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Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita
Ebook71 pages1 hour

Bhagavad Gita

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The Bhagavad Gita, the Song of God, composed over 2000 years ago, is the story of a man's dilemma during a family feud. In the middle of impending violence, he is desperately confused about whether he should participate in the bloodshed. God, in the form of his charioteer, explains the nature of life to this distraught archer, eventually extinguishing his fears. And as a witness to this conversation, we the audience receive insight into our own existence, and develop an understanding of the world and our place within it.

Release dateSep 11, 2013
Bhagavad Gita

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    Bhagavad Gita - Richard Lawrence


    The Bhagavad Gita, the Song of God, composed over 2000 years ago, is the story of a man's dilemma during a family feud. In the middle of impending violence, he is desperately confused about whether he should participate in the bloodshed. God, in the form of his charioteer, explains the nature of life to this distraught archer, eventually extinguishing his fears. And as a witness to this conversation, we the audience receive insight into our own existence, and develop an understanding of the world and our place within it.

    Chapter 1

    The old blind king asks of his servant: What is happening in the field of battle, where my sons and nephews gather to fight?

    His servant, gifted with divine vision, replies: I see your eldest son approaching his teacher of warfare, remarking, Although many great warriors fill the ranks of my cousins' army, our army is greater. Then, as to instill confidence, the eldest of the clan roars like a lion, followed by a blast of his horn, signaling a readiness for battle, setting off a clangor of horns and drums from the entire army.

    Across the battlefield, upon hearing the clamor of the opposition, the Archer and his Charioteer blow their own horns, inspiring their army to make a sound so thunderous as to inject fear into the hearts of their adversaries.

    Sensing the fight is soon to begin, the Archer instructs his Charioteer: Bring us between these two great armies so that I may observe all who are assembled for battle.

    While surveying the scene, the Archer is struck with the awareness that his kinsmen, friends, and teachers are on both sides.

    This realization fills the Archer with a great sorrow, causing him to say: Charioteer, I grow weak and unable to stand, how can I wish for my kindred to be destroyed? Victory would bring emptiness, how could I enjoy life after killing my kinsmen? It is a crime against our family and every generation that follows. At the very least, I would rather lay down my weapons and be slain by the other side, than participate in this wicked act.

    Overwhelmed with grief, the Archer drops his bow and sinks down into his chariot, his eyes filled with tears.

    Chapter 2

    His Charioteer responds: Why such weakness in a time of war? Stand and fight!

    The Archer replies: How can I fight against my eldest family member that I dearly love, or my mentor that so faithfully trained me in warfare and receives my utmost respect, or any of my family and friends? Is it better to conquer or be defeated? Even receiving unrivaled wealth and power would fail to appease my sorrow if I should kill those I love. Please Charioteer, I am confused, advise me. I will not fight!

    His Charioteer, smiling, says: Your grief is pointless. These men have always existed and will never cease to exist. Just as our essence travels through infancy, youth, and old age, it will travel through another body.

    The senses provide a means to experience the temporary aspects of life, so have patience as these events come and go. But the unchanging underlying reality will always exist, it cannot be destroyed by any means, everything else is mere illusion. Although your body may appear to perish, your essence is eternal and cannot be harmed, therefore fight this battle!

    As tattered garments are discarded and replaced with new ones, so too does your essence exchange bodies. As death is certain for those that are born, so too is birth certain for those that die.

    As a man of action, you are inclined to participate in this battle, it is what you've been trained for, it is your duty. Failing to perform your natural tendencies will ultimately result in deep dissatisfaction. Therefore, great Archer, arise and fight!

    Furthermore, those who would claim that ultimate understanding and bliss only come from performing rituals described by tradition and sacred texts, are misled. The most ancient and sacred ritual, is life itself. What use is a collection of water when it flows from everywhere? So too is a collection of sacred rituals of little

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