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Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts
Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts
Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts
Ebook67 pages31 minutes

Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts

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Are you a diabetic who has been wondering about the Glycemic Index and if the GI could help your life while struggling to live with diabetes? If you are that person, then you are going to love and need this amazing book, Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts, to lead and guide you into discovering just what the Glycemic Index is all about, AND how you can use it in planning and preparing your daily menus and meals.
Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Friendly Desserts, by Mary Rice, is one brand new 2014 exciting book for people of all ages that you won’t want to miss out on this year! It is chock-full of up-to-date diabetes information that includes the Secrets Of The Low Glycemic Index with lists of foods that we eat every day complete with their GI number beside each one of them, the smart Low-GI foods to substitute for the high GI foods, the pros and cons of the Glycemic Index, the latest up-to-date information of LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults), one simple diet trick that will help you to lose weight fast, and a delicious spectacular sweet diabetes friendly cookbook that you’re are just going to love. Put this book into your online library right now and start planning the rest of your life.
Summing up this book, Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Friendly Desserts, is really easy. This book is all about you, and how you are going to react to the information presented to you right here and right now. Millions of studies are done each year and millions of dollars are spent each year just for people like you who are suffering from diabetes, heart conditions, cancers, and obesity. The question is, “Are we going to investigate these important vital studies to see if they can improve our lives?” Are we going to put the fruit from these studies to work in our lives and reap the benefits and rewards that they can give us? In the end, after the curtain goes down, it is simply up to you as an individual to put it all together and come up with a plan that suits you and your life. Ask yourself, “Do I want to live longer, look better, improve my health, and be able to do the things I want to do in this life?” If your answer it yes, then it’s time act! Don’t wait another day! Do it now, right now. With one click you can download this book and get started. You have people depending on your actions right this very minute. Don’t disappoint them. Don’t ever give up on your health. New treatments are being discovered even as this book is being written. Get involved by reading, giving, and loving every day of your life.
Dazzling Desserts:
Diabetic Friendly Almond Coffee Cake, Diabetic Friendly Baked Sweet Potato Pudding, Diabetic Friendly Blackberry Cobbler, Diabetic Friendly Blueberry Pudding, Diabetic Friendly Chocolate Cheesecake, Diabetic Friendly Chocolate Cream Pudding, Diabetic Friendly Cocoa Cream Cheese Frosting, Diabetic Friendly Coconut Bars, Diabetic Friendly Coconut Creamy Baked Pudding, Diabetic Friendly Creamy Vanilla Custard, Diabetic Friendly Date Nut Squares, Diabetic Friendly Easy Berry Pudding, Diabetic Friendly Fig Bars Applesauce Style, Diabetic Friendly French Vanilla Ice Cream, Diabetic Friendly Fruity Almond Bars, Diabetic Friendly Fruity Dessert Cups, Diabetic Friendly Granola Dream Pancakes, Diabetic Friendly Key Lime Pudding, Diabetic Friendly Lemon Pudding, Diabetic Friendly Light & Fit Banana Milkshake, Diabetic Friendly Mango Surprise, Diabetic Friendly Melon Sorbet, Diabetic Friendly Nutritious Sweetie Pie Apple Bake, Diabetic Friendly Peach Melba, Diabetic Friendly Pineapple Peanut Sauce AND many more!

PublisherM. Rice
Release dateMar 13, 2014
Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts

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    Book preview

    Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts - M. Rice

    Diabetes Friendly 2014

    Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index



    Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Friendly Desserts


    Mary Rice

    PUBLISHED BY: Rice & Rice Publishing

    At Smashwords

    Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The

    Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Desserts

    Copyright 2014 Mary Rice

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This book is not to be used or substituted for medical advise or treatment prescribed by your doctor. If you need medical help then you are urged to seek competent medical help.

    Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the author or publisher, nor does mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities imply that they endorse this book.


    From the forefront of studies and research at the University of Toronto in 1980, an amazing study led by David Jenkins, MD, PhD, DSC, would change the way diabetics, prediabetics, and people that wanted to lose weight, would look at certain foods to explore how the human body’s glucose level responded to different foods. A term, never introduced to researchers, doctors, or patients before, suddenly was on everyone’s lips: The Glycemic Index. The Glycemic index which was soon being called the GI of foods.

    As you take your journey through this book, Diabetes Friendly 2014 Discover The Secrets Of The Gylcemic Index & 33 Delightfully Dazzling Diabetic Friendly Desserts, you are going to learn exactly what the Glycemic Index is all about, and how it can affect anyone who has diabetes, is prediabetic, or is desiring a wonderful healthy weight loss tool that will help them with their weight loss, and also allow them to gain back their health. This exciting discovery, the Glycemic Index, can and will help you to do all these things when you decide to put it in to effect in your life and lifestyle.

    We have had many dramatic breakthroughs in the field of nutrition such as fish oils for the heart and beta-carotene for cancer, but one of the most amazing discoveries for our health today is the Glycemic Index. You can evaluate the factors that influence what you eat and plan your daily diet to suit your individual personality and food choices simply by choosing a certain numbered food from

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