What If America Were a Christian Nation Again?
By D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe
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Some people would gnash their teeth at the idea that America was – and can be again – a Christian nation. They will not be satisfied until they have removed every vestige of our Christian heritage from our minds and from our surroundings.
Yet in this book, D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe document the incontrovertible fact that America began as a Christian nation. And "we can get back on track before it's too late," they say. "What made us great in the first place is our rich Christian heritage. It's time to reclaim America!"
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What If America Were a Christian Nation Again? - D. James Kennedy
Copyright © 2003 by D. James Kennedy
All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to
use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical
reviews or articles.
Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible: New
International Version®.Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Library of Congress Control Number: 2003110937
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This book is dedicated to Tom Rogeberg, Executive Vice President
of Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc., who is doing a wonderful
job directing our television, radio, print, Internet, and affiliated
ministries in order to restore America to a Christian nation again.
Where We Came From: American’s Godly Heritage
1. God’s Providential Hand on America
2. The Pilgrim Adventure
3. Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor
4. The Real Thomas Jefferson
5. Liberty or License?
Where We Are: The Culture Clash—from Leave It to Beaver Beavis and Butthead
6. Whose Version of Tolerance?
7. As the Family Goes . . .
8. Life: An Inalienable Right
9. The Dumbing Down of America
10. Is Gambling a Sin?
11. Christianity and the Media
12. The Fastest-Growing Religion in America
Where Our Nation Could Be Headed:
A New Birth of Freedom
13. Religion Without Regeneration?
14. One Nation Under God?
15. If My People . . .
16. What If America Were a Christian Nation Again?
Where We Came From:
America’s Godly Heritage
"The wicked shall be turned into hell,
And all the nations that forget God."
—PSALM 9:17
LITTLE DID JEREMIAH DENTON JR., AN AMERICAN pilot who was captured in Vietnam in 1965, realize he would return to a virtually different country. He served his country in isolation and torture at the Hanoi Hilton
for almost eight years. Cut off from the rest of the world and the news back home, how could he know how much the American landscape was changing? He was released in 1973 and experienced more than the usual culture shock on his return.
Consider the differences between the United States of 1965 and that of 1973. During those eight years the floodgates of pornography were opened. Abortion became legal and was becoming widespread. Many marriages floundered, and the divorce rate skyrocketed. Millions were beginning to live in sin, only they resented anyone calling it that. The gay
movement was just getting started and marching down the streets. They were just a couple years behind the women’s liberation movement, which had also taken to the streets.
Television producers were pushing the envelope at every turn. (I have to admit, we have become so jaded that the risqué or questionable programs of the 1970s seem rated G compared to some of today’s fare.) And in the movie theater, anything went. In fact, the year of Denton’s imprisonment, the Academy Award winner was The Sound of Music. A few years later, that honor was bestowed on Midnight Cowboy, the first X-rated movie to win such a prestigious prize. In some cases, X-rated movies had gone from back-alley, out-of-the-way hellholes populated by dirty old men in their raincoats, to mainstream movie theaters.
Here is what Jeremiah Denton said about that:
When I came home and was driven from NAS, Norfolk to the hospital at Portsmouth and saw all these signs—X-rated movies, massage parlors, these dumpy-looking places—and I asked [my wife] Jane, What are those?
And then saw the magazines on the magazine racks in the Naval Hospital, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe that my country, a country which had succeeded in getting one nation under God placed back in the Pledge had gotten to this place . . . [for example,] Sodom and Gomorrah, homosexuality, the practice of it being viewed as a lifestyle choice, as if it’s sugar or cream in your coffee. I have nothing against people who have abnormal sexual inclinations. But I have everything against regarding that as normal. ¹
In 1980, Jeremiah ran for the United States Senate and won. He became a powerful advocate for positive values. He promoted abstinence programs and pro-family legislation. But he lost his bid for reelection in 1986. Apparently, even the state of Alabama was not ready for a full return to the Judeo-Christian values that had helped create the United States of America.
In less than forty years, our culture has gone from the strong family values of a society with a Christian consensus to a society that glorifies violence, illicit sex, and rebellion. We have severed ourselves from the roots of what made us great in the first place. We have gone from Leave It to Beaver to Beavis and Butthead in some thirty to forty years.
During the Civil War, in his classic Gettysburg Address, President Lincoln said that this nation needed a new birth of freedom.
² Today, we are engaged in another type of civil war, and we are again in need of a new birth of freedom.
All nations that have ever existed have been founded upon some theistic or antitheistic principle—whether the Hinduism of India, the Confucianism of China, the Mohammedanism of Saudi Arabia, or the atheism of modern China and the former Soviet Union. If we know our history, we know that America was a nation founded upon Christ and His Word. But that foundation is crumbling in our time.
Today some in our country are busily tearing apart that foundation. They would gnash their teeth at the idea that this is a Christian nation and will not be satisfied until they have removed every vestige of our Christian heritage from not only the minds, but also the monuments of this country.
What made us great in the first place is our rich Christian heritage. It’s time to reclaim it. In this book, I set out to document the incontrovertible facts that America began as a Christian nation; that background comprises Part One, America’s Godly Heritage.
In Part Two, The Culture Clash,
I will examine several of the issues that are tearing us apart as a country. Finally in Part Three, A New Birth of Freedom,
I will discuss how we can get back on track before it’s too late.
Please note that in no way am I advocating a theocracy. Nor are any reputable members of the so-called religious right. Not one of them. There was only one true theocracy in the history of the world, and that was ancient Israel. All I am advocating is a return, as much as possible, to the faith of our nation’s founders. I am calling for full religious liberty once again so the gospel can go forth unhindered and uncensored. I am calling for an end to the secular witch hunt against any sneaky vestiges of religion left in public places.
It’s time we rediscovered what it means to be one nation under God,
as President Abraham Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address. It’s time we understand the full meaning of our national motto, In God we trust.
It’s time we stop the state-sanctioned atheism
that has been stripping the public square of plaques of the Ten Commandments or statues of Christ or anything else that offends secular sensibilities. The great misunderstanding of the separation of church and state
(words not found in our Constitution) is closer in spirit and letter of the law to the old Soviet Union than it is to the spirit, letter of the law, actions, and writings of the founders of this country. That includes even the least religious among them, such as Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin.
Here’s my challenge for you to consider at the outset. Suppose someone now were to leave our country for eight years, as Jeremiah Denton did. When he returned, would he find it better, worse, or about the same?
May God grant that America become a truly Christian nation once again, so that the answer would be better.
And may our nation experience a new birth of freedom.
Extol Him who rides on the clouds.
—PSALM 68:4
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED ABOUT THE EYE ON THE back of the dollar bill? What is that all about? And there’s a foreign saying with it: Annuit Coeptis. What does that mean? It’s simply Latin for He has favored our undertakings.
He being? God. The eye represents the eye of God, of Providence, and refers to the role of Providence in the founding of America. ¹
But America has amnesia. We have forgotten the true founder of this great land: He who plants His footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm.
² The Scripture declares, Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those also who hate Him flee before Him
(Ps. 68:1), and Sing to God, sing praises to His name; extol Him who rides on the clouds, by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him
(Ps. 68:4). The founders of this country had multiple reasons to believe that God was scattering their enemies.
God is sovereign over the universe, over history, over the nations, over all His creation. For He commands and raises the stormy wind, which lifts up the waves of the sea
(Ps. 107:25). I believe that if we study the history of America (even centuries before its settling and founding), we can see the hand of God at work. But we have not remembered the invisible hand of that One who brought us to Plymouth Rock and established our nation of religious freedom.
We would do well to remember the greatest hero who ever fought for the freedom of America, that One who has fought to establish this Christian land, where God may be worshiped in spirit and truth, the gospel may be proclaimed freely, and Christ may be adored and His kingdom advanced. ³
That was the reason the Pilgrims and Puritans came to this nation: to advance the gospel and kingdom of our Lord, Jesus Christ. ⁴ This statement typifies what we find in America’s founding documents, e.g., the colonial charters, compacts, covenants, and codes of law.
Over and over in the Bible we read about God’s sovereign acts as the ultimate ruler of the nations. He raises up and tears down whom He will so that His redemptive purposes may be accomplished. For example, He provided a land flowing with milk and honey for His people. But to acquire this land, they had to conquer the Canaanites, with His help. The wickedness of the Canaanites was so intense that it was like a cancer to humankind early on in the history of nations. God was using His people to remove this cancer from humanity (see Deut. 9:5).
The sovereign God declares about Himself, through Isaiah the prophet:
I am the L
, and there is no other;
There is no God beside Me.
I will gird you, though you have not know Me,
That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting
That there is none beside Me.
I am the L
and there is no other . . . (Isa. 45:5–6).
And so, to achieve His sovereign purposes, God gave His people victory over His enemies, especially in circumstances that were humanly impossible. We see this again and again in the Bible:
At God’s instructions, the Israelites marched seven times around Jericho and the priests blew trumpets. The seventh time, as the people shouted, the walls fell down, and the Hebrews were able to conquer their enemy (Josh. 5 and 6).
God worked repeated miracles so that the Hebrews could conquer the Canaanites and claim the land of Israel as their own. The entire book of Joshua tells this story.
Jumping ahead to centuries later, the Syrian army was determined to take the prophet Elisha captive and bring him back to Syria. So, under cover of darkness, the Syrian soldiers surrounded the prophet’s home in Dothan. Humanly speaking, there was no way out. But come morning, Elisha didn’t fear, and his servant couldn’t understand why he was so calm. The prophet asked the Lord to open the servant’s eyes that he might see the supernatural help awaiting Elisha’s command. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha
(2 Kings 6:17). God in His sovereignty won the battle that day, which ended on a peaceful note.
One night, thousands upon thousands of Assyrian troops surrounded Judah, poised to strike the next day. King Hezekiah had no recourse but prayer. In the middle of the night, an angel of the Lord struck the Assyrians and slew 185,000 of them. That ended the threat (2 Kings 19).
Often in the Bible we see some king who rose up in his own strength—or so it would seem—only to find out that God was acting behind the scenes. God raised this man up, even, for instance, if it was to wreak vengeance on God’s own rebellious people. (God is no respecter of persons. When the Canaanites were irredeemably wicked, He used the Israelites to judge them. Later, when the Israelites were hopelessly evil, He used the Assyrians and the Babylonians to judge them.)
The ancient Hebrew prophet Habakkuk puzzled over one episode like this. How could a holy and perfect God use sinful men, the Assyrians, to punish a sinful people, the Israelites, especially in light of the fact that the former were more sinful than the latter? God answered Habakkuk that the Assyrians likewise would face their judgment. For now, though, God was using the Assyrians for His sovereign purposes, to punish His wayward people—judgment always begins at the household of God.
We see God’s sovereign hand throughout the Bible. In His presence, Isaiah reminds us, the nations are like dust on a scale (Is. 40:15). Is it too much to believe that God is also sovereign over history? I don’t think so. As Helmut Thielecke once put it (writing in the 1960s), When the drama of history is over, Jesus Christ will stand alone upon the stage. All the great figures of history—Pharaoh, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Churchill, Stalin, . . . Mao Tse-Tung—will realize they have been bit actors in a drama produced by another.
⁵ I believe God has acted sovereignly in history, and if we know the right clues to look for, we can discern His hand.
The early Americans felt that God helped them repeatedly. Without His help, they could not have settled their colonies or even survived in the difficult conditions in this initially hostile land. They certainly could not have defeated the greatest military power in the world with a ragtag army of farmers who were simply trying to protect their homeland. But they, too, had read the Bible stories of Joshua, Hezekiah, and Elisha. Was it unreasonable for them to assume that the sovereign Lord was aiding their cause?
In 1778 George Washington wrote a letter to a fellow patriot, Thomas Nelson Jr., in which he marveled at how much the Lord was helping the American cause: The hand of Providence has been so conspicuous in all this [the colonies’ victories in the American War for Independence], that he must be worse than an infidel that lacks faith, and more than wicked, that has not gratitude enough to acknowledge his obligations.
⁶ In other words, God has helped us so much that anyone who can’t see that and can’t thank Him must be worse than an unbeliever.
Like George Washington, I believe that God established this land of America, a nation in His providence, a nation unique in the history of the world. Did you know that America was the first nation in the history of this planet that had freedom of religion? Many people today don’t realize this. They think it was just a commonplace sort of thing. Religious tyranny prevailed all over the globe. Gradually some nations rose to religious tolerance, such as England (long after their mistreatment of the Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers, and the like), but under mere religious tolerance. The state still discriminated against those believers who dissented against the prevailing state church. In fact, if one was a religious dissenter in a country practicing religious tolerance, there were often limits on one’s political and economic citizenship rights. Only in America was full religious freedom granted for the very first time.
I believe that God set our continent apart—separating it by two oceans—not to be discovered until around the time of the Reformation. Here God established a certain sort of nation, a nation that was founded by the Pilgrims and the Puritans and others who came with evangelical Christianity. Here the Bible was believed and the gospel was preached. It was an evangelical nation. As late as 1775, 98 percent of the people were of this basic religious persuasion. ⁷
How did this come to be? Humanly speaking, we could have easily been something else. But if God, in His providence, ordained that this is what this nation should be, then all down through the ages, in fact from all eternity, God intended that it would be so. He guided our path and led us to this end.
In the words of William Cowper, the hymn writer: God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform. He plants His footsteps on the sea, and rides upon the storm.
⁸ So come with me back through the centuries, and let us ride with God upon the winds, the sea, and the storm. Let us see and acknowledge His invisible hand—the One who led us to this place, where we could begin as an evangelical Christian nation, the nation that even now does more to send the gospel to the four corners of the world than any nation in history. A nation where Christ is adored and His Word is believed by tens of millions.
North America could have been a Spanish nation.
Consider the career of Columbus himself and how that could have affected the future of this nation. Columbus, we are told, was the discoverer of America. If that is the case, then why was America not colonized by the Portuguese or the Spanish, as were Central America, the Caribbean, and South America?
Columbus’s ship, historians tell us, was headed directly toward the Carolinas. But during the long voyage, the frightened, restless crew threatened mutiny. They planned to throw the admiral overboard and return to Europe. Suddenly, the cry went up that land had been sighted to the southwest. Columbus’s log tells us that they headed toward that land, but what they had seen was merely a cloud on the horizon. Still the mutiny was averted.
Several days later, however, the men were once again ready to overthrow the admiral. Oddly enough, a flock of birds flew over the ship, heading southwest. A second correction was made, which diverted the ship from heading toward north Florida; thus, Columbus landed at San Salvador (in the Bahamas). For all of his faults, Columbus was motivated by the Lord to make his historic, death-defying voyage. Nonetheless, the colonies the Spanish settled turned out extremely different from those settled by the Pilgrims and Puritans from England. And to think, if it had not been for the flight of some birds, America would probably have the same culture and religion as that of South and Central America today.
Were the cloud and those feathered creatures just a coincidence, or the hand of God? I believe that just as God used a talking donkey to set Balaam straight (Num. 22:21–31), so He used a cloud and a flight of birds to change Columbus’s destination.
A century later, the Spaniards tried to conquer and punish Great Britain—which could have directly changed the future of America. In 1588 (thirty-two years before the Pilgrims sailed), the greatest armada that had ever been seen in the history of the world flowed out of Spain’s rivers into the ocean. The Invincible Armada,
the Spanish Armada, determined once and for all to crush and destroy the English. This was an attempt by Catholic Spain to bring Protestant England back under the primacy of the pope. But not far from Lisbon, a storm destroyed a number of Spanish ships. In this weakened condition, the Spaniards met the British, were routed, and tried to flee the northern route past Scotland, where a succession of storms totally destroyed the invincible
armada. England was left as the mistress of the seas. Therefore, Anglo-Saxons and Celtics rather than the Spaniards became the dominant force in Europe and in America.
The hand of God? Or mere coincidence?
On the other hand, this nation could have been French and could have carried the type of government and religion that the French would have brought with it. Again, the providential hand of God intervened.
In 1606, fourteen years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth, the French made an effort to colonize New England. Under the leadership of Pierre DeMonts, they made three attempts. On the first two, their ships were driven from the coast by strong winds, while on the third attempt, the ships were destroyed on the treacherous shoals of Cape Cod, and DeMonts was killed.
Later, after the English had colonized New England, the French made another attempt to colonize the New World—this time they would have to destroy the British who already had multiple Puritan settlements there. In 1746, the French swept down from Nova Scotia under the leadership of the Duke D’Anville, with forty men-of-war and thousands of French troops, determined to completely wipe out the English colonists and make New England a French possession.
Receiving intelligence of this coming attack, Reverend Mr. Prince in the Old South Church at Boston stood up before the congregation and called for a day of fasting and prayer so God would intervene. As he prayed, the shutters of the church suddenly began to rattle, startling the whole congregation. He stopped praying and realized that a strong wind had begun to blow. So he returned to even more earnest prayer. Gradually the wind picked up until it became a raging gale. The Duke D’Anville was not only routed, his fleet was destroyed. Thousands of troops were drowned, and the duke and his leading general committed suicide.
Jumping ahead a century, in the great battle of Waterloo in 1815, the pronouncement of judgment against Napoleon was to come to pass. When asked