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The Big Book of Dogs
The Big Book of Dogs
The Big Book of Dogs
Ebook292 pages2 hours

The Big Book of Dogs

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About this ebook

The Big Book of Dogs includes everything to need to know about dogs including information on over 100 different breeds from Afghan to Yorkshire Terrier. Sections on puppy care and training as well as tips on choosing a dog.

Sections Include:

The Evolution of Dogs
Dog Breeds and Nicknames
Dog Facts
Famous Dogs
Presidents & Their Dogs
Puppy Training
Puppy Care
Choosing a Dog

Working Dogs
Herding Dogs
Terrier Dogs
Toy Dogs
Hound Dogs
Hunting Dogs
Bay Dogs

Dogs by Breed

Release dateDec 7, 2011
The Big Book of Dogs

Linda Alchin

Linda Alchin is a website author specialising in English History. Her career initially focussed on conventional training techniques to provide adult education. With the advent of the internet she moved on to distance learning projects. Combining new technology with her love of history she has created a variety of highly successful educational websites which, in turn have lead to the publication of these books. She lives with her family just outside London.

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    Book preview

    The Big Book of Dogs - Linda Alchin

    The Big Book

    of Dogs

    By Linda Alchin


    Smashwords Edition.

    Copyright 2011 Linda Alchin

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Limit of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this book, and the information provided herein is provided as is. Linda Alchin makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of fitness for any particular purpose and shall in no event be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages


    Author Biography

    Linda Alchin is a website author with a keen interest in dogs. Her career initially focussed on conventional training techniques to provide adult education. With the advent of the Internet she moved on to distance learning projects. Combining new technology with her love of dogs she has created a variety of highly successful educational websites which, in turn, have led to the publication of this book. She lives with her family just outside London.

    Websites by Linda Alchin:


    Table of Contents

    The Evolution of Dogs

    Dog Breeds and Nicknames

    Dog Facts

    Famous Dogs

    Presidents & Their Dogs

    Puppy Training

    Puppy Care

    Choosing a Dog

    Working Dogs

    Herding Dogs

    Terrier Dogs

    Toy Dogs

    Hound Dogs



    Hunting Dogs

    Bay Dogs

    Dogs by Breed



    Alaskan Husky

    Alaskan Klee Kai

    Alaskan Malamute


    American Cocker Spaniel

    American Eskimo

    American Foxhound

    American Staffordshire Terrier

    American Water Spaniel

    Anatolian Shepherd

    Australian Cattle

    Australian Kelpie Sheep

    Australian Shepherd

    Australian Terrier



    Basset Hound


    Bearded Collie


    Bedlington Terrier

    Belgian Malinois

    Belgian Sheepdog

    Belgian Tervuren

    Bernese Mountain

    Bichon Frise

    Black and Tan Coonhound

    Black Russian Terrier



    Border Collie

    Border Terrier


    Boston Terrier

    Bouvier des Flandres




    Brussels Griffon

    Bull Terrier




    Cairn Terrier


    Cardigan Welsh Corgi

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Chesapeake Bay Retriever


    Chinese Crested

    Chinese Foo

    Chinese Shar-pei

    Chow Chow

    Clumber Spaniel


    Curly-Coated Retriever



    Dandie Dinmont Terrier

    Doberman Pinscher

    English Cocker Spaniel

    English Foxhound

    English Setter

    English Springer Spaniel

    Field Spaniel

    Finnish Spitz

    Flat-Coated Retriever

    French Bulldog

    French Mastiff

    German Pinscher

    German Shepherd

    German Shorthaired Pointer

    German Wirehaired Pointer

    Giant Schnauzer

    Golden Retriever

    Gordon Setter

    Great Dane

    Great Pyrenees

    Greater Swiss Mountain





    Ibizan Hound

    Irish Setter

    Irish Terrier

    Irish Water Spaniel

    Irish Wolfhound

    Italian Greyhound

    Jack Russell Terrier

    Japanese Chin

    Japanese Spitz


    Kerry Blue Terrier



    Labrador Retriever

    Lakeland Terrier


    Lhasa Apso

    Louisiana Catahoula Leopard





    Miniature Bull Terrier

    Miniature Pinscher

    Miniature Schnauzer

    Neapolitan Mastiff


    Norfolk Terrier

    Norwegian Elkhound

    Norwich Terrier

    Old English Sheepdog



    Parson Russell Terrier

    Patterdale Terrier


    Pembroke Welsh Corgi

    Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Dog

    Pharaoh Hound





    Portuguese Water



    Rat Terrier

    Redbone Coonhound

    Rhodesian Ridgeback


    Saint Bernard




    Scottish Deerhound

    Scottish Terrier

    Sealyham Terrier

    Shetland Sheepdog

    Shiba Inu

    Shih Tzu


    Siberian Husky

    Silky Terrier

    Skye Terrier

    Smooth Fox Terrier

    Spinone Italiano

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier

    Standard Schnauzer

    Sussex Spaniel

    Thai Ridgeback

    Tibetan Mastiff

    Tibetan Spaniel

    Tibetan Terrier

    Tosa Inu

    Toy Fox Terrier



    Welsh Springer Spaniel

    Welsh Terrier



    Wire Fox Terrier

    Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

    Yorkshire Terrier

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    Dog Breeds and Nicknames


    Affenpinscher - The Moustached Little Devil

    Afghan Hound - Hound of the Pharaohs and Cavemen

    Airedale Terrier - Dog from the Valley of Aire

    Akita - The Most Venerated

    Alaskan Husky - The Sled Racer

    Alaskan Klee Kai - A Rare Breed

    Alaskan Malamute - The Artic Dog

    Alsatian - The German Shepherd Dog

    American Cocker Spaniel - The American with a British Heritage

    American Eskimo Dog - The Performer

    American Foxhound - The Pilgrim Father's Dog

    American Staffordshire Terrie - King of the Fighting Pits

    American Water Spaniel - The Great Lakes Dog

    Anatolian Shepherd Dog - The Wolf Hunter

    Australian Cattle Dog - The Heeler

    Australian Kelpie Sheep Dog - Water Sprite

    Australian Shepherd - The Basque Shepherd Dog

    Australian Terrier - National Terrier of Australia


    Bandog - The American Bandogge

    Basenji - The Bark-less Dog

    Basset Hound - The French Aristocrat

    Beagle - The Snoopy Dog

    Bearded Collie - Olde English Dog

    Beauceron - Berger de Beauce

    Bedlington Terrier - The Lamb-like Dog

    Belgian Malinois - Bred in Malines

    Belgian Sheepdog - World War I Hero

    Belgian Tervuren - The Tervuren Village Dog

    Bernese Mountain Dog - The Berne Herdsman's Dog

    Bichon Frise - The Curly Lap Dog

    Black and Tan Coonhound - The Raccoon Raider

    Black Russian Terrier - A Bull Baiter

    Bloodhound - The Sleuthhound

    Boerboel - Dog of the Boers

    Border Collie - The Trainers Dream Dog

    Border Terrier - The Head of an Otter

    Borzoi - Sighthound of the Russian Czars

    Boston Terrier - The American Gentleman among Dogs

    Bouvier des Flandres - The Strong Guy

    Boxer - The Fighter

    Briard - The Emperor Charlemagne's Dog

    Brittany - Epagneul Breton

    Brussels Griffon - Hansom Cab Stable Dogs

    Bull Terrier - The White Cavalier

    Bulldog - The British Bull Baiter

    Bullmastiff - Poachers Beware


    Cairn Terrier - Toto, in the Wizard of Oz

    Canaan - Dog from the Land of Canaan

    Canary Dog - The Canary Islands Dog of Prey

    Cardigan Welsh Corgi - Dog of the Celts

    Catahoula Leopard Dog- The Leopard-like Dog

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - The Merry Monarch's Dog

    Chesapeake Bay Retriever - The Strongest Swimmer

    Chihuahua - The Smallest Dog in the World

    Chinese Crested - A Hairless Dog or a Powder Puff !

    Chinese Foo Dog - Mascot of the Tongs

    Chinese Shar-pei - Chinese Fighting Dog

    Chow Chow - The Dog with the Black Tongue

    Clumber Spaniel - French Revolution Emigre

    Collie - The Lassie Star

    Curly-Coated Retriever - The Gamekeeper's Dog


    Dachshund - The Hot Dog

    Dalmatian - Immortalised by Disney

    Dandie Dinmont Terrier - Sir Walter Scott's Inspiration

    Doberman Pinscher - The Tax Collectors Dog

    Dogue de Bordeaux - French Mastiff


    English Cocker Spaniel - Hunter of Woodcock Pigeons

    English Foxhound - Favourite of the English Aristocracy

    English Setter - The Dog who Sits

    English Springer Spaniel - The Quarry Springers

    English Toy Spaniel - Lapdog of Mary, Queen of Scots


    Field Spaniel - The Field Worker

    Finnish Spitz - Barking Bird Dog of Finland

    Flat-Coated Retriever - Natural Water Dog

    French Mastiff - French Mastiff

    French Bulldog - The Toy Bulldog


    German Pinscher - Saved from Extinction

    German Shepherd Dog - The Alsatian Wolf Dog

    German Shorthaired Pointer - The Short Haired Dog

    German Wirehaired Pointer - The Leading Pointer Dog

    Giant Schnauzer - The Small Beard

    Glen of Imaal Terrier - The Turnspit Dog

    Golden Retriever - The World's Most Popular Dog

    Gordon Setter - Gun Dog of Scotland

    Great Dane - The Gentle Giant

    Great Pyrenees - The Court Dog of France

    Greater Swiss Mountain Dog - The Swissy

    Greyhound - The Fastest Dog on Earth


    Harrier - The Hare Hunter

    Havanese - The Dog from Havana

    Hovawart - Farm Watchdog


    Ibizan Hound - Sighthound of Hannibal

    Irish Setter - A Victorian Favorite

    Irish Terrier - The Racy Terrier

    Irish Water Spaniel - The Tallest Spaniel

    Irish Wolfhound - War Dog of Irish Chieftains

    Italian Greyhound - Gaze Hound of European Royalty


    Jack Russell Terrier - The Scamp

    Japanese Chin - The Ornamental Dog

    Japanese Spitz - The Pure White Dog


    Keeshond - The Dutch Barge Dog

    Kerry Blue Terrier - County Kerry Beauty

    Komondor - The Ultimate Sheep Dog

    Kuvasz - The Dog of the Magyars


    Labrador Retriever - The Fisherman's Friend

    Lakeland Terrier - The Showman

    Leonberger - The Lion-like Dog

    Lhasa Apso - The Sacred Dog of Tibet

    Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog - The Leopard-like Dog

    Lowchen - The Little Lion Dog


    Maltese - Prized Dog of Malta

    Manchester Terrier (Standard) - The Cat-like Dog

    Manchester Terrier (Toy) - The Rat Killer

    Maremma - The Italian Sheepdog

    Mastiff - War Dog and Gladiator

    Miniature Bull Terrier - The Gladiator of Terriers

    Miniature Pinscher - The Mini Pin

    Miniature Schnauzer - Small Beard


    Neapolitan Mastiff - The Dog of the Romans

    New Guinea Singing Dog - Gazehound of New Guinea

    Newfoundland - The Landseer Dog

    Norfolk Terrier - The Demon

    Norwegian Elkhound - War Dog of the Vikings

    Norwich Terrier - The Jones Terrier

    Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever - The Splasher!


    Old English Sheepdog - The Bobtail

    Otterhound - The Otter's Foe


    Papillon - The Butterfly Dog

    Parson Russell Terrier - The Minister's Scamp

    Patterdale Terrier - The Fell Terrier

    Pekingese - The Lion Dog - Sacred Symbol of Buddha

    Pembroke Welsh Corgi - The Tiny dog of the Celts

    Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen - Small Dog with the Big Name

    Pharaoh Hound - Sighthound of the Pharaohs

    Plott - Mr. Plott's Dog!

    Pointer - The Bird Locator

    Polish Lowland Sheepdog - The Nizinny

    Pomeranian - Poms or Puffballs

    Poodle - The Stylish Breed

    Portuguese Water Dog - Trawler Crew Member

    Pug - The Dog of Kings & Monks

    Puli - The Hungarian Water Dog


    Rat Terrier - The Ratter

    Redbone Coonhound - The Treeing Red Dog

    Rhodesian Ridgeback - The Lion Dog

    Rottweiler - Marched with the Romans


    Saint Bernard - The Saviour of Lost Travellers

    Saluki - Sacred Dog of the Sumerian Empire

    Samoyed - The Dog with the Smiling Face

    Schipperke - Little Captain

    Scottish Deerhound - Royal Dog of Scotland

    Scottish Terrier - The Scotty Dog

    Sealyham Terrier - The Mystery Dog

    Shetland Sheepdog - The Sheltie

    Shiba Inu - The Brushwood Dog

    Shih Tzu - The Chrysanthemum Dog

    Shikoku - The Most Venerated

    Siberian Husky - The Team Racer

    Silky Terrier - The Sydney Silky

    Skye Terrier - Greyfriars Bobby

    Smooth Fox Terrier - The Adventurer

    Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier - The Teddy Bear

    Spinone Italiano - Italian Renaissance Pointer

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier - The Nanny Dog

    Standard Schnauzer - The Rat Catcher

    Sussex Spaniel - The Flusher


    Thai Ridgeback - The Thailand Spitz

    Tibetan Mastiff - A War Dog

    Tibetan Spaniel - The Prayer Dog

    Tibetan Terrier - The Good Luck Dog

    Tosa Inu - Dog from Tosa

    Toy Fox Terrier - The AmerToy


    Vizsla - The Hungarian Pointer


    Weimaraner - The Forester's Dog

    Welsh Springer Spaniel - Dog of the Celts

    Welsh Terrier - The Loveable Rogue

    West Highland White Terrier - The Westie

    Whippet - The Snap Dog

    Wire Fox Terrier - The Live Wire

    Wirehaired Pointing Griffon - The Rough Coat


    Yorkshire Terrier - The Yorkies

    Back to Table of Contents


    The Evolution of Dogs

    Is Man's best friend really a descendent of tamed wolves?

    Biologists have debated over the history and evolution of the domestic dog for hundreds of years. Most Scientists now agree that dogs are directly descended from Canis Lupus - the Grey Wolf.

    Dr. Robert K. Wayne, canid biologist and molecular geneticist at UCLA, has shown, through DNA research, that dogs are more closely related to the Grey Wolf than Biologists had previously suspected. In fact, due in large part to Dr. Robert K. Wayne's genetic research, the authors of the Mammal Species of the World the internationally accepted reference source on mammal species, reclassified the dog in 1993 from Canis Familiaris to Canis Lupus.

    The Evolution Dogs from Wolves - How could Wolves be tamed and Why?

    We will never now exactly why or how wolves were tamed by man, but remains of dogs dating back 10 to 15 thousand years have been found, so we at least have a ball-park figure of when which helps to build a picture of the History and Evolution of dogs. The wolf and man had several important things in common; we were both hunters and also hunted in packs. It is certain that during our history our paths would have regularly crossed, we would have even hunted and eaten each other! The most likely scenario is that a human hunting party came across a very young Wolf Cub and decided to take it with them. The Wolf Cub would have been very puppy like at an early age, when grown although far less trustworthy than a dog of today, would not have been quite as dangerous as a wild Wolf. A semi-tamed Wolf would probably have had considerable value to a hunter gatherer group, lending its superior hunting senses to the group. This would have helped not just in hunting but defensively as a warning system as well. The evolution of the wolf to the domestic dog began.

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    Dog Facts

    The largest, smallest, oldest and fastest – keep reading for amazing dog information and facts. Interesting information and facts about dog anatomy and development are also included!

    Interesting Dog Facts - The World Record Breakers!

    The Greyhound is the Fastest Dog on Earth and can run 45 miles per hour for short periods of time.

    The Irish Wolfhounds is the largest dog.

    The Great Dane is the tallest dog.

    The Chihuahua is the smallest dog.

    The St. Bernard is the heaviest dog.

    The Worlds oldest dog was an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey who lived to the age of 29 years and 5 months!

    Did you Know...

    Barking Sands Beach, on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, is known for its unusual dry sand that squeaks

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