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Bids are Money
Bids are Money
Bids are Money
Ebook42 pages32 minutes

Bids are Money

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About this ebook

Penny Auctions have become the rage on the web lately. Where else can you find awesome deals like Ipads for $38.00? These are great deals!

To compete in an auction like this, you need a sound strategy. If you don't know what you are doing, you are going to waste your money and never win a thing.

Bids are Money! is your guide to prevent you from making critical mistakes that can cost you. Inside the book, you will learn a fool proof system that budgets your game. The strategies will help you bid and not to waste your time.

Don't miss out on that awesome deal winning an Ipad for hundreds under retail price. Before you start on any Penny Auction, be sure to get this book. It's a must have to save you from spending too much!

PublisherJason Miller
Release dateApr 13, 2013
Bids are Money

Jason Miller

Jason Miller is half of the Miller Brothers writing team, creators of the critically acclaimed graphic novel Redball 6. He lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

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    Book preview

    Bids are Money - Jason Miller

    Bids Are Money

    Jack Hunter

    Published by Jack Hunter at Smashwords

    Copyright 2013 Jack Hunter

    Table of Contents


    What is a Penny Auction?

    Bids are Money!

    Watch and Lean

    Know the Competition

    Using a Robot or Bid Agent

    Find Your Time


    It seems like just a little bit ago I jumped into the world of Penny Auctions. I first started getting interested in this when researching content to write some articles about the auctions. As I reviewed this more and more I thought, you know I can do this. So, I started out on a site going after a few items here and there. I really didn’t have much luck, and became frustrated with it.

    Penny Auctions were out of my life for a bit; until it roped me back in again. I was granted a few free bids on a site, not many, but just enough to have fun with. All of the sudden: I won!

    This was pretty exciting, my very first win. Of course I won a book I had no clue about, but I didn’t care because I WON. It ends up the book was written in a German dialect. I couldn’t even read the darn thing. Talk about epic fail.

    So, I started playing on a regular basis, buying many different bid packs and sending out bids one right after another. I watched on a regular basis as my bid count would continually go lower and nothing to show for it.

    That didn’t matter because I was now hooked on this new thing, a concept that people compare to online gambling. Before I go on, let me explain that I agree with that statement. A penny auction is gambling. If you don’t understand the skills and strategies of the game, you will lose. If a skilled player knows the right moves and strategies and a little luck, they can dominate the game. Equate this to playing poker. Anyone can play Texas Holdem Poker, and you might win a few hands. The skilled players know the cards, have the strategy in place, and win all the time. That is exactly how the penny auctions work.

    Here is a funny story:

    After I had experienced a few wins and a nice hot streak, I was showing my wife a recent conquest. Not very impressed and a little mad, she exclaimed, Those auctions are stupid.

    Oh why is that? I replied.

    Because I got on it and tried for an Ipad for my dad. I blew through all my bids in ten minutes, she explained.

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