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In Your Words
In Your Words
In Your Words
Ebook37 pages31 minutes

In Your Words

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A short story (3100 words)
Amelia is an author who writes about love but has lost her belief in it. She is participating in a book signing week in yet another stop on what seems like an endless tour. When she escapes to a quiet corner of the bookstore Amelia meets the woman who she knows can restore her faith in love, but will she have a chance to find out?

Also included with this short story are extracts from R J Samuel's novels FALLING COLOURS (the first in the Vision Painter series) and HEART STOPPER (a medical thriller).

PublisherR J Samuel
Release dateFeb 4, 2013
In Your Words

R J Samuel

Site: Email: [email protected] Twitter: @R_J_Samuel Facebook: R J Samuel was born in Nigeria, to Indian parents. She spent many years qualifying to be a medical doctor first in Nigeria, then Ireland, but ran away from home to do a Masters in IT. She settled on IT as a career rather than Medicine as she thought computers might be more logical than people, but that hasn't always proven to be the case. She remained Ireland for many years, apart from a few years in the southwest of France where she ran a restaurant-bar despite having absolutely no interest in restaurants, except for eating in them. She considers herself almost Irish, almost Indian, and almost American. She now lives in Atlanta in America where, in her latest creative outburst, she wants to establish an artist retreat in a mostly unusable property.

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Reviews for In Your Words

Rating: 4.076923076923077 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 28, 2017

    Short and sweet and full of longing. I wonder if this is autobiographical? ;)
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 6, 2021

    I really loved the way this one was written. The way the writer describes things is beautiful, vivid and emphasizes passion. The story itself is fairly basic. Normally I roll my eyes at love at first sight stories, but I think the descriptions carry enough emotion to make the concept more believable to a cynic like me.While I like happy endings, this is a case where I'm not sure if having one was the right decision. On one hand, its unbelievably cute how it ended and I liked the scene itself. On the other hand, the entire time I was thinking 'no way'. It just wasn't believable, but is that a bad thing? I don't know, I still liked the ending.All in all, a nice story

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In Your Words - R J Samuel

In your words

A Short Story


R J Samuel


© RJ Samuel 2013

Smashwords Edition

Author’s Note

This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, and incidents portrayed in it are fictional and the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or companies is purely coincidental.

License Statement

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

R J Samuel


Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @R_J_Samuel


Books by R J Samuel

The Vision Painter Series

FALLING COLOURS – The Misadventures of a Vision Painter is available on Smashwords and other online retailers. (Extract available after the short story)

CASTING SHADOWS – The Further Misadventures of a Vision Painter is available on Smashwords and other online retailers.

Medical Thriller

HEART STOPPER is available on Smashwords and other online retailers. (Extract available at the end of this book)

Table of Contents

Author’s Note

SHORT STORY – In Your Words

About the Author

Extract From Falling Colours

Extract From Heart Stopper


She was reading my book and the expression on her face suggested she was finding something hard to swallow. I waited by the armchair and considered whether to help or not. I lowered myself onto the plump cushions and decided to wait until she looked up. She could ask me then, if she wanted.

I felt the drudge of the last few days of travelling seep out into the stuffed depths of the cushions. I closed my eyes. I would talk to her in just a minute, if she wanted.

I could not keep my eyes closed. I opened them and watched her. Her blue eyes flickered over my words, her face a backdrop to the stark design of feathers on the book cover and to my black and white face in miniature that covered her cheek. She was delicate in the strength of her features, laughter lines that pointed to the ground. She was wearing a masculine shirt in a very feminine way, the

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