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The Scarification: The Facial Scarification in South Sudan
The Scarification: The Facial Scarification in South Sudan
The Scarification: The Facial Scarification in South Sudan
Ebook82 pages1 hour

The Scarification: The Facial Scarification in South Sudan

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You might have seen someone with strange marks on his/her forehead. You then wondered why and how was it done. If so, this is the right place to learn about those South Sudanese facial marks: what they are, how they are made and in what season of the year.

In The Scarification, you will:

Explore concepts behind forehead (facial) marking in South Sudan.
Learn about many facial scarification in different tribes.
Discover different views for and against facial scarification.
Learn in what age does it take place, in which season and why?
Understand the author’s arguments why this practice must stop.

Being part of his Journeying with God autobiographical series (Sudan Civil Wars), this book is focusing on one main event in his life. Are you working in South Sudan? Then this book is your first guide, not only to facial scarification concept, but as an introduction to South Sudanese cultures. The book introduces beliefs and their positive and/ or negative effects in different communities you might likely visit. Get the book now and get ready.

Release dateMay 15, 2013
The Scarification: The Facial Scarification in South Sudan

John Monyjok Maluth

John Monyjok Maluth (a.k.a John Shalom) is a teacher, a speaker, a translator, a web designer, and a happy independent author of 50+ books and booklets. He's a technology enthusiast, learning by doing, willing to share knowledge.John is the author of Basic Computer Knowledge, Beegu City, Beyond Religion, Internet Residual Income, Our National Heritage, Life Cure, and Sudan Civil Wars. He loves nature: plants, insects, animals, fish, birds, and finally, humans.

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    The Scarification - John Monyjok Maluth

    Copyrighted © 2012 John Monyjok Maluth

    Smashwords Edition

    Discipleship Press

    Email: [email protected]

    P.O. Box 30870, Nairobi Kenya

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.


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    This book is part of my life story, something I think you may love to read. I received the scars on my forehead back in 1997 when I was only about 15 and I want to share with you about this serious event in my life. It is just one event in the whole story.

    The Scarification is a book that discusses the body art found in South Sudan among many communities. Scarification is the kind of body art that can be done in different forms depending on the community practices. There are spiritual scarification, decoration scarification/ body art scarification. This type of scarification discussed in this book is the one mainly done to graduate a person from boyhood into manhood in Upper Nile State, South Sudan.

    Some communities in South Sudan have the scarification in different parts of the body for different reasons. We are mainly discussing the facial scarification among the Nuer and Dinka people of Upper Nile State even though we will touch a little bit about Shilluk and other tribes that perform the scarification practice.

    The first chapter introduces and explains the facial scarification in Upper Nile among the Nuer and Dinka people.

    Chapter two of this book discusses the general overview of the scarification act in different tribes and it also tries to give the reasons for the scarification. In this chapter, you will learn that there are many different types of the scarification in different tribes in South Sudan. Some of the scarification types are not even known yet to the writer of this book and this means this book is not the complete guide on the topic.

    Chapter three of the book gives you the consequences of the scarification act. The chapter tries to explain what the results of the scarification are especially the facial scarification. What are the consequences of the facial scarification? Is the act good or bad and how can you judge if you don’t have the proper reasons for your judgment? This chapter will help you in this area – answering these questions.

    The last chapter of the book which is chapter four gives you the solution or the outcome of the book. The views in this chapter are three and you will find the chart at the end of the book with the percentage of those views. The first view is the view that supports the scarification, the second view is the one that rejects the scarification and the last view is the view that does not want to discuss the topic because of this view the topic is not even to be discussed.

    I hope you have the general overview of the book. Read the book with that approach in mind and you will have no questions regarding the academic work. Order your copy today and see how the facial scarification is done in Upper Nile State of South Sudan among the Dinka and Nuer communities.


    This book is dedicated to my father Maluth Abiel Kueth (Tuut Lew). Without the care given by my dear father, I would have not been here today. Maluth is the kind of a father described in the life story book. His advice was that I do not have to receive the scarification on my forehead like he did. But because of the peer pressure, I never listened to his wise advice. Because of this, I have to write this book and dedicate it to him.


    I have to acknowledge these key people in the book because of their contribution directly or indirectly. I have to remember Brother Francis Ayul Nyok my mentor who contributed indirectly to the making of this book. I have to remember my uncles and elders such as; Chol Deng Awuor, Achuil Nyok Lual, and Deng Akech Deng who contributed to the writing of this book directly. I cannot forget Mut Peter Nyak, Elijah Kueth Malou, Gatluak Deng Reath, Eliza Ayak Ruei, and Puok Deng. I also remember Paul Puur Miyen, Chaany Nyok, Peter Bol Lem, Elijah Akol, Upendo and Maluth Abiel for their contribution to the making of this book.

    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1: The Concept of Scarification

    Chapter 2: The Scarification in other tribes

    Chapter 3: The consequences of scarification

    Chapter 4: The Scarification views

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    Chapter 1: The Concept of Scarification



    Everybody else who is not Nuer or Dinka living somewhere in the cosmos may be wondering and may want to know what Scarification is and what it costs for someone to fix it. Have you ever witnessed someone with scarification marks on his or her case? Do you know why they have the marks? Are you having some scarification marks on your consistency? Why or why not?

    In this book, we will look at how the Nuer and Danka Worldviews look at this terrible event and how they define scarification according to their feelings. The writer of this book received scarification at the age of

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