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Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent: How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development
Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent: How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development
Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent: How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development
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Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent: How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development

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About this ebook

How organizations can effectively put experience at the center of the development process

Research increasingly and conclusively shows that effective leaders continue to learn, grow, and change throughout their careers and that a significant part of this development occurs through on-the-job experiences. Co-Published by the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and sponsored by the Center for Creative Leadership, Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent provides real-world strategies, best practices, lessons learned, and global perspectives on how organizations effectively use experience to develop talent.

  • Provides an in-depth look at a variety of leader development initiatives that have taken up the challenge of putting experience at the center of the development process
  • Written by senior practitioners who have implemented initiatives they write about
  • Shares new development planning tools, systematic approaches to managing the assignments of high potentials, tools to educate managers on how to find assignments that meet their employee's development needs
  • Includes online resources that allow employees to search for development opportunities

Describing challenges and practices in multinational companies around the world, Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent will serve as a focused guide to how organizations can use on-the-job development to reshape leader development practices that better integrate work and learning.

Release dateMar 11, 2014
Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent: How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development

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    Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent - Cynthia D. McCauley

    List of Figures, Tables, and Exhibits

    Figure 1.1. Examples of Leverage Points for Developing Leadership Talent

    Table 1.1. Guide to Chapter Content

    Exhibit 2.1. Thirteen Best Types of Experiences for Development at Eaton

    Exhibit 2.2. Profile: Building a Career in General Management

    Table 2.1. Developmental Experiences and Expected Lessons

    Exhibit 4.1. Results of Internal and External Research

    Exhibit 4.2. Key Principles Guiding Our Design Efforts

    Figure 4.1. Leadership Development Framework

    Figure 4.2. A General Model for Developing Executive Talent

    Table 4.1. Key Questions

    Exhibit 4.3. Preparing Your Individual Development Plan (IDP)

    Exhibit 4.4. Individual Development Plan Checklist

    Exhibit 4.5. On-the-Job Experiences Guide

    Exhibit 4.6. Yum!'s How We Win Together Principles

    Figure 5.1. Kelly Service's Employee Lifecycle

    Figure 5.2. Kelly Service's Leadership Blueprint

    Figure 5.3. The PARR Model: A Framework for Experience-Based Development

    Figure 5.4. The Impact of Various Learning Methods in the Modern Learning Age

    Exhibit 5.1. Sample Leadership Fitness Challenge Activities

    Exhibit 5.2. Summary of Experience-Based Development Opportunities Within the Employee Lifecycle

    Exhibit 6.1. Executive On-Boarding Transition Checklist

    Figure 6.1. Experience by Lessons Matrix

    Exhibit 6.2. HR Tools at Their Worst

    Exhibit 6.3. List of Developmental Activities

    Exhibit 6.4. Managing External Relations

    Figure 8.1. Joint Duty (JD) Program as Arrayed on the Senior Mobility Design Spectrum

    Figure 8.2. Process for Joint Duty Rotations

    Table 8.1. Summary of Findings from Program Evaluations

    Table 8.2. Checklist for Designing Rotational Programs

    Table 9.1. Role Changes Made by FSG Participants

    Table 9.2. The Voice of Participants

    Exhibit 9.1. Common Challenges in Successful Experiential Learning

    Exhibit 10.1. Sample CSC Team Projects

    Exhibit 10.2. Key Learning Areas During the CSC Experiences

    Table 10.1. Extent to Which IBM CSC Experience Helped Develop Competencies

    Exhibit 10.3. Program Design Considerations

    Figure 11.1. 70–20–10 Development Framework

    Table 11.1. Roles of Support Network

    Figure 11.2. Flow of the Pilot

    Figure 11.3. Primary Tools Housed on DDP Website

    Exhibit 11.1. Tool for Step 2

    Exhibit 11.2. Tool for Step 5

    Table 12.1. Seven Fires of Experience

    Exhibit 12.1. Learning From Bosses and Superiors Who Make a Difference: A Worksheet for Participants

    Exhibit 12.2. 360-Degree Dipstick Survey: A Sample Worksheet

    Figure 12.1. Quarterly Stakeholder Review

    Exhibit 14.1. Five Design Principles to Optimize Formal Learning's Differentiated Value

    Exhibit 14.2. Necessary Conditions for a Strategy Case

    Figure 15.1. HEINEKEN'S FLM-DP Framework

    Figure 15.2. FLM-DP's Seven Ingredients for Success

    Table 15.1. FLM-DP Deployment Principles

    Figure 16.1. Everyday Learning Disciplines for Leaders

    Figure 18.1. Experience at the Center of the Talent Management System

    Foreword: Series Editor

    Many recent books in this Professional Practice Series focus on leadership, although they may use somewhat different phrases such as assessment and talent management. The search for good and better ways to select and develop leadership talent is of major interest to industrial-organizational psychologists and the organizations they help. It is our good fortune that the present book approaches the topic from a new angle and thus adds considerable value to our knowledge and practice.

    I am reminded that some years ago, two of my well-established friends and colleagues (both became SIOP presidents) had a vigorous debate on whether selection or training was the best answer to getting better leaders. One had played a leading role in creating assessment centers, and he insisted that only selection mattered and that training added very little. The other disagreed. He was invested in management development training and felt that formal training could be of great value. These two viewpoints offer different ways to improve the level of leadership effectiveness. The debate continues about which of the two is more effective.

    Now, fortunately, this book suggests a third viewpoint: the importance of experience, or on-the-job learning. Perhaps this approach can be considered as the third leg of a three-legged stool or as a Venn diagram with three overlapping circles. One of these is selection, a second is training, and the third is on-the-job experience. Job experience provides important deve­lopment beyond formal classes, and success in doing one's job, in turn, becomes an important aspect of selection for further opportunities.

    Some decades ago, as a fledgling member of IBM's newly formed Executive Resources Department, doing what would now be called succession planning and high-level talent management, I saw that all of these perspectives—selection, training, and experience—were recognized and noted. But they were not understood nor appreciated as parts of a coherent whole that could increase the level of leadership performance in the organization. It is exciting to see how the current volume ties together these different components and puts a long overdue emphasis on the value of on-the-job experience in developing leaders.

    The editors of this book are in a rare position to observe these issues and to contribute to our understanding of them. Cynthia McCauley is a Senior Fellow and long-term staff member of the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), perhaps the largest premier management development institution in the world. She is deeply involved in its offerings, including those custom-designed programs for specific companies. She also headed CCL's research and development division for many years and has co-edited three editions of The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development (Van Velsor, McCauley, & Ruderman, 2010).

    Morgan McCall has long written about the importance of job experience. His book The Lessons of Experience (McCall, Lombardo, & Morrison, 1988) is one of the all-time best-sellers in our field. And more recently, he extended those lessons based on his research in Developing Global Leaders: The Lessons of International Experience (McCall & Hollenbeck, 2002). As a former staff member of CCL, he was the leader of the team (with Michael Lombardo and David DeVries) that developed the Looking Glass Simulation, which has been used by tens of thousands of CCL management attendees to improve their leadership skills. As a professor of management and organization, McCall has also offered leadership courses to hundreds of MBAs attending classes at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. He and McCauley are deeply aware of the role of training and selection in addition to job experience as ways to build leadership talent.

    I am especially pleased that this volume has materialized at all. I thank the book's editors, Cynthia McCauley and Morgan McCall, for agreeing to lead the development of this book. Both of them are extremely busy people, fully engaged in their professional lives, and it was generous of them to accept the burdens of time and energy that are required to produce a volume like this.

    Of course, one of the benefits of being a book editor is that you can choose the contributors you would like to invite and shape the entire structure of the book to suit your vision of the field. McCauley and McCall have done so by enlisting the very best people on this topic, and working with them to produce chapters that will add to our knowledge and practice. The same label of extremely busy people also applies to the chapter contributors; their efforts are also much appreciated by me.

    As even a brief look at the table of contents shows, they have done an extraordinary job here. The contents of the chapters represent a variety of viewpoints—from industry, consulting, and academia—but mostly from practitioners reporting a variety of innovative approaches. The book includes case studies from a dozen organizations, most of them global enterprises, and the chapter contributors come from Europe and India as well as from the United States—both of which highlight that leadership has become a global issue.

    The chapters show diversity in how organizations accomplish three over-arching essential tasks:

    Making job experience a key part of the organization's talent development process

    Designing and/or choosing the job experiences that will enhance leadership development

    Ensuring that the learning from experience will be maximized.

    Looking at the book in its entirety gives us a distinctive view of the importance of on-the-job experience, both in terms of its potential for assessing leaders as well as for strengthening the leadership bench in organizations. When job assignments intended to provide critical experiences are monitored and integrated with other aspects of talent management, they can be extraordinarily useful for raising the level of leadership performance in an organization. The various chapters in this book provide a range of perspectives and a nuanced understanding of how on-the-job experience can develop leadership capability of individuals and the firms in which they work.

    In closing, I want to note what many readers of this series likely do not know: the editors and chapter contributors receive no payment nor do they share in the royalties of the book sales. These monies go to SIOP to encourage professional publications such as this. That means that the contributors are sharing their views and knowledge with us as a personal contribution to our profession. Their willingness to impart hard-won experience and knowledge is a gift to us, the readers. And for this I am genuinely grateful.

    For their fine work, I want to acknowledge and thank the editors of this book and all of their distinguished chapter contributors. And to all of you readers, welcome to an intriguing and useful set of readings.

    Allen I. Kraut, Ph.D.

    Series Editor

    Rye, New York


    McCall, M. W., Jr., Lombardo, M. M., & Morrison, A. M. (1988). The lessons of experience: How successful executives develop on the job. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

    McCall, M. W., Jr., & Hollenbeck, G. P. (2002). Developing global executives: The lessons of international experience. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

    Van Velsor, E., McCauley, C. D., & Ruderman, M. N. (2010). The Center for Creative Leadership handbook of leadership development (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    Foreword: A Senior HR Executive Perspective

    A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

    Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Does all the effort, time, and investment poured into leadership development really make a difference? The answer to this critical question depends on how each organization chooses to measure the success of the leaders it develops. Most of us recognize that developing a robust and diverse pipeline of leaders who consistently deliver results is the lifeblood of any enterprise. It ensures the sustainable growth of its business and its long-term survival in volatile, continually changing markets around the world.

    But how do organizations know whether all the activity directed toward developing leaders is delivering a return on their investment? Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see an absence of business discipline in developing leaders. There is a real risk that all the flurry of feel good activity is a distraction. It can create an illusion that leaders are ready and capable of leading—often leading to disruptions in the enterprise.

    The most effective programs that develop leaders are strategically directed toward building a multi-generational cadre of talent able to address emerging business challenges and take the business to a new level of performance. As a result, developing leaders is a long-term activity. It plays out over time as individuals grow through different experiences. And it requires a long view of the strategic challenges of a business and the capabilities that are necessary to win in the marketplace.

    In the ultimate analysis, success of leadership develop­ment efforts is measured by the growth of the business and the productivity of the organization. As an example, doubling business revenues in ten years with almost the same number of business leaders at the top two or three levels, most of them developed internally, clearly demonstrates a high level of effectiveness in developing leaders. Organizations that recognize this business imperative elevate the strategic value of developing the right leaders.

    There is another compelling reason to elevate the importance and rigor in developing leaders. Long-term investors are influenced by the consistent quality of leadership in an enterprise—in addition to all the other earnings and industry related criteria they may consider. The reputation of the enterprise for the quality and depth of its leadership has a significant and meaningful impact on how investors and shareholders see the potential upside of the business. In fact, it is a governance responsibility to the shareholders and investors to ensure that the best-qualified leaders are developed and capable to lead the business. What better motivation to develop leaders than as a mission-critical business initiative?

    There's a catch. The recognition that a systemic and enduring effort to develop current and future leaders is a source of competitive advantage can be brought to life only if the executive leadership of the enterprise sees it as an integral part of their responsibility. The tone from the top sends an all-pervasive message that influences the quality of leadership development efforts. Beyond exhortation, the real test of the importance of developing leaders shows up in the smell of the place and the amount of executive time invested and the resources allocated.

    We know that business executives with a sustained track record of developing talent take voluntary accountability for identifying talent, coach and mentor potential leaders, actively engage in talent management forums to decide the best assignments to groom leaders, continually assess and provide feedback, and reward the best performers with the highest potential. As a consequence, the personal reputation that they acquire is a powerful magnet for high-achieving talent who want to work under their leadership. It is self-evident that leaders who develop leaders make all the difference. But how much attention do we pay to grooming, rewarding, and promoting these leaders?

    There is an art, a science, and a technology to developing leaders. There is far too much at stake—the success and the future of an enterprise—to rely on amateur efforts, however well-intentioned and highly motivated. The systemic approach that integrates a wide range of developmental activities to build the required capability in leaders is a crucial and central work of experienced, professional experts. In essence, it is the balanced integration of three sets of activities that delivers results.

    The first is an in-depth understanding of the business strategies and the challenges facing the enterprise. This in turn leads to identifying the leadership capabilities needed to win against the competition. The logical conclusion of this exercise is the design of experiences—such as assignments, roles, and projects—that, with the right amount of coaching and mentoring, will build the required capabilities.

    Secondly, significant time and effort are appropriately spent on the identification of talent—finding the high achievers and those with the highest potential to grow. However, the pitfall here is that not all tools are effective in identifying talent. The most effective way is time-tested and a classic: watch your talent in action, over time, and in wide-ranging experiences.

    No discussion about identifying talent and developing leaders can ever be complete without emphasizing the importance of diversity. The diversity of ideas and thinking that emerges from diversity of experiences and backgrounds simply cannot be replicated without a diverse talent pool. The most effective leadership development efforts embed the inclusion of diverse talent—in the broadest sense of the term—from the very early stages of developing leaders. There is no question that diversity is a success measure in a global economy. This is especially true when competitors can gain an edge by attracting and developing the best talent regardless of their thinking style and who they are as persons. Is this reflected in every organization's efforts to groom leaders?

    The third set of activities is providing discontinuous experiences to accelerate the development of leaders. Exposing talented people to different kinds of experiences that develop them for specific destination roles is another time-tested classic. It is the most intuitive of all methods. Ask any leader what has influenced his or her personal growth and chances are it was an experience or exposure to another person. And yet providing these line experiences is the most challenging to implement in a systemic way. It involves the design and sequencing of experiences, coupled with catalysts that guide the individual to extract maximal learning. Inevitably, the availability of experiences is determined by the growth of the business, its scale and complexity, as well its organization structure.

    Bringing these three sets of activities together—the business challenges, the talent, and the needed experiences—is the overarching strategy to develop leaders. In my experience, the ideas I have touched upon in this foreword are tested and they work. This book showcases the initiatives of a wide range of practitioners who recognize the strategic importance of experience-driven leadership development and have made the effort to convert ideas into practice. Their efforts can serve as a guide to others who seek to develop a leadership bench by making more effective use of experience. The emphasis on strategically relevant experiences and managing them with the rigor of a business is what distinguishes serious leader development from a hobby.

    As they say, hope is not a method. I believe that every organization deserves the leaders it develops.

    Moheet Nagrath

    Leadership Strategist

    Leadership Architecture Worldwide LLC

    (former Chief Human Resources Officer, Procter & Gamble)

    Foreword: A Senior Line Executive Perspective

    As a young hockey player in Sweden, I was fascinated by how coaches developed players—drawing the best from them and even pushing them beyond what they imagined possible to realize their full potential. These coaches understood that ice time is an essential part of becoming a top performer and a leader on the ice. There is no substitute for game experience.

    As the CEO of 3M, developing our people is my top priority to ensure the future success of the company. Our approach to leadership development is centered on experience-based opportunities to give our people the ice time they need to build their strengths and become effective leaders. That's why I believe this book is so relevant and will help business leaders to build future leaders.

    Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent captures many diverse approaches to leadership development—all with an emphasis on experience-based learning. Chapter 3 more fully describes 3M's perspective on how leaders are shaped and how we weave together complementary human resources programs with real job experience. In addition, I offer these personal insights into developing leaders by affording them the right experiences in the right way:

    Be intentional and strategic. Planning out what developmental experiences are needed by an individual enables you to make choices that grow both people and businesses as situations arise. In other words, you need to plan to have the opportunity to be spontaneous.

    Offer timely feedback to help people learn from experience. Feedback is key to growth. It is best delivered immediately to be most effective and constructive. Focus on what is right for the business and do not make it personal.

    Recognize and appreciate an individual's life experiences, in addition to business experiences, as people are shaped by both. Take time to get to know people personally to better understand them and to gain insights into how to coach them.

    At 3M, leadership development is an integral part of our business strategy. Ultimately, it is every leader's responsibility to develop talent. I believe what we have learned at 3M, along with the many companies in this book, can inspire others to use experience more effectively in developing their leaders. I hope this book encourages a broader dialogue among leaders to find new ways to continue to draw the best from their players.

    Inge G. Thulin

    Chairman of the Board, President, and CEO



    We would like to thank all of the authors of the chapters in this book who took valuable time, often from their personal lives, to share with us and with the larger professional community what they have learned from their experience. Thanks, too, to the organizations whose experiments are described in this book for allowing their stories to be told so that others may learn from and be inspired by their efforts. We also want to recognize Valerie Burns and Gloria Bader, whose innovative work has informed and encouraged us, even though it is not represented in this book.

    We offer a special acknowledgment to Karen Paul, who not only contributed a chapter to the book and supported the research that went into another one, but also supported efforts to promote the book and was instrumental in convincing Inge Thulin to write a foreword. Speaking of which, we appreciate that both Inge Thulin and Moheet Nagrath believed enough in what we were doing to write forewords to the book.

    Without the support, encouragement, and feedback from the members of the editorial board of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's Professional Practice Series (2011–2012), this book would never have happened. Our special thanks go to Allen Kraut who, as the series editor, commissioned this book and, with his inimitable charm, convinced the two of us to take it on. We appreciate his faith in us and his guidance as we struggled to put the pieces together.

    The Editors

    Cynthia D. McCauley is a senior fellow at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). With more than twenty-five years of experience, Cindy has been involved in many aspects of CCL's work: research, publications, product development, program evaluation, coaching, and management. Capitalizing on this broad experience, she has developed expertise in leader development methods, including developmental assignments and relationships, 360-degree feedback, and action learning. She co-developed two of CCL's assessment tools, Benchmarks and the Job Challenge Profile, and regularly coaches action learning teams. She has written numerous articles and book chapters for scholars, HR professionals, and practicing managers. She co-edited three editions of The Center for Creative Leadership Handbook of Leadership Development (Jossey-Bass, 1998, 2004, 2010). Cindy has a B.A. in psychology from King College and a Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology from the University of Georgia, and is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the American Psychological Association, and the American Educational Research Association.

    Morgan W. McCall, Jr., is a professor of management and organization in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. His research on the development and derailment of executives has appeared in numerous articles and books, including the trilogy The Lessons of Experience (Free Press, 1988), High Flyers (Harvard Business School Press, 1998), and Developing Global Executives (Harvard Business School Press, 2002). He received the Distinguished Professional Contributions Award from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Executive Development Roundtable's Marion Gislason Award for Leadership in Executive Development. He has a B.S. degree with honors from Yale University and a Ph.D. from Cornell University, was director of research and a senior behavioral scientist at the Center for Creative Leadership, and is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Morgan has applied his research findings on experience-based development of leadership talent in a number of companies, including Disney, Toyota, Eaton, Microsoft, and Procter & Gamble.

    The Contributors

    Nisha Advani, a senior principal in global talent management and development, Pharma Medicines, Roche, Inc., is responsible for designing and driving talent management strategies across the global pharma medicines division. Prior to this, as director of talent and organization development at Genentech, a member of the Roche group, she led a group of senior organization development, workforce analytics, and talent management consultants. In her more than fifteen-year corporate career in market-leading companies, including Genentech, Cisco, Anthem Electronics, and Intercontinental Hotels, Nisha has designed and implemented leadership development as well as a variety of organization development solutions. She is passionate about strategic talent development and applies social science principles to create business-relevant solutions for developing executive pipelines and effective human organizations. Nisha holds a Ph.D. in social-organizational psychology from Columbia University, a master's degree from Cornell, and an M.A. in social relations from The Johns Hopkins University.

    Aditya Ahuja works at Tata Group Human Resources and is currently leading the TAS program. In this role he is responsible for identification of talent and talent development, with a view to create a leadership pipeline for the Tata Group. Aditya has diverse experience in the field of human resources spanning fourteen years, during which he has worked across companies in the energy, consumer goods, and industrial consumables sectors. He holds a master's degree in personnel management and is passionate about organization development. Aditya believes strongly in simple and efficient solutions to complex issues. In his spare time, he pursues hobbies that fire his creative side.

    Asma Bagash has been a consultant in the talent acquisition team of Group HR, Tata Sons. In her seventeen-year career, she has worked in the area of human development across the education and corporate sectors. She began her career as a pre-primary teacher and later taught junior college students in India. She has been associated with the Tata Group since 2002, when she joined the Group HR team and was involved in talent management processes. She later moved to VSNL, the group's telecom company, where she managed the talent development and leadership development endeavors. A constant learner by nature, she believes in learning from experiences and using them to improve herself. She obtained her master's degree from the London School of Economics in industrial relations and human resource management.

    Prakash V. Bhide served as group president, JK Organisation (Eastern Zone) for ten years until April 2012. He initiated and led the HR transformation at JK Organisation, which resulted in HR becoming a strategic partner with group businesses. In this role, he successfully conceptualized and implemented the Indian way of Krishna–Arjuna coaching and mentoring for six hundred high performer and high potential leaders and the Fire of Experience initiative for leadership development. He is also leading the Game Changing Innovation initiative in the JK Group. Prakash is a sought-after speaker and thought leader in the field of talent management, leadership development, 360-degree feedback, executive coaching and mentoring, building the leadership pipeline, and the differentiated workforce. He has a B. Tech (Mechanical) from the Indian Institute of Technology (Bombay, India) and a Ph.D. in leadership from XLRI (Jamshedpur, India) and the Academy of Human Resources. He has International Coaching Certification and has been honored with a Fellowship by the All India Management Association.

    Brad Borland is senior director of global talent management and leadership development at Kelly Services, Inc. Brad is a lifelong learner and practitioner in the areas of human and organization development. He has a deep curiosity and interest in topics that include appreciative inquiry, experience-based leadership development, and client-driven organization change. In his current role, Brad is responsible for senior leadership development systems and practices, succession planning, executive coaching, and facilitating organization development interventions. He originally joined Kelly Services in 1995 as human resources development manager and returned to Kelly in 2007 as director of leadership development. Brad has worked in industries and organizations that include higher education, health care, and information solutions. He earned a B.S. from Ohio Northern University and an M.A. from Bowling Green State University in Ohio.

    Steve Chapman is an independent change and creativity consultant who is fascinated as to how organizations really work as opposed to how they are supposed to work. Having spent more than twenty years in the corporate world, including as a senior learning and organization development director in a major blue-chip company, he brings a mix of experience and experimentation to his work. He has worked with a wide variety of clients in the pharmaceutical, FMCG, mobile telecoms, airlines, water, arts and culture, and charity sectors, helping them through times of change by developing their own creative and innovative spirit. He holds a M.Sc. with distinction in organizational change from Ashridge Business School, where he returns as visiting faculty to talk about change and improvisation. He is a speaker on change and creativity and writes a popular blog on the subject. His six-year-old daughter is his creative mentor and artistic director.

    Dagmar Daubner works at HEINEKEN International, based in Amsterdam. She is currently responsible for the company's global diversity and inclusion strategy. Dagmar joined HEINEKEN in 2009 as an independent consultant, and in 2011 she was employed as a learning and development consultant. In this role, Dagmar was responsible for leadership development, in particular for HEINEKEN's global first-line manager development program (FLM-DP) and the international graduates' development. Dagmar is from Germany, where she previously worked in marketing and human resources roles in the white goods industry. She holds a bachelor's degree in business administration and an M.A. in organizational psychology. Dagmar is currently pursuing an external Ph.D. in organizational behavior at the VU University Amsterdam.

    Vicki Flaherty helps individuals express their full potential and bring their best to their work. She is a leadership development consultant in IBM's talent organization. During her nearly fifteen years with IBM, she has led a variety of talent programs in the areas of on-boarding, leadership development, coaching, mentoring, learning, and career development. She is an IBM Corporate Service Corps alumnus, was a key member of the research team that developed IBM competencies, and has won awards for her work designing global career frameworks. She was instrumental in launching IBM's Storage Solutions certification portfolio and led various quality initiatives for the Professional Certification Program from IBM. She has consulted with companies across a variety of industries to transform their businesses via human performance and change management initiatives. She served on the board of directors for Green Building Certification Institute and as a commissioner for the Institute for Credentialing Excellence. Vicki received her doctorate from the University of Georgia.

    J. Tim Galbraith retired as vice president of People Development for Yum! Brands, Inc., in 2012 after a twenty-seven-year career. His most recent areas of focus include leveraging organizational culture to drive business performance, facilitating leadership and executive development for breakthrough results, and partnering with Yum! Brand's chairman and CEO to deliver the chairman's signature leadership development program to executives around the world. Tim held various positions in management development and human resources at Frito-Lay, Inc., and led the training and development function for the U.S. and international businesses at Kentucky Fried Chicken. He played an instrumental role in structuring the new restaurant organization during the spinoff from PepsiCo and was named head of People Development for Yum! Brands. In this role he led all aspects of organization design, culture transformation, and executive and leadership development. Tim received a Ph.D. in industrial and organizational psychology from Bowling Green State University.

    Terry Hauer is director of leadership development at Kelly Services, Inc., and a member of the organization's global talent management group. She led the cross-functional, global project team that completely revamped Kelly's performance management process. Terry also supports leadership selection, coaching, and executive assessment efforts, along with succession planning and strategic workforce planning. In Terry's previous roles with Kelly, she provided Kelly's branch operations and external customers with a variety of pre-employment tools and consultative support; and as a member of the HR development group, designed and facilitated development programs for people leaders. Terry has worked in industries and organizations that include public sector, consumer products, and HR consulting.

    Randall W. Hill, Jr., is the executive director of the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies (USC-ICT). A leader in understanding how classic storytelling and high-tech tools can create meaningful learning experiences, Randall steers the institute's exploration of the integration of virtual humans, mixed reality worlds, advanced computer graphics, dramatic films, social simulations, and educational videogames to augment more traditional methods for imparting lessons. He is a full research professor in the computer science department at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. His research focuses on intelligent tutoring systems and virtual humans to create immersive learning environments. After graduating with a B.S. degree from the United States Military Academy, he served six years as a commissioned officer in the United States Army, with assignments in field artillery and military intelligence. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Southern California.

    Lori Homer, leadership development consultant, is a member of the Leadership Development Group at Microsoft, where she works with general managers and executives to promote increased leader and organizational effectiveness. Lori is responsible for Microsoft's most senior high potential development program, leadership assessment, and supporting leaders' and HR partners' ability to design high-performing organizations. Lori is passionate about supporting leader growth at work through increasing awareness and learning agility and about making good use of formal development time by creating space for leaders to learn from one another, explore different perspectives, and have conversations that matter. Lori contributes to growing leaders outside of work, including working with a local area girls' camp, Seattle University's Executive MBA program, and a local non-profit dedicated to building better community leaders. Before joining Microsoft in 2007, Lori was an independent consultant. Lori holds a bachelor's degree in economics with honors from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in management from the University of Washington's Foster School of Business.

    Jim Howard is the director of learning and talent management at Disney Consumer Products, where he is responsible for building employee and organizational capability to execute on key business strategies, and for developing the leadership pipeline to ensure strong leadership bench-strength. He is also responsible for the Culture of Innovation initiative, designed to foster a culture of creativity and innovation. Prior to re-joining Disney, Jim was director of Yum! University at Yum Brands. While at Yum! Brands, Jim focused on re-branding, elevating, and aligning Yum! University with the business. One key element of that strategy was the recasting of the organization's leadership development strategy to integrate experience-based development into it and make development more accessible globally. Jim began his career at The Walt Disney Company, where he had a variety of training, organization development, and leadership development roles. Jim has a master's degree in higher education administration.

    Cindy Johnson is director of leadership development for 3M. Her focus is on developing leadership talent across 3M, ensuring that 3M has the leadership talent to fill key positions, and helping 3M leaders ensure they have team members with the capability to execute business strategies. In her role, she is dedicated to helping 3M continue its track record of excellence in leadership development. Since 2003, Fortune magazine has ranked 3M as a Top Global Company for Leaders. Cindy has responsibility for setting the strategic direction and scope for global leadership development at 3M in support of global, regional, and local business goals, needs, and requirements. Her global team delivers programs to accelerate leadership development; assure a pipeline of leaders globally; align leadership development with 3M vision, strategies, and values; and build a high performing diverse global talent. She is a seasoned business leader with more than twenty-five years of experience in executive and global leadership development, employee development programs, and facility management.

    Rajeev Kakkar is currently general manager, Corporate HRD, with the JK Organisation, New Delhi. In his twenty-nine-year career, he has worked in diverse industries in the areas of executive development and international marketing with Indian corporations. His areas of focus include learning and development, coaching and mentoring, leadership assessment, and development; his areas of interest include cross-cultural and international management. Rajeev completed his B.S. degree at San Francisco State University and his post-graduate in human resource management from XLRI (Jamshedpur, India) and in international management from International Management Institute (New Delhi, India).

    Kathie Karls is the director of strategic workforce planning and talent acquisition for 3M. Her focus is to integrate the health of the organization, human capital planning, performance management, succession planning, and business analytics, along with recruitment and identification of high performing and diverse global talent. After two years of directing the workforce planning team, Kathie now has the responsibility for setting the tactical direction and scope for strategic workforce planning and talent acquisition at 3M. Both of her teams are delivering programs to ensure 3M's current and future success. Kathie is a seasoned leader with more than eighteen years of experience in the human resources field. She is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, Facilitative Leader, and PDI coach. She has leadership training in organizational design and EEOC Charge of Discrimination Responder, as well as labor negotiations.

    Elizabeth B. Kolmstetter, a member of the senior executive service, is the chief human capital officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development. Prior to joining USAID in 2013, she served on a joint duty leadership assignment in human resources at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), where, among other talent management initiatives, she managed the agency's joint duty program. She was on rotation from her position as the deputy associate director of national intelligence for human capital at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). Elizabeth has more than twenty years of public service in which she has pioneered numerous complex applied industrial-organizational programs across six agencies. She has worked in the private sector with BellSouth Corporation and in consulting with Westat, Inc. Elizabeth received her M.A. and Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology from Virginia Tech. She is a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), a recipient of SIOP's M. Scott Myers Award for Best Applied Research, and recipient of the National Intelligence Superior Service Medal for her leadership in human capital transformation, including the joint duty program.

    Allen I. Kraut, series editor for the SIOP Professional Practices Series, is professor emeritus of management at Baruch College, City University of New York, which he joined in 1989. For much of his professional career, he worked at the IBM Corporation, where he held managerial posts in personnel research and management development. In 1995, he received the SIOP's Distinguished Professional Contributions Award, recognizing his work in advancing the usefulness of organizational surveys. In 1996, Jossey-Bass published Organizational Surveys: Tools for Assessment and Change, by Allen Kraut and Associates. His latest book, Getting Action from Organizational Surveys: New Concepts, Technologies, and Applications, is a 2006 publication by Jossey-Bass.

    Kim Lafferty is head of learning and development at GlaxoSmithKline. She leads a team of experts within the talent, leadership, and organization development Center of Excellence at GSK. She is responsible for designing and implementing the global leadership development framework that forms the strategy for investing in people development. Kim designs and runs the Enterprise Leadership program for the most senior high potential executives and the CEO Forum hosted by Sir Andrew Witty. She also sits on the Enterprise Learning Council, which implements GSK's learning operating model. Prior to joining GSK, Kim worked at the Center for Creative Leadership. She has worked in learning and development for more than twenty years in various roles: in Academee (a collaborative e-learning start-up), Management Center Europe (a European training provider), Costain plc (an international civil engineering and construction company), and Waitrose ltd (a British food retailer). Kim holds a B.A. with honors in politics from York University, an M.A. in management learning from Lancaster University, and a Diploma in organization development from NTL.

    Jeffrey J. McHenry is the founder and principal of Rainier Leadership Solutions and an adjunct professor of management at Georgetown University. Jeff's areas of expertise include leadership talent management, succession planning, executive coaching and assessment, leadership team building, and leadership and high potential development. He frequently speaks and delivers workshops at professional conferences, including the Conference Board, Linkage, and the Human Resource Planning Society. He has consulted with numerous clients, including Cigna, Juniper Networks, 3M, the Gates Foundation, Microsoft, and Panasonic. Previously, Jeff spent eighteen years at Microsoft Corporation, where he held a variety of HR and talent development roles based in both the U.S. and Europe. His last role at Microsoft was general manager, leadership development and recruiting, where he was responsible for executive recruiting and talent management, leadership and high potential development, and organization development for the entire corporation. Jeffrey has a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Minnesota. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology. He served as the society's president from 2006 to 2007.

    Douglas McKenna is co-founder of The Oceanside Institute, which is located on Whidbey Island in Washington State. He works with young leaders, guiding their efforts to understand their context, refine their thinking, and improve their performance. In 1986, Doug found himself inside the door of Microsoft, a fledgling software company with four hundred employees, led by brilliant, aggressive young leaders whose strengths were decidedly more technical than managerial. Over the next sixteen years, first as a consultant and then as a general manager, Doug designed, built, and led Microsoft's leadership development effort—with invaluable assistance from Jeff McHenry. Throughout this process, Doug's core organizing principles were: (1) leaders grow primarily through digested experience and (2) Microsoft leaders must master the company's unique culture and context. Doug earned a Ph.D. in differential psychology at the University of Minnesota and stretched his understanding of the discipline of psychology by teaching courses ranging from experimental psychology to organizational psychology—all in a liberal arts context alongside philosophers, artists, and historians.

    Dilep Misra currently serves as group president, human resources, with JK Organisation. His background spans more than twenty-five years of demonstrated achievement in human resources, organization learning and development, and strategic planning. Dilep's prior experience includes leadership assignments with leading-edge companies, where he earned a reputation for creating and implementing sustainable business solutions and developing leadership team and organizational capability. In addition, Dilep is a sought-after international speaker and International Coaching Federation certified coach. He has been invited to address events in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and India. He was conferred with the award of Super Achiever in 2003 and Best Leader of the Year in 2004. Dilep is a past chapter president and life member of the National HRD Network (India). He is actively involved with SHRM, the Conference Board, and the International Coach Federation (ICF), and on the governing board of the Management Institutes.

    Moheet Nagrath is a leadership strategist with Leadership Architecture Worldwide and the former chief human resources officer for Procter & Gamble (P&G). In his thirty-year career with P&G, Moheet held senior-level positions in several businesses and senior corporate executive roles, making important contributions to a progressive, advanced, and fully integrated human resources organization. As CHRO, he was responsible for business-integrated strategic priorities and operational practices for all leadership, people, and organization aspects of the business. Moheet retired from P&G in 2013 to set up his own global consulting business and is bringing his competency in leading, designing, and orchestrating systemic change in global, strategic capabilities to other organizations. In addition, he is teaching, writing, and providing thought leadership in these areas of expertise.

    Radhakrishnan Nair completed his post-graduate diploma in personnel management and industrial relations from Xavier's Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur, in 1984. In his career spanning more than twenty-seven years, he has worked in diverse industries from the automotive, metals, telecom, banking, and information technology sectors. Since 2002, Radha has been with the Tata Group and has worked on various assignments. Apart from the group HR assignments as vice president of learning and management development, he has been the head of HR of VSNL, the Tata Group's telecom sector. He has also been the head of HR for Tata Steel as well as the director of Tata Management Training Centre. Radha believes in a spiritually enriched life. His beliefs are an outcome of the learning he has had as a devotee of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, believing in Help Ever, Hurt Never and Love all, Serve all, a learning that has helped better his understanding of the role HR plays in organizations and employee development.

    Mathian Osicki is a leadership development partner at IBM. She has been with IBM for twelve years in various roles, including senior employee climate researcher in global workforce research; global manager of equity in executive compensation; two generalists positions; lead climate analyst in Bangalore, India; a services contract sale in Cross River State, Nigeria; and most recently a leadership development role in the hardware business unit of IBM. Mathian received her Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology from the University of Tulsa. Mathian has attended school or worked in many parts of the world, including Canada, New Zealand, France, Poland, Japan, China, India, and most recently, Nigeria.

    Karen B. Paul is responsible for leading the global measurement center of expertise at 3M. She has responsibility for the creation and execution of global strategy for executive assessment and coaching, testing, organizational survey research, engagement and retention, and employment brand. In her nineteen years with 3M, Karen has held numerous positions, including HR generalist and specialist assignments. Her chapter in The Executive Guide to Integrated Talent

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