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The Latest on Consciousness
The Latest on Consciousness
The Latest on Consciousness
Ebook103 pages2 hours

The Latest on Consciousness

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The Latest on consciousness, self help , non fiction , is a inner guide to meditation inner being witness consciousness mirror like quality inner consciousness, and the realization of your inner being witness consciousness, but not only, it touch all aspect of life inner and outer, in the shortest number of words possible, like sutra as they use in the ancient to convey the truth through sutra, here in the latest on consciousness every thing is condensate to convey the most in the shortest number of words, so to not tire the attention of the reader, which today nobody as time for any thing, everybody is in a rush . So in the latest on consciousness every thing is convey in a sutra like way. The empty consciousness is infinite unbounded you cannot define with adjectives labels or contents, is to huge infinite, vast to enclose in a labels. My proposal a new dawn of consciousness adjective less label less content less, the awakening of the reality , just one empty consciousness no contents for the entire universe and forms living being of it , that is it welcome thank you.....Angelo Aulisa
Release dateJan 3, 2014
The Latest on Consciousness

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    The Latest on Consciousness - Angelo Aulisa


    August 27, 2013 Chapter 1


    Satoyama means living in harmony whit the nature and consciousness ,but in the world civilization never happen is only a good idea, a world without weapons is a civilize world .Me i will never accept the tradition of war as same thing to carry on .To day the balance equilibrium is keep by the weapons ,the nation that as the most deadly weapons is the strongest ,this is the low of the jungle ashame .The equilibrium the balance as to be keep by consciousness intelligence meditation ,and the weapons abolish completely .The new men live in consciousness meditation intelligence ,in Satoyama one of my books is clear explain the way, the nations have to be functional and the weapons abolish deactivate. .I s a urgent priority for humanity the deactivation of all nuclear weapons, and all the weapons generally stop building them , and devolve the resource which account to 80 per cent of each nation, is a big share, to the world generally were there is need primary. This game of the war as gone on for to long thousand of years, we can excuse the primitive men, but we have evolve so much that today with the intelligence of the planet we don’t need to fight war any more. The tradition of war and building weapons for money hungry ,people is over forever, the new man will not keep on this ugly barbarous childish stupid tradition, never, the balance of the nation as to be keep by intelligence peace consciousness awareness, the low of the jungle that the strongest prevail is good for the animals, human bean can measure them self through intelligence awareness . And the world is in a crisis no more postponement , the new down of consciousness content less adjective less label less is urgent, the evolution on consciousness is urgent, for we are running out of time. Awareness should win the race, empty consciousness should win the race , meditation silence, otherwise the old men is ready for a total destruction through deadly weapons, or other disaster of eco system .In my understand the collective unconscious and individual unconscious of humanity and human bean is over loaded, a saturation is in the unconscious of humanity, the stem is hitting up, and men is in agony, frustration, desperation, that all as fail, and in this status of restless agony is ready for a global suicide, because if life as bean such a misery so ugly, way go on living, so the old men is ready to die in is ignorance in is unconscious state. But I am telling the world a alternative just because I love life so much I am not ready for a global suicide, but for a global new down of empty consciousness a age of peace meditation empty consciousness awareness awakening, of celebration affirmation of life, dance, love, a age of consciousness of Buddha hood generally in the world , is possible a indiv idual effort to create a consciousness within each human bean, each one as to be decisive into him self. And this world the lotus paradise and this body the very Buddha, ok love all of you Angelo Aulisa

    September 9, 2013 Chapter 2

     Believe the deception of humanity

    Believe is for the ignorant ,believe in God ,believe in religion ,believe in politicians, people believe because they dont know ,when you dont know you believe is a mask for your ignorance to cover your ignorance you believe. When you know believe stop ,when you know direct by experience believe is discarded ,when through meditation you enter in your interiority and you encounter your original soul and simultaneous consciousness, you merge in the mystery of the divine empty consciousness, believe disappear ,and trust take over because you know you have experience the divine consciousness ,and nobody can tell you lie anymore. Nobody like to feel that is ignorant, so the mask of believe ,all the organize old religion dont know even the A B C of God ,but they pretend to stand as mediator from the known to the unknown ,and this is the disaster of humanity .I suggest meditation as a way to transform believe in trust ,you dont need to believe in any old religion, but trust in your self by direct experience of meditation, then life become a beautiful journey towards eternity immortality, doubt until the end is doubt that will make a evolution in your life, when doubt is transformed intrust through experience of meditation, you will not believe any more there is no need it drop naturally. Is through doubt that you will grow, believe is for the ignorant a mask for there ignorance, and if you go on believe blindly you will never grow , you will remain a good ship, retarded. This novella There was once in the fur away jungle of India a man who has a group of ship , which were all they long eating grass in the forest, one day in the forest a lioness who has a small lioness he last the baby in the jungle, and the baby lions end up whit the group of ship of the local Indian man, and it start growing there for months, one day a old lions pass by the forest and see the group of ships and he don’t believe is eyes he see the baby lions with the ships. So he waited the right moment and capture the baby lions near a lake when he was drinking, and the baby lions was scare to death, but the old lions tell him wait I am a lions like you if don’t believe watch in the lake your face, the baby lions scare to death because he was thinking to be a ship, he watched in the lake is face and when he see is face a, roar, and of course he tank the old lions that he as show him the real face of him, and since then he start to be a lions again My way is experience experiment, also in the inner a scientific approach also, and mostly in the inner ,never believe any one go for it for the experience your self and see. And this attitude will cause your conscious evolution, and awareness and awakening, Trust your self and experience meditation , and as every river reach the ocean you will reach the ocean of consciousness too. Angelo Aulisa

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