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Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons
Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons
Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons
Ebook74 pages35 minutes

Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons

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About this ebook

How long can people really live? We are all taught by family, friends, and our family doctors that we should live into our seventies and eighties then die in the normal course of events.

The truth is that there are legitimate records of persons up to hundreds of years old.

One only has to do the research.

In this book I present extensive records of nine individuals who lived from one hundred thirty to over three hundred years--or more.

Read about Li Ching Yun who lived to 256 years old. Well documented in the 1930s.

What about the man from Soviet Georgia-Shirali Baba Muslimov-who lived to 168 and was profiled in National Geographic and has videos showing him.

Release dateMar 22, 2012
Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons

Martin Ettington

The owner Martin K. Ettington is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. These include technical sales for GE and HP. Martin also Owns his own software and consulting business.Martin’s interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too.Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

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    Book preview

    Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons - Martin Ettington

    Records of Extremely Long Lived People

    Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons

    How long can people really live? We are all taught by family, friends, and our family doctors that we should live into our seventies and eighties then die in the normal course of events.

    The truth is that our media doesn’t report the truth.

    The truth is that there are legitimate records of persons up to hundreds of years old. One only has to do the research.

    In this book I present extensive records of nine individuals who lived from one hundred thirty to over one thousand years old.

    Hope all this information provides you some food for thought.

    Copyright Page

    Records of Extremely Long Lived Persons

    Authored By Martin K. Ettington

    Copyright 2012 Martin K. Ettington

    Revised 2018

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 9781976963858

    Other Books By The Author

    The Longevity Training Series

    (A transcription of the online Multimedia Longevity Coaching Training Program)

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book1-Long Lived Persons

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book2-Your Soul’s Purpose

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book3-Enable Your Life Urge

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book4-Your Spiritual Connection

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book5-Having Love in Your Heart

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book6-Energy Body Health

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book7-The Science of Longevity

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book8-Physical Body Health

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book9-Avoiding Accidents

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Book10-Implementing These Principles

    The Personal Longevity Training Series-Books One Thru Ten

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1-Introduction

    Chapter 2-General Records of Long Lived People

    Chapter 3: Christian Jacobsen Drakenberg

    Chapter 4: Thomas Parr

    Chapter 5: Zaro Ağa Mutki

    Chapter 6: Shirali Mislimov

    Chapter 7: Javier Pereira

    Chapter 8: Turinah

    Chapter 9: Antisa Khvichava

    Chapter 10: Li-Ching Yung

    Chapter 11: Trailanga Swami

    Chapter 12: The Oldest Man Alive Today?

    Chapter 13: Summary

    Chapter 1-Introduction:

    According to the Guinness Book of World Records, The oldest well documented living person is Jean Calumet who lived to 122 years of age.

    However, my extensive research over the years has found records of many persons who lived to much greater ages. Jean Calumet seems to be a young woman compared to some of these people.

    My goal here is to blow up the paradigm that we must all age and die before reaching 100 years old.

    First, this book contains a lot of general records of long lived persons I’ve gathered over many years.

    Next the nine persons profiled in this book all are very well documented, and should help open the reader’s mind to the possibilities of extended longevity for everyone.

    I encourage you to check my research on these people to see for yourself the reality of very long lived people in our world.

    Chapter 2-General Records of Long Lived People

    Ages 110-119

    From the Immortality Article:

    Of interest to Americans is the case of David Kinnison, who, when one hundred and eleven, related to Lossing the historian the tale of the Boston Tea Party,

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