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Mindful Spirit
Mindful Spirit
Mindful Spirit
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Mindful Spirit

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On the journey of self, it is easy to want to look to others and emulate the behaviors, thoughts and words of those we deem as having achieved enlightenment or some divine virtue or understanding. It's easy to model ourselves against those we deem important, but in doing so perhaps we lose a part of ourselves. It becomes easier to blame ourselves or others when things don't quite work out, or we do not achieve our expectations or goals.

Silence and patience suddenly becomes our enemy, and rather than battling against the outside world, the struggle turns inward. We want so much to achieve, without quite knowing what exactly it is that we want to achieve, that rather than enjoying life as it comes, we try to change it. Like pressing against a brick wall, our energy is wasted, and once again we are faced with ourselves. Not everyone is our enemy.

What prevents us from seeing our true selves is being our true self. We must become mindful of not only the things we do, but the things we do not do. We must become mindful of our thoughts, constructive and destructive. We must bring mindfulness to our spirit as well as love to our hearts.

We must set in motion the virtue of our spirit and experience the peace that has never left.

Release dateOct 9, 2012
Mindful Spirit

Dennis T. Maglinte

Dennis T. Maglinte is a bioinformatics programmer by training. More importantly he is a father, husband, brother, son and a friend. During his spare time he writes about the human condition and the condition of the mind, body and spirit as it pertains to his own experiences and observations of the world and existence around him. His words are a reflection of the soul. Through the conversation of his heart, he hopes that others may see the conversation taking place in their own heart and bring others into it.

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    Mindful Spirit - Dennis T. Maglinte


    Everyone leaves there mark, no matter how faded, transparent or stained it becomes. It is not our place to decide what lives on, what is changed and what is forgotten. How we live on in other’s memories is not up for us to decide, but how we live for today is. What we do now in this moment may be wiped out in an instant by the actions or inactions of another, but that does not matter as much as what we each decide to do now.

    We cannot spend our every moment worrying about how we will be perceived, or how our words or actions may be remembered or turned against us, for each must make their own mark. Some will say only time will tell when it comes to the truth, but do not be mistaken. Time erases nothing, for everything we do, everything we think and everything we speak echoes for eternity. And yet none of it matters, except for now.

    Redemption is now. Forgiveness is now. Acceptance is now. Love is now. It’s all happening right now.

    Mixed Messages

    I dream in dribbles.

    Understanding cannot be forced.

    I listen to measured tones.

    Understanding cannot be forced.

    I speak in rhyme.

    Understanding cannot be forced.

    Sacrificing Dreams

    When decisions come from the right place, dreams are not sacrificed or put on hold. Rather, expectations and resentment are understood and put into check. We want so much for ourselves, but often do not stop long enough to ask if what we want is actually good for us. We see the immediate gratification, but never ask the question of how our desires affect those around us. We want things for ourselves. We want time for ourselves. But do we ever stop to ask what a stranger might need. Do we ever ask ourselves whether someone else is feeling alright? Perhaps some of us ask these questions, but at the end of the day, where does our focus rest?

    Does it rest at the feet of our own comfort, or are we strong enough to see others who may be in dismay? Not everyone wants something for free, whatever that means. Not everyone is out to reduce us to shreds. Not everyone is out to hurt us. Sacrifice comes with desire, but with desire, the seeds of resentment flourish. With resentment comes anger. And with anger, our dreams become nightmares.

    Be You

    Do not judge or allow yourself to be judged. No one person knows more than another chooses to know or not know. Know your intent, and worry not about the intent of another, lest you let another live or dictate your life. Be as you are, not what you dream yourself to be, or what society, family or friends have deemed appropriate. Your life is not measured by those who necessarily agree with you or like you, but by how you choose to live your life. It is not measured by time, wealth, or stature, but by your tears, your compassion, and your actions. It is measured by the love you give and the love you share. Live your life, but not in the shadow or expectations of others. Live it because it is you. Be you.


    If you could put your identity to the side, would you be willing to live and be who you are? What would you call yourself? Would you still claim a nation as your home, a religion as your foundation, and a god as your God? Who would claim your allegiance if allegiances were to be made? Who would hold your ear when a story needed to be told?

    Who are you? Most can agree we are not the clothes we wear, or the job we take up, but then who are we? Many ask this question throughout their lives, while some pay no mind, and still others become who they are told to be. All the while, the question still begs to be asked, Who am I? Am I a mother, a father, a brother or a sister? Am I my parents’ child? Am I a policeman, a teacher or business person? Am I a stranger, a derelict or a criminal? Who am I to ask these questions? Who am I to answer them?

    I am no one, and yet I am someone. I am you, and yet I am me. I am and yet I have no words to describe. Do not judge me. Just see me, for no words can do justice, nor should we attempt to confine.


    The body and soul are often seen as separate, one as a vessel, and the other as our essence. But in truth is there such a difference? That is, does it matter? We discriminate ourselves at every level possible, taking a fine tooth comb to our very being but does this bring us greater understanding? Does it bring us closer to knowing ourselves and the role we play in this life or the next?

    We identify ourselves by our body, our affiliations, religious or otherwise, our name, our occupation and a myriad of other distinctions. But do these things truly define us?

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