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The Modern Soccer Coach 2014: A Four Dimensional Approach
The Modern Soccer Coach 2014: A Four Dimensional Approach
The Modern Soccer Coach 2014: A Four Dimensional Approach
Ebook200 pages2 hours

The Modern Soccer Coach 2014: A Four Dimensional Approach

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Soccer Training

  • Teamwork

  • Soccer Coaching

  • Communication

  • Goalkeeping

  • Mentor

  • Quest

  • Underdog

  • Decision Making

  • Defensive Strategies

  • Skill Development

  • Coaching

  • Concentration

About this ebook

Over the last 20 years, no sport has changed more than soccer. The modern player is technically more capable, physically faster and stronger, and has access to more coaching and sports science resources than ever before. With the high rewards associated with success, there has never been more pressure on coaches to win, develop players, and play soccer the ‘right way’.

Aimed at Soccer coaches of all levels and with players of all ages and abilities The Modern Soccer Coach 2014 identifies the areas that must be targeted by coaches who want to maximize a team’s potential – the Technical, Tactical, Physical, and Mental sides to the game.

Written by UEFA ‘A’ and NSCAA Premier licensed coach Gary Curneen – The Modern Soccer Coach 2014 offers contemporary focused and distilled insight into what soccer coaches need to do, and how! Filled with practical no-nonsense explanations, focused players drills and more than 30 illustrated soccer templates, The Modern Soccer Coach 2014 will help you – the modern coach - to create team performances that win match after match!

- Understand how the game has changed and what areas determine success in the game today.

- Create modern exercises that focus on tactical, technical, mental, and physical elements of the game.

- Learn what sets coaches like Mourinho, Klopp, Rodgers, and Guardiola apart from the rest.

- Develop a competitive and enjoyable atmosphere for yourself and your players.

- And much more!

Release dateOct 31, 2013
The Modern Soccer Coach 2014: A Four Dimensional Approach

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Dec 26, 2018

    This book finally approaches coaching the way the education system has attempted to train teachers: Don't do what your teacher did when you were younger, because education has evolved. Coach Curneen does a fantastic job disassembling the archaic approach to organizing practices and offers an insight to how you can organize your sessions to mirror European clubs.

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The Modern Soccer Coach 2014 - Gary Curneen

The Modern Soccer Coach 2014: A Four Dimensional Approach

by Gary Curneen

[Smashwords Edition]

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Published in 2013 by Bennion Kearny Limited.

Copyright © Bennion Kearny Ltd 2013

Gary Curneen has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this book.

ISBN: 978-1-909125-56-8

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

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Bennion Kearny has endeavoured to provide trademark information about all the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Bennion Kearny cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

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Inside images (as marked): ©Academy Soccer Coach

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Table of Contents




About the Author


Academy Soccer Coach

Illustrations (free download)

Chapter 1 - Define Yourself

Chapter 2 - The Game Is Moving But Where Are The Coaches?

Chapter 3 - The Answer

Chapter 4 - The Non-Negotiables

Chapter 5 - Start As You Mean To Continue

Chapter 6 - Scoring Goals

Chapter 7 - Defending

Chapter 8 - Transitions

Chapter 9 - Counter Attacking

Chapter 10 - Measuring our Work

Other Soccer Books from Bennion Kearny

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To Mum and Dad – You have allowed me to dream and encouraged me to follow them. You have given me everything you could, and more than I could ever have asked for.

To Angie – The best sister who is always just a phone call away.

To my wife Erin - Without your encouragement and love this book could not have been written.

Table of Contents

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I have been involved in the game for over forty years as a player, coach, analyst, commentator and, most importantly, as a fan. The changes I have witnessed in football have been phenomenal on every level. However, as complex as the game is today, you cannot simply rely on one area of the game if you want to be successful at the highest level. Football coaching must take every aspect of the game into consideration. My experiences as a player in the 1982 and 1986 World Cups taught me the value of preparation. We did not have the big names of France, Spain, or Brazil, but we knew our strengths and embraced them. Belief and organization are paramount to winning any football match at World Cup level especially against the top teams in the world.

The game today is pure entertainment. Watching a Champions League game and seeing how players retain possession of the ball for long periods, then utilize their speed and firepower in attack, is so pleasing on the eye. It is easy to put the success down to skill alone but it takes more than that. Being technically superior to your opponents does not simply award you the right to win every time you step on the field. Spain were a technically better team than Northern Ireland in 1982 but it was in the psychological department where they had problems. They found it difficult to cope with the pressure of being strong favorites to win the World Cup. Also it was the first time they came up against a team so stubborn and well organized as we were. This frustration affected them greatly and we took advantage of that.

Do not let the skills and abilities of the Barcelona team today mislead you and classify them as a team who rely solely on technique. Under Pep Guardiola, they took football to another dimension in every department of the game. Of course, Messi was, and still is, at the forefront of this revolutionary style of play, but the team is only as strong as its weakest link. They play from the back, keep possession better than anyone else, and create one goalscoring opportunity after another. However, it is only possible because of the quality and mentality of Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta, Alves, Piqué, etc. The tiki-taka style celebrates hard work over anything else and you can tell this by how quickly they win the ball back; they almost starve the opposition of the ball. Most games I watched saw them have 70 per cent plus possession and their belief in their style gave them great confidence. They kept winning. Hard work, organization, belief, and confidence in each other allows Messi to flourish every week at the Nou Camp.

Training programs in La Liga have changed drastically since I was a player and are the main reason for the advancements in the speed, power, and skill that you see today. In my first preseason, with Real Mallorca, we did a running session on a golf course at 6.30am, followed by a weights session at 10.30am and then a third session at 7pm at the stadium incorporating ball work. I’m not sure many teams train like that today! Everything at the top clubs in modern football is geared towards maximizing the potential of the players in every aspect so we have seen the bar has been lifted on the coaching side too.

When Gary approached me about this book, I was very intrigued. I have known Gary and his father Sean for over twenty years, since the days of my Soccer School in Omagh, Northern Ireland, and have followed his path as a coach with keen interest. I meet a lot of people from all over the world who watch Spanish football and ask questions regarding transfer targets and who will be the next big player to burst onto the scene. When I talk to Gary however, the conversation always takes a slightly different path. He is keen to discuss European coaches and what makes them tick, wanting to know how the man-management is different, their approach to training, how they deal with the pressure from the press, and where I see the new developments in the game. His passion for the game is second to none and you can see he is always looking to add to his knowledge of the game, which successful coaches have to do.

Of course, realizing the game is different nowadays is one thing, but embracing it is quite another. A lot of my old teammates talk about the good old days when we played and, of course, I look back with fond memories. However, being successful today is about embracing all the new facets of the game. It is such an exciting time for football all over the world. National teams are improving, European competitions are becoming more competitive, and we are blessed with exciting new talents almost every season. Most importantly, however, is how coaches are dealing with this change. We have seen a new brand of coach at the top of European clubs. These coaches may be leading the way, but we need a new group of trailblazers. I urge any young coach who is ambitious in succeeding in this game to follow their lead. By investigating new methods, studying the best coaches, and experimenting with new sessions and exercises that can help develop players and teams alike. Gary’s new book is a terrific guide on how to think and act if you want to be successful in the modern game. I highly recommend it and hope you enjoy both reading it and putting the ideas into practice with your team.

Gerry Armstrong

Table of Contents

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About the Author

Gary Curneen is the Assistant Women's Soccer Coach at University of Cincinnati. Gary holds a UEFA 'A' License from the Irish FA and a Premier Diploma from the NSCAA. Gary also gained a Master’s in Business Administration from Wingate University, where he was the Head Women’s Soccer Coach from 2005-2013, taking them to the NCAA Tournament for the first time in the program’s history.

Gary has played and coached at the collegiate level in the United States for more than ten years. His coaching education has seen him travel to study the best teams in the world and how they work first hand. A lifelong learner, Gary is a player-centered coach who focuses on professionalism, responsibility, and accountability within the framework of each team he works with. He believes that creating a culture of excellence is paramount to success and that each training session should include physical, tactical, technical, and mental components that challenge the players to perform at a high level.

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Thanks to the many coaches who have helped me complete this book, either through their direct assistance or indirect personal support; to Pat Sharkey, Marty Woodhead, Peter Bradley, and Dave Bell for teaching me what enthusiasm does for players; to Gary Hamill for setting an example of committing yourself fully to becoming a professional; to Neil Stafford and Nate Lie for their insights, and demanding more in every aspect of the game; and to Marty Gormley for his genius concepts on training sessions and practice plans. All of these coaches have inspired me to enjoy my work and always push for more.

I wish to acknowledge and thank Academy Soccer Coach for their work along with Bobby Puppione and Paul Kee for their contributions. I also have to thank Niall Donnelly and Ursula Donnelly who have dedicated much time and energy to help with website and design ideas.

Of course, this book would never have happened without the tireless work of the team at Bennion Kearny and my publisher James Lumsden-Cook, who I must thank for his patience, trust and invaluable help.

And finally, thanks to my family and friends in Wingate, Charlotte, Cincinnati, and, of course, Omagh, Northern Ireland. Like everything in life, you cannot go it alone and I am blessed to have a special group of people who make time and distance seem irrelevant.

Table of Contents

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Academy Soccer Coach

Academy Soccer Coach is a company that provides digital solutions for coaches at every level of the game. Our coaching software enables coaches, clubs and professional organizations to plan and prepare their sessions remotely from anywhere in the world.

Academy Soccer Coach works with following the professional clubs and organizations:

Fulham FC, West Ham United FC, Stoke FC, Newcastle United FC, Crystal Palace FC, Portland Timbers Sporting Kansas City, National Soccer Coaches Association of America, US Soccer (Women’s), The Irish Football Association, The Professional Footballers Association, and many more.

For more information on Academy Soccer Coach and the services we provide please visit

On a personal note we would like to wish Gary every success with his book and his continued growth and development as a coach.

The ASC Team

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Illustrations (free download)

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All the illustrations in this book are available as a freely downloadable PDF.

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Table of Contents

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Chapter 1 - Define Yourself

We’ve all felt it. That sinking feeling when the final whistle blows never truly goes away for

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