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Men Are Better Than Women
Men Are Better Than Women
Men Are Better Than Women
Ebook227 pages3 hours

Men Are Better Than Women

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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  • Masculinity

  • Gender Roles

  • Humor

  • Inspiration

  • Straw Feminist

  • Social Commentary

  • Grateful Dedication

  • Religious Symbolism

  • Inspirational Figure

  • Gender-Bending

  • Sex Symbol

  • Editor as Mentor

  • Women Are Wiser

  • Prophetic Statements

About this ebook

Through a process of exhaustive man research he calls "keeping his eyes open," Dick Masterson has compiled a Magnum-size list of the ways men are better than women. It is an infallible compendium of man's greatness, filled with the most egregiously fallacious arguments ever put to words, but with some kind of miraculous, rock-solid man logic dripping like motor oil from every sentence. It is a manifesto more memorable than bullshit like High Fidelity or which Axe baby powder Maxim thinks you should slap on your nuts before clubbing, more chock-full of devastating man quotes than Oscar Wilde with two wangs. Most important, it is the only one of its kind. In Men Are Better Than Women, Dick Masterson dispenses logic from his man mouth into the eyes of his male readers like some kind of mighty mother man eagle with nutrient-rich word vomit. It's a book that makes you feel like driving a train into a dynamite factory and then tearing a telephone book apart with your bare hands, just because that's the way men have always done it.

Masterson's chapters are simple and self-contained, demand no commitments from readers, and have an immediate payoff. Men Are Better Than Women is a dangerous work of satire -- not dangerous in a revolutionary sense, but dangerous in that it walks the razor-thin line between cruelty and absurdity. That line is called hilarious.
PublisherGallery Books
Release dateApr 8, 2008
Men Are Better Than Women

Dick Masterson

Dick Masterson is the faceless, creative force behind everything associated with Men Are Better Than Women. To the observant eye, sparse and sporadic details point to Dick being a cosmopolitan man of business or negotiation. Some say he is a group of men and there are even a few readers who are absolutely certain he is a woman.

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Rating: 3.7777777777777777 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Saying this book is bad is like walking out to the middle of the street and boast about having STDs.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What an excellent book! Before this book I went through life thinking in egalitarian terms, equality between sexes, races, sexualities, trans people. Not any more! Did you know that everything sucks in this world and that it sucks because of women? I bet you didn't. Dick Masterson here has made a pretty good stab at the problem with the 250 some odd pages of this book, but we all know if he cataloged every problem women had this book would be at least three times the size of the Bible.Dick says women shouldn't be allowed to vote or drive. I say good but we also need to get women off college campuses yesterday. It's their fault that not only are the places seemingly run by SJW P.C. morons but that the left, which used to be my home (and proudly so) is becoming the new right. It's fucking disgusting. And really here I'm just scratching the surface but I don't want to turn this review into a novel of its own.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Always ready for a good laugh, especially a fresh take on man-woman peculiarities, I was expecting fun. Instead, I was greeted by half-baked ideas that barely qualify as joke material; not the "1 line, 1 punch" kind, the "15 lines, no punch" one. The core is there, the author shows great observational skills, a vast array of angles to address the feminine side of humanity; I guess a second edition, with a little help from someone with experience with standup would be much better. You just can't just reuse "women suck" as a punchline; it's not creative, thus not very funny.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Men Are Better Than Women - Dick Masterson


The Only Real No-Collar Job Is in a Dress

Since the beginning of time, men have worked their asses off without any expectation of gratitude or accolade. That’s because we’re men. We worked before we even invented money. Men are driven in a sick way to get the job done at any cost. It’s a sickness called competence.

If you’ve ever had a job, you’ll have learned two things: Taxes suck (which is no surprise because women invented them), and women can’t do anything.

Women fuck everything up. Women are like Febreze Fabric Refresher, except instead of getting out your toughest odors, they accidentally call their ex-boyfriend drunk and then won’t stop crying for the rest of the night. Women will even fuck up a visit to a strip club. That’s unfuckupable! A man couldn’t fuck that up if he tried.

Women are a blight on the workforce bigger than flu season, Super Bowl sickness, and funny Internet videos combined. I, Dick Masterson, have gone out of my way to catalog the many ways men are better than women in all professions, and I have done so without thought of gratitude or accolade. I did it because, like all men, I, too, suffer from the crippling disease of competence.


I’ve often said that a penny saved is a woman fired. If you run a business, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Women can grind the gross production of a company from a mighty horn of commerce down to a little nub. That’s only money, though. We men can always make more of it, or we can invent some new money maybe, like junk bonds or options or Spanish doubloons that have chocolate in them. The point is, there are some jobs in which women cost more than money. Sometimes, they cost lives.

I present my list of Seven Deadly Jobs a Woman Should Never Ever Have. If you or someone you know can put a stop to hiring women in any of these vocational fields, go ahead and throw your manly weight around.

1. Attorney

There was a time when lawyers were not hated like vermin. Do you know what happened between then and now? Women joined the practice of law.

In 1970, women made up 10 percent of first-year law students. Those were probably the lesbians of the day. Lesbians are all faking it, by the way; that’s why it’s in quotations. Actually, those 10 percent were more likely the daughters of smart, rich men who wanted to secure smart, rich husbands for their little princesses, so let’s forget about lesbians for the moment; the rest of the world certainly has.

Lawyers weren’t hated in the decades past. RememberNight Court ? That show was full of lawyers, and everyone loved it. Today, women have bumblefucked their way into 44 percent of first-year law students, and guess what? Now everyone fucking hates lawyers.

Women have an aura of ruination about them. The French probably have a cool word for it, but I don’t know French because I’m a man. Perhaps it has something to do with their two half-retarded X chromosomes. If you’ve ever tried to force two similarly charged magnets together, you know that it doesn’t work.

Imagine a woman. What’s she doing? Is she marrying someone who gave her gonorrhea? Or is she just still fucking him and keeping a bottle of Suprax under the pillow? Maybe she’s convincing her boyfriend not to take an incredible job overseas because she wants to sit around Miami-Dade County, Florida, with her bitch friends and pursue a master’s in art history?

The point is, women lawyers are just women in fancy suits with three-year JS degrees in the school of keeping their yaps shut.

Law school is Chinese water torture for women, but instead of water getting dropped in one spot for three years, women are just made to look like the dumbest imbeciles on earth every time they open their mouths. It’s mouth-shutting training, and I recommend that all women go to law school. But for fuck’s sake, don’t let them practice law.

When your woman lawyer drops your case to get pregnant, you will find yourself in the lurch with a fistful of subpoenas and an assful of foot from your ex-wife’s co-council.

Being a lawyer and being a man make a person a unique combination of equity and fairness. That’s why men invented the law. Being a lawyer and being a woman makes a person a sexual-harassment nightmare. As if the world needed any more frivolous lawsuits.

2. Soldier

Women have no place in anything where incompetence doesn’t equal results. That means women have no place anywhere except attracting a mate and fucking up their birth control. Men are suckers for damsels in distress. We men value honesty in our life partners, and we realize that women who constantly fuck up are merely being honest with us. Fucking up for women is almost a virtue.

But let’s not get silly here. This isn’t a book about slap-dicking and patting women on the back. Fucking up for women is not a real virtue, because they’re not doing it on purpose. No one can fault women for their incompetence. We can only fault them for lying about it.

The Marine Corps is the toughest branch in the military, comprising America’s top 1 percent. Now America’s bottom 50 percent, women, think someone saved them a seat at the table. Sorry, ladies, the table of honor is reserved.

We men kind of man-fucked ourselves here. With all the technological fucking wonderments we invented, like satellites and wrist communicators, women in the military have automatic compensation for their cartographically-challenged brains and their inability to communicate. It’s also our fault for keeping the world so fucking safe for the last fifty years. I can barely remember the name of the last major war, and women can’t even remember that constantly talking about blow jobs makes them sound like sluts. How the fuck are they supposed to remember history? More than likely, they’ve forgotten that the Army is all about fighting in wars and not about getting free money for plastic surgery.

Any female soldier who says she’s enlisting for the right reasons is full of shit. Women never do anything for the right reasons. Sure, they drive to places and eventually figure out how to turn on your stereo even though you expressly fucking told them not to touch it, but rest assured, they weren’t doing any of it on purpose. Women might get to the end of the maze without having their hands held, but they don’t know how it happened. It’s just random, like a blind chicken pecking in the dark.

The right reasons for joining the Army are honor and country and the protection of liberties. G.I. Jane wouldn’t know the right reasons if they waltzed up and offered to help her carry something heavy, like her gun.

Women treat war like they treat divorces or stolen parking spaces. It’s their chance to stick it to the other guy, and if there’s a chance someone is going to get his dick cut off while no one’s looking, then that would be just fantastic. Can you imagine such a sick mentality at play on the battlefield? I’ve seen women pull shit at day care centers that the Nazis would’ve denounced.

3. Doctor

Women are killing us.

I mean that figuratively, like when you tell a woman to change the channel from her stupid show on Lifetime and she asks you which remote is for the TV for the fuck-hundredth time. The TV doesn’t change the channel, the cable box does. That kills me figuratively.

But women are also killing us literally, too.

Any med school diversity handout organization will tell you that young women are breaking down the barriers of the medical profession. They’re actually breaking down not just the barriers, but the whole medical profession.

Statistics from the University of Cape Town Medical School tell me something I already knew: Women are lazy as fuck. After taking up valuable space in med school, female graduates follow their lackluster educations with lackluster specializations. These female specializations include psychiatry, pediatrics, obstetrics, and the most wasted specialty of them all: motherhood. Women suck up medical degrees like they’re inexhaustible, only to throw them right into the trash along with the placenta.

If I can’t get a new liver because some lady doctor was on her goldbrick, eighteen-month maternity leave, I will be pretty upset. Not that it would matter to her, of course. Once women have children, that’s all they care about. About three days after having a kid, a woman discovers the endless rewards of a career in lazy babysitting.

Being a mother and raising children is the easiest fucking thing in the world. Being a doctor is the opposite. Motherhood is a million times easier than psychiatry and pediatrics and whatever other bullshit specialization women cop out with, and motherhood is especially about a billion times easier than brain surgery and liver transplants and all gory jobs medical men specialize in.

Men grab healing by the balls.

4. Civil Servant

Last Tuesday I spent the evening on my porch with a fine cigar and a glass of that Rare Kentucky Bourbon. I was attempting to light my cigar with an entire book of matches because I had seen someone do that on television and it looked really cool, only to find that matches are more flammable than they look. As I stomped out the book of matches and a small trash-can fire, I found myself thinking:If I had just caught the house on fire, would I feel safe knowing there’s a two percent chance my rescue could be blundered by a lady fireman? Two percent of firemen are ladies.

Men are better than women at being firemen and policemen and any other job that ends in men. Men are stronger with our muscles and we’re faster with our feet. What more proof do you need? How about a built-in hose? What woman knows how to properly handle a hose? And what lady fireman could carry a burning child from a burning building with the giant chip she’s got on her shoulder? Supporting lady policemen and lady firemen kills burning children. As men, it’s our responsibility to look after our burning children. Who the fuck else is going to do it?

Thousands of people have suffered in a crisis due to women’s lack of strength, speed, and quick, rational thinking. You can blame female firefighters for that. And even more people have been bored to death because someone couldn’t tell a funny joke about some lady doing something dumb because there was a woman around. You can thankall women for that.

I dropped my wallet down a storm drain one time, and because I couldn’t tear the steel grating out of the ground, I lost it. Well, fuck me…but imagine if that wallet were a baby, and that steel grate were some kind of problem that required a brain. If I were a lady policeman, that baby would have sailed straight down the drain on a raft of incompetence.

5. Teacher

Children are our future. Half of them are, anyway. And fucking up with children is almost as bad as fucking up ourselves, real-time. I have never learned anything from a female teacher except how to lose control of a classroom. Everything else I’ve ever learned has been from a man.

There are a handful of questions you can ask any woman to get her to talk about deep, personal things—which is another way of saying mindless, repetitive bullshit that will get you laid. Women are like outboard motors of sex. No matter how long they’ve been sitting, you just have to give them the right yank in the form of appearing to give a shit, and they’ll be purring in seconds.

One effective yank is the question, Who was your best schoolteacher?

All women have a best teacher and it’s always some other woman. Unless they fucked their favorite teacher; then it’s a man. A woman naming a best schoolteacher is like the town drunk awarding his imaginary friend a Pulitzer Prize. What the fuck does either of them know about the Pulitzer Prize? That it’s good? That’s about all women know about teaching. That, and they get three months off in the summer.

Women can’t teach anything, which is why they brag about being good nurturers.

You know what nurturing means? It means adding nothing. It means taking a situation and encouraging whatever is going on to continue. Nurturing means being the fucking middle manager of life, sitting on your doughy ass and putting a rubber stamp on things that you really had nothing to do with. Nurturing means collecting thank-yous.

All teachers who charge their students money are male. Tutors, trade teachers, university professors—they’re all men. That proves men are better than women at teaching. Strippers are better than regular women at getting naked for the same reason.

You can’t expect a fifth grader to waltz into an advanced physics course and pick up a lecture in mid-stride. That’s exactly how it is with women opening their mouths for the purpose of imparting knowledge. Women have looked at every advancement of our species—fire, money, clothing, justice, planes, trains, and automobiles—with the attitude of Fuck it, I’ll learn about it later. What they really meant was Fuck it, I’ll fuck for it later.

You don’t have to teach that, because all women figure it out at fifteen and then retire their brains.

6. Dentist

For fun, let’s say you are afraid of the dentist. Well, that just makes you one smart motherfucker. Take a virtual walk through the office of your local dental practitioner. See the receptionists? Wow, they’re women. The hygienists? Women. Jesus, these days women can even get dental degrees and open up shop themselves—just as long as some man puts his name on the door. No one wants to see Dr. Barbie Barbarella.

Per capita, there’s a higher percentage of women in the dental industry than there is in yoga, Singles for Cons mailing lists, and Chocaholics Anonymous combined. With an unmanned herd like that running the show, is it any surprise dentists are fucked and everyone is scared shitless of them? Like lawyers, women are the reason everyone hates dentists. Ten seconds of getting my gums cleaned by a lady dentist, and I was ready to knock someone the fuck out—either her or myself, whichever was less illegal. If going to the dentist were a game of Clue, the answer would be: Dick Masterson, in the bedroom, with the Vicodin.

Gum disease is no laughing matter, and thanks to women and their incompetence and lust for inflicting pain, no one wants to get their teeth checked. Women are also the reason they won’t put porn on during a root canal. I guess at the dentist’s office, the customerisn’t always right.

7. Valet

Have you ever heard someone say the following after a horrible car accident?

At least you’re okay. It could have been much worse. You could have been hurt!

Well, that someone was a woman. There’s nothing worse than having a destroyed car and not having a single scratch on yourself. It feels cowardly. Cars are not things to be used and then tossed out like garbage or last week’s bar skank. A car is a manly thing designed with precision and built for service. It deserves respect. If my car is fucked up, I want to at least have a broken arm or a broken ass. I’m a man. A woman should never, ever, ever be a valet. Being a valet is the deadliest job a woman can have. Here’s why:

The modern world is built on the service industry. I don’t know what the third world is built on; I guess sewage. In the modern world, the service industry empties our garbage; it restocks our shelves; it gets food from the farm to the processing factory and then straight into our children’s mouths where it belongs. The service industry is an army of men that finds what you want and gets it to you as fast as fucking possible.

Things like your car.

Women shouldn’t be doctors or pilots, but if they are, a mere handful of lives are endangered—ten thousand, tops. What happens when women start being valets? Then they’d want to become trash collectors and truck drivers. Then what?

A civilization-ending catastrofuck, that’s what. Trash cans all over the face of the earth spill into the streets as garbage-women do their hair. Huge swaths of forest overtake cities as lumberjacks adjust their pantyhose. Schoolchildren go without the precious paper they need for learning. And, perhaps worst of all, your brand-new car gets the shit dinged out of it.

If women were valets, plumbers, and air-conditioning repairmen, the whole fucking world would fall apart. And before it did, it would get dinged.

Here’s why this dystopian future will never happen. Let me

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