    On their bodies are human eyes of different colours, their bodies are shinny brownish-wine colour, but their wings are dazzling white embedded with human eyes, and there are yet another class with four faces and six wings and another class with two faces and many wings and there were also the more regular angels with (one very pretty or very handsome) human face and two wings and two human feet.

    These scared me a lot, even though their faces (the human faced sections) were smiling at me with much tenderness but the other faces especially the lions face made me very uneasy. I could not smile back at them. Those living were eyes looking steadily into my soul added to my scare on my first visit to the throne of God. God’s hair is very beautiful, full, long and extremely white and wool-like. It extended to His waist.

    Truly it would have been wrong to say that He looked just like us. His makeup is so indescribably out of this world. His body is like translucent off- white super polished jasper stone. One is practically dumbfounded by the mere sight of Him. The only thing your senses and your soul can ever think of is to fall down at His feet in deep adoration. To think of how to offend Him is the last thought that can ever cross your mind while in His presence. He is like an extremely huge, strong, very handsome jasper mega giant with snow-white long curly woolly hair and dazzling light billows emitting from His face and neck.

    You cannot describe God without diminishing him. I sought very desperately to see His face but couldn’t. I couldn’t look into that dazzling light but all the other saints, Jesus and the holy Angels could. At a time I felt He was smiling at my child-like persistence in trying to do the impossible, that is, to see His face by my own determination.

    After this, the Lord Jesus reappeared again beside me and took me by the hand and walked me to the gate of Heaven. He told me that I am His messenger. He told me that I should tell people what I saw, but I didn’t want to come back here (Earth) again. The earth looked so dark and evil, not even a star was seen from Heaven; it was only a black hole in the midst of intense darkness that was seen, so I tried crying because I wanted to stay back in Heaven and wanted Him to use somebody else. I quickly remembered powerful men and women of God who are well equipped to do this work, but the tears couldn’t flow.

    I resorted to begging Him to use the other well established ministers of the gospel to do this work while I stay back in Heaven, but He refused and said that it is for this assignment that I was born in the first place. He then promised to help me in this work and to bring me back to Heaven when my work is completed. He gave me a hug and started walking away slowly from me, always looking at my face and smiling; my heart was breaking in two at the thought of not seeing Him for some time.

    Then as I turned to look down at the pitch dark wicked planets below, I started falling rapidly until I fell into a thing that looked like a black hole.

    From there I fell into my body on my bed in my apartment and that force propelled me out of my bed to the wall of my bedroom, alive, wide awake and panting. I tried sleeping again so that I would be received back and permanently into Heaven, but no sleep came to my eyes for more than twenty four hours.


    The buildings in heaven rotate slowly on their foundations and decking (floors) and they possess the ability to expand and contract in size. Jesus told me that each of the houses can multiply the rooms and other structures inside them within the fraction of a second. I still don’t know what the Lord Jesus used to hold these precious stones together as there are used as blocks and mortar for the mansions.

    Their sizes differs one from the other. Some are slightly larger than burnt bricks, while others are larger than the normal 18 by 9 inches blocks; some are very long, higher and thicker than the slabs used in construction here on Earth. None of them is plain; there is always some designs on them. I was amazed to see pentagonal diamond blocks of more than 18 by 9 inches used to build the mansions in one section of heaven or the other until I came closer and discovered that the pentagonal designs were a decorative casting upon the main diamond block.

    The mansions in each section of Heaven are too many and too varied. I’ve seen over fifty thousand varying and diverse house styles in heaven. Every section of this our sky as it is parted by the spirit of the living God; you’ll see lots and lots of mansions. Heaven is far beyond this cloud that we see. It is real but God hid it from all every contaminations.

    You can only see it in an out of the body revelation experience, or through visions or when you die. Heaven is so incredibly beautiful that you will never want to come back to tell anybody of it, for fear of losing the opportunity to enter into it again. One thing that will come to your mind as you see Heaven even from afar is, apart from her stunning beauty, which is way out of this world; is how wealthy God is, the next is how much He loves His subject, the next is how holy and organized He is, next is how those who will spend eternity away from this most beautiful place will weep, lament and be forever inconsolable. When you are ushered into Heaven, you’ll have only one concern which is to be able to contain your joy. You know, you’d like to act like a matured refined adult, but your poor acting will not hold as you will surely act with extreme childishness.

    You want to open your eyes as wide as possible so as to see everything all at once, you want to touch and feel and eat and smile for everything and everyone, you don’t want to let go of Jesus hand, at the same time you don’t want Him to leave even though you know you are safe and have more than you’ll ever need and will see Him many times again.

    You’ll want to run to where the saints and the holy Angels are worshipping God and join them, at the same time you want to kiss the feet of God and climb into His laps and be carried and dandled, cuddled never to come down, yet you still want to see all the other parts of heaven, get acquainted with all the other Saints and the holy Angels who are smiling at you, giving you re-assuring looks, making you know that they also feel the same way too: so your refined comportment will not sustain you here.

    There is no winter inside the residential parts of heaven but behind those hyper tall mountains there is winter and the landscape is very good for snow skating. The temperature in Heaven is very good for everybody. There is no sun, no stars, no moon, no night, but it is well lighted with the lights from the faces of God Almighty and Jesus Christ.

    A view at Hell

    Once again my guide-angel reappeared from nowhere and said he has something to show me. I followed him outside the gate of Heaven and immediately we were in another place and he pointed me to somewhere not too far away from where we were and it was hell fire again. It looked like a whole continent on fire but this continent is built like an extremely large warehouse with several levels, into the belly of the earth. All we kept hearing was the cries, the screaming and howling of the disobedient, and the unbelievers in hell fire.

    Sent Back

    As I woke up, I tried falling asleep again so that I would be received back and permanently into Heaven but it didn’t happen neither did sleep cross my eyes for a long time. I forgot to mention that there is this continuous

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