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Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings
Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings
Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings
Ebook45 pages26 minutes

Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings

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“Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings” is an instructional guide for drawing lifelike drawings. This book or long article of about 6,100 words contains tips from the artist, besides well-known artists who’ve discovered ways to make their drawings realistic.

Basically, this is done by blending tones. Also contained in the book are drawings of the artists and useful links where readers can find art instructional books that have inspired her.

Release dateOct 28, 2011
Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings

Venice Kichura

Venice Kichura is a freelance writer who writes for several websites and has been published in print media. A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Venice holds a Bachelor of Science in English and History. She started her writing career as a feature writer for a South Florida newspaper where she also wrote a weekly column. Venice has been published in several print publications, including "Connecticut Parents Magazine", "God Allows U-Turns", "Pentecostal Evangel","Sonlight Christian Newspaper" and others. She's written more than 1,000 internet articles which have been published in sites such as Suite 101 and Associated Content. As a writer for Demand Media since 2008, she's written numerous articles for websites such as "Garden Guides" and others. Venice has a passion for encouraging others in their Christian walk and has written book reviews for the Christianity section of

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    Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings - Venice Kichura

    Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings

    By Venice Kichura

    Published by

    Venice Kichura on Smashwords


    Tips for Producing Realistic Pencil Drawings

    Cover art by Venice Kichura

    Copyright 2011 Venice Kichura


    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Introduction * Materials * Creating a Five-Box Value Scale * Elements of Shading * Steps for Creating Realistic Tones * Basic Pencil Techniques * Drawing Realistic Landscapes * Creating Texture in Wood * Drawing Realistic Portraits * Drawing Realistic Animals * Concluding Remarks * Photos of Pencil Drawings * References and Links * About the Author *

    All rights reserved Copyright 2011 Venice Kichura


    Of all the art mediums I’ve used the pencil remains my favorite. Besides being clean and portable, it’s also the cheapest. Drawing lifelike realistic subjects, using a pencil, may at first seem overwhelming, but after mastering a few simple techniques many beginners are amazed at their work. The secret is all wrapped up in blending tones and creating depth and volume.

    In this book I’ve included

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