About this ebook
This is the second book in The Immortal Chronicles series. Moving past the recent events in Bloodlust, Lucas has enhanced his abilities. Although he still does not know the whole truth of his origin or his past, he is moving towards a head on collision with forces he never met before.
Bouncing between vampires, werewolves, and demons, he must keep his wits about him in order to keep his head on his shoulders. With many twists turns and loss of friendship and life, this book channels the story into a new plot as he truly discovers who he really is.
Kevin Barker
I was born and raised in Michigan, but have since moved to North Carolina. I currently work as a Project Manager and Designer for a general contractor. I also participate in the several local non-profit organizations. In the few spare moments I have, I am writing or thinking about writing.
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Book preview
Blood Moon - Kevin Barker
Chapter 1
I know that God exists because he created my father and my mother. I also know that they were removed from the garden for disobeying God’s command. It was then that my two older brothers were born. My oldest brother was murdered by his younger brother. I was given to my parents as a replacement for my murdered brother.
They named me Seth and for some reason I became the first immortal. I was born the same way as any other human was born. I just do not age nor do I get sick like the other humans. I am not indestructible by any means because I do take physical damage. I am the only one in my family who is immortal. I do not know why I am the only immortal in my family, but I am.
I know that by believing that God exists then I must also believe that Lucifer exists as well. He was created by God but was cast out of heaven. He influenced my mother into eating the apple and my older brother Cain to kill my eldest brother Able. It wasn’t until Lucifer fell from heaven that men became wicked.
My older brother was killed in a jealous feud with my oldest brother. He was then cast out from the family, never to return. It is said that Cain was the father of all evil that roamed the earth. Some legends say that it was his wicked ways that spawn all the evil in this world. His children were disfigured and deformed as a punishment from God. He was left to roam the world in shame and in constant pain.
Then, there are those who think we are only myth and they make light of the situation. They make books and movies that glorify vampires and werewolves. They make children idolize them in many ways. They dress like them and sometimes even drink human blood. They name their pets and even children after the characters.
There are those who know we exist and they try to either cover it up or try to extinguish our existence. The Vatican, for one, has been trying to extinguish the existence of unholy creatures for years. They claim that all immortals are demons etc.
Then you have those who know we exist but would rather work with us than to try to kill us. Most governments know we exist. Some of them even hold governmental jobs. The government knows they exist and allow these books and movies to be published. It is our government’s way of diffusing a complex situation.
There are more like me in this world. Why we exist and how we came to be is vague. Some would say it was a genetic mutation that has allowed us to live this long. We were not all born at them same time. The only thing that we can agree on is that we are natural immortals nothing more, and nothing less.
The biggest problem for us right now in the world is ourselves. It is our hatred of each other and for mankind that is driving this world to a breaking point. If a war breaks out among the supernatural, it will be the humans who will pay for our bloodlust.
My introduction into Dante was brief but was very enlightening. After a brief display of his talents he transferred all of his knowledge into me. What I didn’t know at that point in time was that he even transferred his essence into me. He did not possess me as people usually reference demon possession. Instead he resides in me asleep and only awakens when I summon him.
A talented telepath can transfer their essence and knowledge into another person using the astral plane. Once you have done this, your body turns into an empty vessel. Without the will to live, your body dies very quickly. There is no known way to revert the process.
Once you have transferred yourself over, you become an unconscious part of their mind and soul. You are only awakened when they summon you. They can summon you in a couple ways. Thinking about you or projecting yourself onto the astral plane to visit with your companion.
When I think of Dante, he speaks to me as if we are old friends. We can talk to each other as fast as my neural pathways will let the information flow. There is no real verbal communication, instead it is all thought based. Sort of a split personality meets a telepath kind of encounter.
During their awakened state, the essence that has been bound to you can actually influence you in many ways. They can change your mood, your thought process and even your memories, if they so desire. Constant changes by outside forces can drive a person insane. A powerful telepath or demon can even take control of their host for short periods of time.
Chapter 2
Demons will often wear a person down to the point where they become in full control. Some telepaths will take control and then transfer their essence to another person. This leap frogging method will keep an essence in this realm well past their normal life expectance.
Dante has never attempted to persuade me or to take over from me. He remains my silent partner. When I have the time, I train with him. I project myself into the astral plane where I can see him and talk with him. Strolling through the great plane of time and space, we have greatly increased my abilities as a telepath. The astral plane does not care that he is only a spirit. Anything he can imagine, he can do on the astral plane.
I wish I had known Dante before his early demise. He is such a great man. Wonderfully talented and he has such a great laugh. He is always singing a song of a light tune about a wonderful adventure one of his ancestors had. His thoughts are always pure and he always has good intentions. Our time together has allowed me to forget a lot of my trouble. He knows the burdens of my heart and he is helping me prepare myself.
Dante is helping me strengthen myself against De’Lorosa. De’Lorosa, or Dee, is another telepath with extremely powerful talents. The first time I met with Dee it was very theatrical. He displayed his talent as a telepath in many ways. He forced images and thoughts into my mind. Later, I was told he was an immortal just like me who was turned vampire by an old acquaintance of mine.
As I walk the astral plane, I am allowed to break away from the laws of time and space. I can travel across the world and communicate with another telepath if needed. I have been perfecting this talent, as Dante says it is extremely important. I have not had anyone that I can train with other than him.
I now have the ability to access memories of people without them knowing. It is better to do this while they sleep. They will believe that they are dreaming about past events as I scroll through their memories. Being able to tell a dream from a true memory is a little tricky. You need to be able to guide the person in which direction you want without them changing what they remember.
Since I have acquired new skills, I have decided to put them into use. I have been accessing memories of those who are associated with Dee. He has quite the following, but not because they want to. He forces other immortals into submission. With his telepathic powers he can easily conquer any foe. Knowing what the person’s next move is before they do is just an unfair advantage and he is a master at it.
He has been collecting immortals of every race under this regime. He keeps them in line with his physical and mental abilities. He is fast, strong, and agile. Not to mention he is always one step ahead of his opponent. I am learning counter measures against this.
Dante and I have been putting together a strategy of how to fight him if we must. I am sure it is only a matter of time before he comes to me to add me into this fold. Dante thinks that if I keep him in an awakened state that Dee will be confused with two thoughts at the same time. He will not know which one to listen to. It will be a dual attack, and he will be left off balance.
This is great in theory, but we have not practiced it. We don’t even have anyone to practice with. It will take two telepaths to do this training. I don’t know who Dee controls. I am not even sure if he is as dangerous as I think he might be.
He has not shown any ill will towards me or towards the public in general. He has defended himself from attacks by other immortals. Once they do attack him, he forces them to serve him in some way. Some are to earn money for his estate. Others are his general servants such as maids and butlers. Others are there for his personal enjoyment.
I believe he is out for revenge against one of the oldest vampires I know. I think he is out to kill Le’Mont. This is all pure speculation because I honestly have no idea of what Dee’s plans are. I have started recently cataloging his fold. Names, faces, status of employment and even what class of immortal they are. He has a small army put together. He is defiantly more organized than any other immortal I have ever come across.
There are many supernatural beings in this world, but only a handful of them are truly immortal. Those who are deemed immortal will naturally live eternally unless something intervenes. Some supernatural beings are very powerful but are short lived. Some immortals are only gifted with a long life and the wisdom that comes with it.
Chapter 3
Werewolves are the most obnoxious and loud mouthed of the supernatural beings. They have the life span of a normal human being. Their life is often ended well before their human counterparts because of their belief that they are top dog. They believe that they the supreme immortal. During a full moon a werewolf will get the uncontrollable urge to bite a human. This