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Priority Thinking: A Guide To Quick And Accurate Decision-Making At The Backgammon Board
Priority Thinking: A Guide To Quick And Accurate Decision-Making At The Backgammon Board
Priority Thinking: A Guide To Quick And Accurate Decision-Making At The Backgammon Board
Ebook68 pages36 minutes

Priority Thinking: A Guide To Quick And Accurate Decision-Making At The Backgammon Board

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About this ebook

In the age of bots and robotic learning, this book is a breath of fresh air, focusing on powerful principles that guide you through the complications of any position and quickly lead you to the correct move. Priority Thinking is the key to finding the solution and everything flows from that.

This book tackles situations with a unique approach and provides a sound structure for quick and accurate problem-solving. Gone are the days of 'scanning' every position until you stumble upon the answer; using the direct methods revealed here, you will consistently and quickly find the correct play.

PublisherGrant Hoffman
Release dateDec 14, 2013
Priority Thinking: A Guide To Quick And Accurate Decision-Making At The Backgammon Board

Grant Hoffman

In 1981, Grant Hoffman bought his cousin a Backgammon board for her 21st birthday, because she had worn her first one out by playing so much. Having never played backgammon before and being fascinated by the board, Grant unwrapped it and cajoled a friend to teach him the game in the two days before the birthday. They played every waking hour for the next 48 hours.Grant won the first contest he entered - the New Zealand Backgammon Champs in 2007. He won it a second time in 2013. He also became the first non-Australian to win the Australian Champs in 2015. He won it again in 2016. He is a regular chouette player and backgammon teacher. He can be contacted for personal lessons at [email protected] Wins:Winner - New Zealand Online Champs 2022Winner - South Island (NZ) Champs 2021 and 2020Winner - San Antonio Speed Gammon Champs 2019Winner - Australian Backgammon Champs 2015 and 2016Two time winner of the New Zealand Backgammon Champs(2007 and 2013), runner up six times

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    Book preview

    Priority Thinking - Grant Hoffman


    In March 2010 Clyde Wolpe began writing a series of articles for Gammon Village and named them the Positive Backgammon series. Grant Hoffman enjoyed the articles and found that some of the concepts worked very well for him, particularly in the fast pace of a chouette where quick decisions were required. Clyde and Grant began corresponding and exchanging ideas which eventually led to them collaborating to write this book. They remained true to the principles of the Positive Backgammon Series with Grant adding his insight and providing more examples and diagrams.

    This book is for all backgammon players. The principles discussed apply universally and will guide you through the complexities of any position. The emphasis is on reaching your decision quickly, and allowing the principles to guide you every step of the way. In that respect, chouette players will benefit immensely by consistently finding positive responses without having to always play the very best move theoretically, as long as the play is positive and addresses the priority in the position.

    Backgammon is a game of intuitive skill and (with a few exceptions) does not require long deliberation. Priority thinking will direct you to the correct move quickly and you’ll have a huge practical advantage over the ‘scanner’ who needs to ‘see’ every move before making a decision.

    A winning thought process is vitally important and is the foundation of this approach: we’ll leave the intense theoretical discussions to others.

    All the positions in this book have been rolled out for money game situations to a minimum of 5,184 games, incorporating the Jacoby rule and beavers. Rather than cluttering the book, the rollouts can be found at

    In all of the diagrams in this book, you are White and your opponent is Black. Your opponent will always be referred to in the feminine. White and you are the same, and all moves are considered from your point of view. The cube position is shown in all diagrams.

    About Clyde Wolpe

    Clyde Wolpe is a chess and backgammon coach, and co-author of The Beginner’s Chess Companion. Clyde is the 1985 South African Closed Chess Champion,

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