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Powering The Wave: A Simplified System to Build and Manage a Business
Powering The Wave: A Simplified System to Build and Manage a Business
Powering The Wave: A Simplified System to Build and Manage a Business
Ebook135 pages1 hour

Powering The Wave: A Simplified System to Build and Manage a Business

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MATCH YOUR INNOVATION TO A POWERFUL BUSINESS GEARBOX TO DRIVE THE WAVES OF CHANGE Every new entrepreneur or new business leader ask "What do I do next?" Powering The Wave answers this question using a simple gearbox analogy that puts in perspective all the key elements that must be synchronized to successfully build and run a business. This keeps the big picture at the forefront so the next steps are easy to see, and in the right context. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: 1. Understand the key elements of a business enterprise 2. Clarify the role that every element plays in the broader context of the over all enterprise 3. Establish the road-map, or sequence, of business priorities in the context of the bigger picture 4. Secure investment capital by understanding the function of value vs. risk 5. Measuring business performance starts from the outside in 6. Cooperation beats competition for enduring success WHO SHOULD READ THIS BOOK? Entrepreneurs, Inventors, and ANY New Business Leader
Release dateOct 17, 2011
Powering The Wave: A Simplified System to Build and Manage a Business

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    Book preview

    Powering The Wave - Patrick Smyth


    A Simplified System to Build

    and Manage a Business

    ISBN: 9781618424013

    Author: Patrick Smyth

    There is a tide in the affairs of men,

    Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

    Omitted, all the voyage of their life

    Is bound in shallows and in miseries.


    Julius Caesar





    Chapter 1:  Introducing the YOU Gear

    Chapter 2:  Attitude

    Chapter 3:  Purpose

    Chapter 4:  Knowledge


    Chapter 5:  Introducing the Business Concept

    Chapter 6:  Vision

    Chapter 7:  Strategy

    Chapter 8:  Leadership


    Chapter 9: Introducing the Tools for Execution

    Chapter 10:  Capital

    Chapter 11:  Systems

    Chapter 12:  People


    Chapter 13:  Introducing Measurement

    Chapter 14:  Customers

    Chapter 15:  Partners

    Chapter 16:  Suppliers

    Chapter 17: Executive Control Panel


    Chapter 18:  Competition Blocks Progress

    Chapter 19:  Cooperation Accelerates Growth


    About the Author

    Thanks to the artists in Montreal.

    A picture is worth a thousand words.


    Entrepreneurs: people who put everything they have, including themselves, on the line to pursue a dream, to solve a problem in a new way, to change the world, or simply to improve the quality and enjoyment of life. They see risk and rise up to face it with relish. No mountain is too high to climb, and no obstacle too complex to overcome. They operate outside the box of large corporate structures and bureaucratic processes. For many of them, the idea of getting a job is like abandoning everything they believe in. This despite statistics show that nearly ninety percent of new startup businesses fail within two years.

    Yet without their creativity, passion, commitment, and steadfast persistence, the waves of change that drive and accelerate innovation and advancement would go dormant. Without their dedication, millions of new jobs and business opportunities would disappear. In many ways, entrepreneurs are the gearbox that drives the engine of progress to sustain our economy and prosperity. Imagine if we could reduce the ninety percent failure rate to just eighty percent. That would double the number of successful new businesses. The result would be an unprecedented engine for growth. I hope that this book will play a small part in achieving that result.

    After working with many business leaders at various stages of developing or refocusing their businesses, I noticed a common theme among them. After delivering many seminar presentations to groups of business entrepreneurs, I saw the same pattern of questions arise. The theme I hear repeatedly is, Just tell me what to do next. It seems that quite a few business leaders and entrepreneurs simply want someone to tell them what the next steps are. If I were in their shoes I would want to start with the big picture-where is my business going and what is the roadmap to get there. Then knowing what to do next will have a meaningful context and the next steps may even become self-evident.

    This is often the proverbial can’t see the forest for the trees scenario. Many people focus so intently on the operating details of their business that they cannot take a step back to see the broader context of their business vision and mission. Thousands of entrepreneurs reach this point after attending schools or business conferences to learn the sequence to building and managing a business. The challenge is that there are an infinite number of sequences, each business is unique, and each is in a difference stage of development or maturity.

    To complicate matters further, we need to develop multiple elements at the same time and in support of each other. Imagine these steps in the sequence depicted in a linear fashion like a pert chart. The lines linking elements, and the dependencies between them, would create a spaghetti-like pattern. That spaghetti pattern can be very confusing. It will serve to overwhelm people who simply want to know how to proceed – please, just tell me what to do next!

    Recently, while speaking with a group of entrepreneurs I learned there were several talented and creative people in the audience who had never run a business. I realized that talking about the steps in the business startup process in detail was going to confuse and discourage them. I was also aware that creative people were good at visualizing concepts. I decided that they needed a simplified diagram, or model, showing the steps as elements and their relationship to each other. This graphical model puts the entire business into a simple diagram depicting all aspects of the business to clearly to enhance understanding. By perusing this diagram, what to do next becomes obvious. The relationship between the elements is just as clear. A model so simple that everyone can understand and use it, regardless of their sophistication or experience in managing or leading a business enterprise.

    The reality is that multiple things do need attention at the same time, perhaps with differing priorities. Because these items are also interdependent, having a model to use as a leadership control panel can be a very helpful tool. Armed with this tool, I was able to skip attempting to answer the What’s next? question. Instead, the model and simple diagram I developed helped to establish the big picture context and served as the functional control panel. I presented the model to the group of creative business entrepreneurs at a networking meeting.

    After my talk ended, two people came up to me and hugged me. They thanked me for making this process so easy to understand. For the first time they had a clearer appreciation of all of the elements that must be developed and managed to create a successful business venture. I have since presented the model to hundreds of business people and entrepreneurs and the response has been generally the same. I refer to this diagram as the gearbox of a business venture.

    As you will see in the diagram (Figure 1) below, three gears need to align and synchronize in order for a business enterprise to achieve its goals. A gap or weakness in one gear will ripple through the whole system. I focus my client advisory work on the Business layer since it serves at the intersection between the business leader, and the tools required to execute the business vision successfully. My goal is to simplify the navigation of the journey of analyzing, planning, and building successful business ventures.

    The model works regardless of whether you are a brand new startup, or a mature business looking for a more effective executive management tool. This model comprises three primary gears, or layers, each supported by three key elements. It all starts in the middle of the gear labeled YOU. As you will see, what happens on the outside of the diagram is just as dependent on the starting point – YOU.

    This book lays out the rationale for, and builds the model, focusing on one element per chapter. In the end you will gain a deeper and yet more comprehensive understanding of the gearbox that drives a business enterprise. This improves your ability to lead and grow your business and to recognize easily what elements need adjustment or development to make your venture successful. Armed with the gearbox,  you will become the power behind the next wave of change.



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