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Evel Knievel: An American Hero
Evel Knievel: An American Hero
Evel Knievel: An American Hero
Ebook289 pages4 hours

Evel Knievel: An American Hero

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Robert "Evel" Knievel is one of the most unique heroes to earn a place in the collective psyche of this country. A high school dropout, an award-winning athlete, a petty thief, a motorcycle racer, and a political activist, Knievel earned his nickname because of his unlawful activities early in his life but rode that name to fame by consistently tempting death in the public eye. With a showman's panache and a madman's daring, he has risen-along with the likes of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe-past mere celebrity to the exalted level of American icon. Today, at sixty-two years of age, Evel still makes headlines, proving that the appeal of daredevil never dies. From his recent liver transplant to his son Robbie's jump off the Grand Canyon to his very public support of mandatory helmet laws, Knievel remains foremost in the minds of his millions of fans. Evel Knievel stands as a truly perfect example of a certain uniquely American aesthetic, one in which pride and heart can overcome any circumstances at all.

Release dateApr 1, 2010
Evel Knievel: An American Hero

Ace Collins

Ace Collins is the writer of more than sixty books, including several bestsellers: Stories behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas, Stories behind the Great Traditions of Christmas, The Cathedrals, and Lassie: A Dog’s Life. Based in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, He continues to publish several new titles each year, including a series of novels, the first of which is Farraday Road. Ace has appeared on scores of television shows, including CBS This Morning, NBC Nightly News, CNN, Good Morning America, MSNBC, and Entertainment Tonight.

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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Aug 17, 2022

    Evel Knievel was my hero growing up and this book brings back all those terrific memories of this incredible daredevil. He was not a perfect man, but he love his family and the U.S.A. Thank you Ace Collins for writing such a wonderful book.