Osteoporosis: The Bone Breaking Disease
About this ebook
Osteoporosis is often called the silent killer because you often do not experience any symptoms when you have the disease. The first time you know about it is when a bone snaps unexpectedly. Osteoporosis means "porous bones" and it is a condition where the skeleton becomes very fragile and the bones break easily.
Mabel Van Niekerk
Mabel van Niekerk's main passion in life is travel. She enjoys writing about her many travel experiences and documenting reference books to provide more information about towns and cities in countries she found fascinatingly different from her homeland, South Africa.She is also passionate about crafting and enjoys writing reference books about the various crafts she has mastered and enjoys.Mabel has now turned her hand to writing books for young children, as she recalls the stories she told her own children many years ago.
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Osteoporosis - Mabel Van Niekerk
Osteoporosis – The Bone Breaking Disease
Mabel Van Niekerk
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Mabel Van Niekerk at Smashwords
Osteoporosis – The Bone Breaking Disease
Copyright 2012 Mabel Van Niekerk
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Osteoporosis - Greek for porous bones
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Back Pain and Fractures
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Healthy Aging
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Osteoporosis - Greek for porous bones
Unfortunately Osteoporosis is considered to be a disease that is more common in women than men. This does not however, exonerate them from taking precautions to ensure that they have strong healthy bones. Osteoporosis is a bone disease, which occurs amongst women, especially after menopause. The bones after menopause often become highly permeable or porous, which causes easy breaks and slow healing processes.
What exactly is Osteoporosis, is it just something that elderly ladies suffer from?
The thinning of the bone tissue over time causes loss of density in the bone. The skeleton becomes porous, almost sponge-like and becomes vulnerable to fractures
This condition is known as Osteoporosis, which weakens the bones and increases risks of fractures. Even a minor fall or injury may cause the bone to fracture with serious consequences.
This disease does not only affect elderly women, in fact anyone can suffer from this disease, but it is more likely that women and men will suffer from it over the age of 50. It has been estimated that about half of all women and a quarter of men over 50 will become Osteoporosis victims.
A lot of factors may contribute to causing Osteoporosis. As we age, our body starts producing less calcium, causing natural degeneration of the bone. Certain medications may contribute to a loss of bone density, and having a certain bone condition called Osteopenia, which is low bone mass, increases the risk of having Osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is known as the silent killer, as there are no symptoms in the beginning. Many times the disease is only discovered once a sufferer has actually fractured a bone. The bones become so fragile that they break down under the body’s own weight. This can cause serious hip,