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Deer Hunter's Devotional: Hunting for the Heart of God: Hunting for the Heart of God, #1
Deer Hunter's Devotional: Hunting for the Heart of God: Hunting for the Heart of God, #1
Deer Hunter's Devotional: Hunting for the Heart of God: Hunting for the Heart of God, #1
Ebook170 pages3 hours

Deer Hunter's Devotional: Hunting for the Heart of God: Hunting for the Heart of God, #1

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About this ebook

Deer Hunter's Devotional is a book in which the author uses carefully selected scripture to discuss matters related to deer hunting. The author is not afraid to delve deep into topics such as the importance of sound doctrine and choosing your companions wisely, and each day's reading will leave you with wisdom to apply to your own Christian walk. A must-read book for the Christian sportsman.

PublisherSean Jeffries
Release dateOct 25, 2010
Deer Hunter's Devotional: Hunting for the Heart of God: Hunting for the Heart of God, #1

Sean Jeffries

Sean Jeffries is a life-long hunter who has a passion for sharing his experiences afield with others. He has kept detailed journals of every hunt that he has undertaken since 2000, and is the owner and operator of the website. His books include "Eight Days in Africa", "Always Take Your Rifle", and a Christian Living piece entitled "Deer Hunter's Devotional", which ties Biblical passages in with the outdoors. "Deer Hunter's Devotional" is the first piece in the "Hunting For the Heart of God" collection, which will later include a novel and a book of church-related essays. Sean lives in Clover, SC with his wife Micki, their two dogs, and their newborn son Paul.

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