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Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
Ebook178 pages2 hours

Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

God created us to crave more of Him in our lives. . .but it's so easy to misplace that craving, overindulging in physical pleasures instead of lasting spiritual satisfaction. What would happen if you started listening to your cravings for your Creator?

In this Participant's guide (designed for use with the Made to Crave DVD, sold separately), bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst with teach you how to identify your cravings and understand how they point you up to God.

For a woman struggling with unhealthy eating habits, Made to Crave will equip you to:

  • Break the 'I'll start again Monday cycle' and start feeling good about yourself today.
  • Stop beating yourself up over the numbers on the scale and make peace with the body you've been given.
  • Discover how weight loss struggles aren't a curse but, rather, a blessing in the making.
  • Replace justifications that lead to diet failure with empowering go-to scripts that lead to victory.
  • Eat healthy without feeling deprived.
  • Reach a healthy weight goal while growing closer to God through the process.


Made to Crave session titles include:

  • Session 1: From Deprivation to Empowerment
  • Session 2: From Desperation to Determination
  • Session 3: From Guilt to Peace
  • Session 4: From Triggers to Truth
  • Session 5: From Permissible to Beneficial
  • Session 6: From Consumed to Courageous
  • Bonus Session: Moving the Mountain


The Made to Crave Participant's Guide is designed for use with the Made to Crave DVD.

Release dateApr 24, 2013
Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food

Lysa TerKeurst

Lysa TerKeurst is president and chief visionary officer of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the author of six New York Times bestsellers, including Good Boundaries and Goodbyes, Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, and It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way. She writes from her family’s farm table and lives in North Carolina. Connect with her at or on social media @LysaTerKeurst.

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Reviews for Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My weight had topped 335 lbs. as I walked into the bookstore. I had never been so miserable. Then across the room I saw this beautiful blue book with words CRAVE written in red. In seconds I had the book in hand. I was very familiar with Lysa..I just knew this would be good..& it was! It's not a diet's a whole new way of looking at things. I realized that God has given us cravings, but we have to fill those cravings with God and nothing else. I bought the book and did what the book said and I slowly began to lose 100 lbs which I've kept off 6 years. I still eat what I want, but a whole lot less. I'm still working on loosing more. This book changed my life! I give it 5 stars! Thank you Lysa Terkquest
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book and its theories on how working on your relationship with God can help to fill the cravings you have for food. Terkeurst says that we are made to crave (obviously by the title) God but that we fill that craving with food, sex, shopping, etc instead of filling it with God. By working on our relationship with God and filling the craving through Him we will crave less of the food, sex, shopping, etc. There are some excellent quotes and passages in the book one of my favorites is (this is not an exact quote because I don't have the book in front of me) the number on the scale is a measure of how much our bodies weigh, not a measure of our worth. A definite read for anyone interested in a different thought process on dieting, weight and spirituality.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Made to Crave Bible Study Participant's Guide - Lysa TerKeurst


From Deprivation to Empowerment


Welcome to Session 1 of Made to Crave. You’re about to embark on a spiritual adventure with great physical benefits! If this is your first time together as a group, take a moment to introduce yourselves to each other before watching the video. Then let’s get started!

Video: From Deprivation to Empowerment (20 MINUTES)

As you watch the video, use the outline below to follow along or to take notes on anything that stands out to you.


God made you wonderful. (Psalm 139)

[Your Notes]

Indulge: To take unrestrained pleasure in something.

[Your Notes]

Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which [wage] war against your soul. (1 Peter 2:11)

[Your Notes]

Made to Crave is not about helping you to find your how-to; it’s about helping you find your want-to.

• How-to = diet programs

[Your Notes]

• Want-to = the spiritual and mental motivation to make lasting changes

[Your Notes]

Story of the rich young man. (Matthew 19:16 – 26)

If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (Mark 8:34)

[Your Notes]

• Food isn’t bad, but it’s a problem when it sabotages you mentally, physically, and spiritually.

[Your Notes]

• I had to be really honest. The thing I thought about, ran to, took comfort in, found refuge in, turned to and depended on, was food way more than it was Jesus.

[Your Notes]

This is a spiritual journey that will reap wonderful physical benefits.

[Your Notes]

If we can look at healthy options and make the healthy choices—and not feel deprived but instead feel empowered—everything will change. It will change us mentally, spiritually, and physically.

[Your Notes]

Made to Crave will help you learn how to feel empowered rather than deprived.

[Your Notes]

We were made to crave, desire, want greatly, one thing: God, not food.

[Your Notes]

Group Discussion: From Deprivation to Empowerment (5 MINUTES)

If your group meets for two hours, allow 10 MINUTES for this discussion.

Take a few minutes to talk about what you just watched.

1. What part of the teaching had the most impact on you?

[Your Response]

2. What, if anything, did you hear that you didn’t expect to hear?

[Your Response]

Group Discussion: The Vicious Cycle (10 MINUTES)

If your group meets for two hours, include this discussion as part of your meeting.

1. Lysa describes the vicious cycle she experienced of stepping on the scale every morning, vowing to make healthier choices, giving in to the temptation of unhealthy foods, feeling like a failure, and then starting all over again. How would you describe your experiences of the vicious cycle?

[Your Response]

2. Do you ever feel that your struggles with food are unfair? Why or why not?

[Your Response]

Individual Activity: Assessing My Soul (5 MINUTES)

Complete this activity on your own.

1. Briefly review the list of statements below and place a checkmark next to those you feel are true for you.

I think about food way too much.

My food choices are often high in fat or sugar.

I feel embarrassed about my weight or appearance.

The thought of changing how I eat makes me feel sad.

I’m reluctant to bring this issue to God.

I have gained and lost weight several times.

I feel defeated and discouraged about issues related to weight or food.

I don’t have as much physical energy as I wish I did.

When I need comfort, I turn to food before I turn to God.

I say negative things to myself (You’re so fat, You’re ugly, You’re not capable of getting your act together when it comes to food.)

I’m not sure this is an issue God cares about.

I feel guilty or embarrassed about what I eat or the size of my portions.

I have health concerns that are weight related.

I eat foods typically considered unhealthy fast food several times a week.

I eat for emotional reasons—for comfort, out of boredom, to relieve stress.

I sometimes feel like food is more powerful than I am.

I think I will always struggle with this issue.

I sometimes eat in secret or hide food.

I avoid physical exertion.

When it comes to food and weight, I feel like I am trapped in a vicious cycle with no way out.

2. Based on your responses from the checklist, circle the number below that best describes the degree to which you feel issues with food may be waging war on your soul.

Group Discussion: Assessing My Soul (8 MINUTES)

If your group meets for two hours, allow 15 MINUTES for this discussion.

1. How do you respond to the idea that issues with food or weight can wage war on your soul (1 Peter 2:11)?

[Your Response]

2. What insights or surprises did you discover in your self-assessment?

[Your Response]

3. If you feel comfortable doing so, share the statement from the Individual Activity checklist that best describes your thoughts or feelings right now. Explain the reasons for your choice.

[Your Response]

Group Discussion: How’s Your Want-To? (15 MINUTES)

If your group meets for two hours, include this discussion as part of your meeting.

1. In order to eat healthier, we need a how-to (a plan for what to eat), but we also need a want-to—the spiritual and mental motivation to make lasting changes. In previous efforts at weight loss and healthy eating, what ideas, experiences, or relationships fueled your want-to? In other words, what increased your motivation to make healthy choices?

[Your Response]

2. How would you describe your want-to right now? Is your spiritual and mental motivation low, moderate, or high? Describe the reasons for your response.

[Your Response]

Group Discussion: The Story of the Rich Young Man (13 MINUTES)

If your group meets for two hours, allow 30 MINUTES for this discussion.

1. Read Matthew 19:16 – 26 and Mark 8:34 aloud. In what ways do you relate the rich young man’s struggles with his possessions to your struggles with food?

[Your Response]

2. The rich young man is unwilling to deny himself; he doesn’t want to feel deprived of his possessions. Lysa had similar feelings about food. She once told God, You can mess with my pride, You can mess with my anger, You can mess with my disrespectful attitude, but don’t mess with my food. How do you respond to the idea of allowing God to mess with your food?

[Your Response]

3. Jesus asks us to give up being controlled by anything in life that we crave more than we crave Him, which may feel impossible to do. But He also says, With God, all things are possible. When it comes to your issues with food and healthy eating, what is the one impossible thing you want God to make possible for you?

[Your Response]

Group Discussion: Empowerment (7 MINUTES)

If your group meets for two hours, allow 15 MINUTES for this discussion.

If we can learn to feel empowered rather than deprived when we make a healthy choice, everything will change.

1. Imagine you are attending a party with a large buffet. In the process of making healthy choices, you say no to some foods. What kinds of things might you say to yourself that would make you feel deprived because of your choice? For example, Why am I the only one not eating dessert?

[Your Response]

2. What kinds of things might you say to yourself that would make you feel empowered because of your choice? For example, I overcame temptation and made a healthy choice!

[Your Response]

3. How hopeful do you feel that you can make this mental switch—from feeling deprived to feeling empowered when you make a healthy choice?

[Your Response]

Individual Activity: What I Want to Remember (2 MINUTES)

Complete this activity on your own.

1. Briefly review the outline and any notes you took.

2. In the space below, write down the most significant thing you gained in this session—from the teaching, activities, or discussions.

What I want to remember from this session …

[Your Response]

Closing Prayer

Close your time together with prayer.

Maximize the Impact

Maximize the impact of this curriculum with six days of personal study between sessions, alternating every other day between reading a chapter of the Made to Crave book and then completing a Bible study on the theme of that chapter (see next page). Setting aside just twenty to thirty minutes a day for personal study will enable you to complete the book and Bible studies by the end of the six-session group experience.

Between-Sessions Personal Bible Study

DAY 1: Read and Reflect

Read the introduction and chapter 1 of Made to Crave. If you want to dig a little deeper, use a notepad or journal to work through the personal reflection questions at the end of the chapter. Use the space below to note any insights or questions you want to bring to the next group session.

[Your Notes]

DAY 2: What’s Really Going on Here?

We tend to think of a craving as a weakness, something that compels us to eat something that probably isn’t the healthiest choice. But what if our ability to desire—to crave—is something that could draw us closer to God? Would it change the way you think about craving?

I believe God made us to crave. Now before you think this is some sort of cruel joke by God, let me assure you that the object of our craving was never supposed to be food or other things people find themselves consumed by, such as sex

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