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Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Rooted Sermon Series
Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Rooted Sermon Series
Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Rooted Sermon Series
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Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Rooted Sermon Series

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About this ebook

Many in our churches know very little about the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. Teach your church the essential doctrines of the Christian faith using the 15 complete sermon outlines found in Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Rooted in the Faith.

Preach on the importance of the Bible, the nature of God, the Trinity, Prayer, Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare, Baptism and Communion, Sin, Jesus Christ, Resurrection and Ascension, Becoming a Christian, Sanctification, Perseverance, and Assurance, Death, the Return of Jesus, the Final Judgment, and Heaven. There are 15 sermon outlines, covering the basics of Christian theology. These sermon outlines are much more than simple, one line points, rather, they are complete sermon outlines with great detail, ready for you to preach this weekend.

Here are the sermon titles and Scripture references:

1. Rooted - The Bible - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
2. Rooted - What is God Like? - Genesis 1:1
3. Rooted - The Trinity - Deuteronomy 4:35
4. Rooted - Prayer - Matthew 6:8
5. Rooted - Angels, Demons, Spiritual Warfare - 2 Kings 6:15-17
6. Rooted - Baptism and Communion - Acts 10:47-48
7. Rooted - Sin - Isaiah 59:1-8
8. Rooted - Jesus Christ - Matthew 1:18
9. Rooted - Resurrection and Ascension - 1 Corinthians 15:13-19
10. Rooted - Becoming a Christian - 2 Thessalonians 2:14
11. Rooted - Sanctification, Perseverance, Assurance - Romans 6:18
12. Rooted - Death - Romans 8:1
13. Rooted - When Jesus Returns - John 14:1-3
14. Rooted - The Final Judgement - Romans 2:5
15. Rooted - Heaven - John 14:1-3

PublisherRob Westbrook
Release dateJun 10, 2013
Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Rooted Sermon Series

Rob Westbrook

Rob Westbrook became a follower of Jesus Christ at the later age of thirty. Called into the preaching ministry at thirty-two, Rob attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, earning a Bachelors of Arts degree in Pastoral Ministry. He later earned forty-six hours toward a Masters of Divinity degree.Rob became pastor of his first church, Hebron Baptist Church, in Amite County, Mississippi, in 1998, while attending seminary. By 2002 the time commitments to both seminary and the church became strained, and Rob chose to leave seminary behind for the church. Around 2005, God began preparing him for planting a new church. He left his first church pastorate in 2006 to become a church planter in his hometown of Amory, Mississippi. LifePointe Church had its first service in January 2008. Rob currently serves there, at LifePointe Church.Rob has been married to Teresa for almost 23 years. He and Teresa have one daughter, Lauren, who is engaged to Brandon Britt. They will be married in March 2013.

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    Book preview

    Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors - Rob Westbrook

    Table of Contents



    1. Rooted - The Bible - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    2. Rooted - What is God Like? - Genesis 1:1

    3. Rooted - The Trinity - Deuteronomy 4:35

    4. Rooted - Prayer - Matthew 6:8

    5. Rooted - Angels, Demons, Spiritual Warfare - 2 Kings 6:15-17

    6. Rooted - Baptism and Communion - Acts 10:47-48

    7. Rooted - Sin - Isaiah 59:1-8

    8. Rooted - Jesus Christ - Matthew 1:18

    9. Rooted - Resurrection and Ascension - 1 Corinthians 15:13-19

    10. Rooted - Becoming a Christian - 2 Thessalonians 2:14

    11. Rooted - Sanctification, Perseverance, Assurance - Romans 6:18

    12. Rooted - Death - Romans 8:1

    13. Rooted - When Jesus Returns - John 14:1-3

    14. Rooted - The Final Judgement - Romans 2:5

    15. Rooted - Heaven - John 14:1-3

    Other books by Rob Westbrook

    Free Sermon Outlines Book

    Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Volume 1-4

    Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors: Sermon Series

    Bible Study and Apologetic Books

    About the Author


    Pastors are the busiest people in our country.

    According to my research, that statement is a fact. Of course, my research is not scientific, but I believe it to be accurate. My most trusted research data comes from my wife. She says we’re the busiest people in our country, and I always listen to my wife!

    I know, firsthand, all the many different directions we are pulled, every single day. There’s hospitals to visit, weddings to officiate, and funerals to preach. There’s families to counsel, new believers to disciple, and leaders to train. There’s worship services to plan, toilets to unclog, and light bulbs to be replaced. And some of us have these things to do WHILE working another job – doing the bi–vocational thing. There’s enough stuff going on to keep us busy twenty–five hours a day, eight days a week.

    Oh yeah, and there’s sermons to prepare. We’ve got to work that in with all the other things vying for our attention. The one thing most of us feel to be our primary purpose, our calling – preaching the Word of God – has to compete with everything else for the one finite element in all of this. Time.

    As a seminary student, I remember hearing someone say a pastor should dedicate an hour of preparation to every minute of his sermon. At the time, I thought that was an unreal amount of time to spend in sermon prep. Now, years and sermons later, I can’t even grasp the thought. If our average sermon length is thirty minutes, that equates to thirty hours of prep! For those who have a Sunday night message to prepare, and maybe one for Wednesday night, well, that doesn’t exactly leave time for much else.

    There may be some of you who have that luxury of time, but for most of us, that amount of time is simply not there. So we do the best we can with the time we’ve got, and trust God to make something useful from our efforts. And our gracious and merciful Lord often does.

    But we want to do better. We want to present our people with well–prepared messages. Messages that will not only fill a thirty minute time slot, but will also feed them spiritually, lift their hearts, convict them of their sin, and call them into a new or deeper walk with the Lord.

    That’s why I’ve put this series together. These Sermon Outlines for Busy Pastors books are for those of you who can identify with any of the above. I want to give you something to build on. Something that’s been studied through, that gives you a head–start for your messages this Sunday. Something that will help you make the most of your limited time.

    I don’t make any claims these are the best sermon outlines you’ll ever see. They may not be on par with anything you’ve prepared yourself. But they have all been studied over, prayed over, and preached. The outlines are complete, compiled from the sermon notes I take into the pulpit each week. Take them as a whole, or use them to spur your thoughts in other directions.

    Another thing I remember hearing in seminary is: The Bible, the Word of God, has been preached by many, many preachers for two thousand years. You’re probably not going to preach anything that hasn’t been preached before. I would say that is an accurate statement. We’re influenced by the preachers and sermons we hear. God speaks to us through them. And He may speak those same words through us in our messages to others. I know that’s true sometimes in my case and I’m fairly certain that’s true for most pastors. And I’m sure many sermons you’ll find here bear the marks of those preachers I’ve heard or read.

    Nevertheless, I offer these sermon outlines to you. Use them for your benefit and for the glory of our Lord. I pray this book, and the entire series, provides you with a tool to help you make the most of your time. And to make much of Jesus Christ.

    Preach the Word!


    Preaching through the doctrines of the Christian faith was a huge undertaking. While I used many sources in preparing, my primary source was Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem. This book should be

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