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The Olympus Device: Book One
The Olympus Device: Book One
The Olympus Device: Book One
Ebook373 pages5 hours

The Olympus Device: Book One

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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He only wanted to build a plaything - a small, simple device born of innate curiosity and a fascination of things mechanical. Scavenging parts and repurposing components, a country gunsmith assembles what is supposed to be a conversation piece - a trinket to show his friends... a toy really... a small rail gun.

The invention is so much more. After nearly destroying his West Texas shop, Dusty realizes he has stumbled upon science that could alter the future of mankind. The size and shape of a common rifle, his device is capable of producing unimaginable power. The simple, gentleman rancher is faced with a dilemma of the ages - the survival of the human race. The resulting technology can produce limitless, clean energy, or if used as a weapon, inconceivable destruction.

Nothing so monumental stays secret for long. Powerful men and desperate governments learn of the discovery, and it quickly becomes evident that whoever wields the rail gun can dominate the entire planet.
Book One of a new series, The Olympus Device by author Joe Nobody takes the reader through a fast paced adventure that explores the dichotomy of corruptive power versus ultimate benefit.

PublisherJoe Nobody
Release dateSep 8, 2013
The Olympus Device: Book One

Joe Nobody

Joe Nobody (pen name for the author who wishes to keep his identity confidential) has provided systems, consulting and training for the U.S. Army, Department of Homeland Security, Office of Naval Research, United States Border Patrol as well as several private firms and government agencies which cannot be disclosed.He is currently active in this area and for the security of his family and ongoing business, wishes to remain anonymous.He has over 30 years of competitive shooting experience, including IPSC, NRA, and other related organizations. He has been a firearms instructor and consultant for over 30 years and holds the rights to a United States Patent for a firearms modification.Joe initially became involved in helping private citizens "prepare" at the request of his students and clients. A conscientious instructor, he would always inquire as to why they wanted to learn certain skills or techniques and often the response was to prepare for more than just simple home invasion or self-defense. If you ask Joe what his greatest attribute is, he will tell you he is a "problem solver" and uses his formal education in Systems Engineering to this end.

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