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Early Will I Seek Thee: 6 Weeks Daily Devotionals
Early Will I Seek Thee: 6 Weeks Daily Devotionals
Early Will I Seek Thee: 6 Weeks Daily Devotionals
Ebook64 pages57 minutes

Early Will I Seek Thee: 6 Weeks Daily Devotionals

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About this ebook

6 Weeks of Daily Devotionals to strengthen and encourage you in your resolve to walk in faith regardless of the troubles you are facing today. My desire is to give you hope that God will see you through these uncertain and difficult times.

PublisherJanice Davis
Release dateAug 11, 2013
Early Will I Seek Thee: 6 Weeks Daily Devotionals

Janice Davis

My name is Janice Davis. In 2012 I published my first book titled "Face to Face With God: Healing the Cry Within", about my own personal journey through pain, suffering, and heartbreak. Overcoming and facing the myriad emotional obstacles that stood in my way is what helped me to become whole inside. My relationship with Jesus Christ gave me the strength and fortitude to face overwhelming giants of fear, rejection, abandonment and self-hatred. This was only the beginning for me. Since that time, I've written two more books, "Early Will I Seek Thee: 6 Weeks of Daily Devotionals" and "Unmasking the Spirit of Shame: Breaking Free from the Past". My greatest desire is to see people overcome overwhelming odds in their lives through a relationship rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ and to become emotionally well. I understand how difficult life can be when you don't know where to turn. I also know God wants to see us become emotionally well and spiritually sound that we may enjoy a life of peace and joy. This ministry was established upon the principles that the Word of God is infallible and that Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God. Each day I ask God to give me a "Word" that will be a source of encouragement to you, the reader, providing spiritual nourishment to begin your day. Not only do I want to encourage you, but I want to teach you how to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the practice of His Holy Word. My prayer is that you grow leaps and bounds in your faith as you seek to know His ways.all too well the difficulty in tackling the tougher issues. At the tender age of 5 years old, I lost the most important influence in my life, my mother. A year later my father placed me and two of my siblings in a children's home... I lived there until I graduated from high school in 1981. I was bullied by my peers, experienced painful rejections, felt hopeless and abandoned, and I experienced fears of all kinds. I lacked personal identity which caused me to question my self-worth and even my worth in God's eyes. I struggled to understand how God could love someone as unlovable as me. I have personally spent the past 25 years becoming emotionally and spiritually whole; preparing to offer words of hope and encouragement that others may experience a strong relationship with Jesus Christ as I have. My chief desire is to encourage others by using my own life experiences about emotional hea...

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    Early Will I Seek Thee - Janice Davis




    Janice Davis

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 by Janice Davis


    Janice Davis on Smashwords

    Thank you for downloading this eBook. This book is the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed for any commercial or non-commercial use without the permission of the author. Quotes used in reviews are the exception. No alteration of content is allowed. If you enjoy reading this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy.

    All scripture, unless otherwise noted, is taken from the Holy bible, King James Version. Copyright © 1972 by Thomas Nelson Inc., Camden, New Jersey 08103

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    I pray these devotionals will be a source of encouragement to you.

    Ebook Formatting by

    Table of Contents

    WEEK 1

    WEEK 2

    WEEK 3

    WEEK 4

    WEEK 5

    WEEK 6

    Works Cited

    WEEK 1




    The LORD doth build up Jerusalem: he gathers together the outcasts of Israel. He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds. Psalms 147: 2-3

    DO YOU EXPERIENCE EMOTIONAL STRUGGLE AND TURMOIL? Do you ever feel like Job and wonder why you were ever born? On the front page of newspapers across this country we read stories everyday of people whose lives are besieged with trouble on every turn. It's true that life's experiences have a way of fracturing us emotionally; crushing and bruising us to the point we believe there's little hope at all. Out of desperation we carefully canvass every secular idea that offers hope, looking for answers in worldly intellectualism. We become so fixated on make-believe religious ideas because they offer an air of wisdom. Embracing religious ideas contrary to God's Holy Word are powerfully seductive, drawing us away from Jesus Christ. This causes us to fall deeper into spiritual deception. This is the way Satan's plan works ~ to deceive! We must be very cautious that we're not drawn away from what is wholesome and true. Man is very limited in his own wisdom without God. There is only so much man can do to help himself. Stop trusting in mere humans, who have but a breath in their nostrils. Why hold them in esteem? Isaiah 2:22 NIV PUT NO TRUST IN THE FLESH!! There is one whom we can place our trust in spite of all life's hardships. His name is JESUS CHRIST! He alone has the power to heal our brokenness freeing us to be the person we were created to be. Jesus Christ loved us so much that He left the portals of heaven clothing Himself in flesh that He might bring eternal salvation to a lost and dying world. So today when you're feeling out of sorts and life looks as though it's too difficult to go on ~ remember, there is one who can put your life back on track. Jesus Christ can turn your life around on a dime if you'll allow Him to come in. I can't count the number of times I've witnessed Him do this. HE IS A MIRACLE WORKING GOD!! He will not only mend your heart but He will restore your life and bring you to a place of spiritual, emotional and physical wholeness, enabling you to minister into the lives of others. You'll be equipped and ready for service with the grace and goodness He has extended unto you.




    Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16

    DO YOU FEEL LIKE GIVING UP BECAUSE LIFE HAS LIFE BEATEN YOU DOWN? Rest assured you're not alone my friend! From time to time we all face struggles in our relationships, struggles in our finances, emotional struggles and even struggles in our relationship with God. He didn't promise us that our lives would be a picnic in the park. However, He did say He would make a way of escape, that we would find peace in the midst of troubled times if we searched for it. You see, it's easier to believe no one understands our present circumstances or that God is so distant that He doesn't feel our deepest hurt and pain. My friend I can assure you that He does care! We must be willing to accept His offer to help. Sometimes we don't like the packaging our help is wrapped in but God never does anything ordinary, for He's an extraordinary God. "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find

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