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God LIke Powers & Abilities
God LIke Powers & Abilities
God LIke Powers & Abilities
Ebook169 pages2 hours

God LIke Powers & Abilities

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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  • Meditation

  • Spiritual Enlightenment

  • Psychic Abilities

  • Prophecy

  • Spiritual Development

  • Psychic Powers

  • Spiritual Journey

  • Supernatural Abilities

  • Self-Discovery

  • Ancient Wisdom

  • Paranormal Phenomena

  • Mentor

  • Chosen One

  • Spiritual Awakening

  • Mind Over Matter

  • Yoga

  • Paranormal Abilities

  • Chakras

  • Time Travel

  • Visualization

About this ebook

God Like Powers and Abilities are the abilities of the human spirit which are supposed to be impossible, but which really exist. The abilities and powers reviewed in this book include Telepathy, Psychokinesis, Levitation, Invisibility, Invulnerability, Teleportation, Creating your future, Prophecy, Omniscience, and much more. This book will help the reader understand what is the basis for these powers and exercises to learn how to do them.

Release dateDec 16, 2011
God LIke Powers & Abilities

Martin Ettington

The owner Martin K. Ettington is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. These include technical sales for GE and HP. Martin also Owns his own software and consulting business.Martin’s interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too.Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

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    Book preview

    God LIke Powers & Abilities - Martin Ettington

    Chapter 30: Summary

    Chapter 1: Introduction

    In this book we will examine some of the most incredible stories and claims from history on powers and abilities which if true—would give us the potential to be as Gods.

    In our modern civilization we think we know it all and that Science reigns supreme. Even though I’m an engineer and have worked in industry, computers, and software most of my life I recognize the limited boundaries of Science.

    Most of what we will cover here is not currently measurable by Science and is based purely on subjective experiences.

    I’ve decided to throw away all restraints on what is possible and forget trying to prove my case that these powers exist—as I’ve done in my earlier books.

    This book is written based on my faith and intuition plus the case histories I’ve read, my experiences, and pure speculation. (I will provide references and case histories where available.)

    We are going to cross the bounds of what most people would say is possible and feasible into the never never land of what would commonly be called impossible—and I’m looking forward to the trip.

    I must also say that I spend my time mainly focused on my spiritual path, and I know that paranormal powers and abilities can be a great distraction from that path.

    Why in the world then would I write this book?

    Do I want to destroy the theme from my previous books that we should focus on and strive for spiritual development from learning inner peace?

    Not at all. I figure that most people who are interested in the spiritual development are also interested in these related subjects—and will find the information somewhere at a certain point in their journey.

    These distracting subjects include all of the paranormal and supernatural.

    At some point most people are going to try to learn about other related subjects so they might as well learn from somebody who has had their share of paranormal experiences and who has a spiritual focus.

    I consider myself someone who knows what to avoid and why—and am happy to share my advice and experiences with others.

    In addition, I just find all these things fascinating because they show what a malleable universe we live in, and that with a deep understanding of the spirit underlying reality, we can do many things considered impossible by western civilization.

    I have found bits and pieces of what I want to cover here in many places but never found all of it together at a level where the writer really had a good understanding of what they were talking about.

    It should also be mentioned that all of the powers and abilities I refer to here were first written down in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali over two thousand years ago. These are not new ideas or ones that I’ve created.

    I hope you enjoy this journey.

    Marty Ettington

    Fall 2010

    Chapter 2: The Scale of Believability

    When I was in my second year as an undergraduate engineering student, I had an opportunity to run a psychic research course during the 1975 January term at Renesslaer Polytechnic Institute under the auspices of the Chairman of the Physics department.

    The Professor scheduled the course and I worked with him to develop the material and taught a lot of it.

    At that point I had also read a lot of books on metaphysics, and was a year into my own psychic development through meditation.

    I was the daily instructor to a class of about 25 other students, where we did experiments on everything from pyramids to trying to hear messages from the dead on recording tapes.

    In looking for a way to explain psychic phenomena to the students I came up with my scale of believability which I have become an ever-stronger adherent to as I've gotten older.

    Figure 1-The Scale of Believability

    The concept is simple:

    Imagine a scale with one end called Probably True, and the other end called Impossible/Ridiculous

    Then start listing unusual types of phenomena along the scale as to where they fall.

    An example scale might include the following key, with these sample entries:

    • Probably True

    • Very Likely

    • Improbable

    • Leap of Faith

    • Impossible/Ridiculous

    Telepathy-Probably True

    A very common occurrence is when you think of someone and they call on the phone right away; or how many married couples think the same thoughts at the same time.

    Most people would agree because of these events, telepathy probably exists as a natural human ability in some form although it hasn't been validated by the accepted scientific standards yet

    Psychic Healing-Very Likely

    Many persons throughout history have reported natural healing from Christ to people in today's world. A lot of anecdotal evidence exists, and this is a common enough claim that most people would accept its existence, but they are still somewhat skeptical. Of course the scientific community doesn’t validate this either.

    Foretelling the Future-Improbable

    Again, something commonly claimed. The standard story being someone who dreamed they saw a plane crash and then it happened. Now we are getting to something that is very subjective and can't be validated by today's scientific techniques.

    Out of Body Experience-Leap Of Faith

    Many books are written on this subject, and thousands of cases have been reported, but it is a totally subjective experience and not measurable objectively today

    Mental Teleportation-Impossible/Ridiculous

    I'm talking about Star Trek beaming capability without the machines. This is really getting to the edge, but again if you search the literature, there are cases of this event reported throughout history although it is extremely rare.

    The reason that I’m introducing you the reader to this scale is how I’m organizing the Power and Abilities to be discussed in this book.

    In this book, we will proceed from an examination of phenomena which are mostly accepted to ones which most people consider impossible and ridiculous.

    It’s hard to tell if I have the sequence correct because ultimately these phenomena are all related to the underlying spirit which created the universe and therefore there is no one correct order.

    In the next Chapter we review the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is an analytical exposition of the science of yoga and a compilation of abilities to be achieved from that path.

    Chapter 3: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    I first learned about the read the Yoga Sutras when I was about nineteen, and it has impressed me to this day as a well written exposition for enlightenment and an analytical view of Yoga.

    I believe that the Sutras also describe the underlying reality behind all religions and mystical philosophies.

    The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali was written in four books in the Sanskrit language and is one of the great spiritual works of India.

    It is available in print and in many versions on the Internet, and describes the path to enlightenment and attainment of spiritual powers.

    The Sutras were written over 2,000 years ago by some estimates.

    The Sutras are often described as a scientific exposition in the science of yoga and consists of 4 books of Sutras in Sanskrit which has numerous translations in English.

    Each book was written in short sentences of Sanskrit, so many publications of the Yoga Sutras today include the following:

    1) The original Sanskrit text

    2) The phonetic and exact word translation

    3) Turning the previous into and English sentence

    4) An exposition on the meaning and details of the Sutra.

    An example of an ancient Sanskrit document

    All of the superhuman abilities and powers and more referred to in the Sutras are found in book three.

    The goal of the yogic path and the Sutras is enlightenment, however many spiritual powers become side effects of this spiritual process.

    Many Sutras describe different abilities or how different abilities can be derived.

    As an example-although the Sutras don’t talk specifically of physical immortality, the powers available as a result of the spiritual development process would also affect the body in a very positive manner.

    In Book 3 Sutra 45 we have an example of what I’m referring to regarding spiritual powers from the process of enlightenment which would probably cause a lot of longevity in the physical body if exercised properly:

    Book 3 Sutra 45-Thereupon will come the manifestation of the atomic and other powers, which are the endowment of the body, together with its unassailable force.

    The body in question is, of course, the etheric body of the spiritual man.

    He is said to possess eight powers: the atomic, the power of assimilating himself with the nature of the atom, which will, perhaps, involve the power to disintegrate material forms; the power of levitation; the power of limitless extension; the power of boundless reach, so that, as the commentator says, he can touch the moon with the tip of his finger; the power to accomplish his will; the power of gravitation, the correlative of levitation; the power of command; the power of creative will.

    These are the endowments of the spiritual man. Further, the spiritual body is unassailable. Fire burns it not, water wets it not, the sword cleaves it not, dry winds parch it not.

    And, it is said, the spiritual man can impart something of this quality and temper to his bodily vesture.

    Many forms of Yoga exist to develop one along the path. These include Raja, Gnana, Praya, Tantric, and additional forms of Yoga.

    Yoga teachers for many of these disciplines can be found in many major and minor cities around the world.

    In the next chapter we will learn how these abilities can exist and how they work.

    Chapter 4:

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