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Families of Children With Autism: What Educational Professionals Should Know
Families of Children With Autism: What Educational Professionals Should Know
Families of Children With Autism: What Educational Professionals Should Know
Ebook56 pages39 minutes

Families of Children With Autism: What Educational Professionals Should Know

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This text provides an overview of the role of educational professionals in the lives of families of children with autism.
Release dateJun 1, 2010
Families of Children With Autism: What Educational Professionals Should Know

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    Families of Children With Autism - Lee Marcus



    Although it is now widely accepted that parents of children with autism should be supported and considered part of a treatment planning team, as recently as 40 years ago parents were viewed as part of their child’s problems. Parents were largely blamed for the idiosyncratic and difficult behaviors seen in their children, whose condition was considered an emotional disturbance, not the biologically based disorder that research and practice have shown today. As difficult as it was for parents to raise and cope with these challenging children, dealing with the added burden of blame and guilt was grossly unfair and harmful. Parents who were able to survive through sheer determination, courage, and single-mindedness of purpose still were scarred by their negative experiences with professionals. Others, who were unable to deal with a critical and markedly unhelpful professional community, gave up their struggle, placing their children in institutions. In some instances, parents were told early on to give their child up, partly because of the lack of available services and also because pediatricians and others failed to understand the parent perspective. Professionals today need to be aware of and appreciate what this earlier generation of parents went through and how the professionals of that era contributed to the stress of these parents.

    In the middle to late 1960s, there began a shift in perspective on the causes of autism, although there was not agreement at the time that it was a biological condition. A group of psychologists demonstrated that many of the unusual behaviors of the child with autism could be changed by behavioral techniques and, eventually, treatments emphasizing emotional problems lost favor in the professional community. However, the behavioral approach was largely grounded in social learning theory that implied that the child with autism’s atypical development and difficult behaviors were likely caused by environmental contingencies and faulty learning models. Parents were still considered part of the problem and cause, although the explanation was no longer rooted in psychodynamic theory, which posits that human behavior is shaped by conscious and unconscious influences.

    So, on the one hand, the psychogenic approach (i.e., focusing on a psychological rather than physiological origin) considered parents from a psychotherapeutic framework, attempting to deal with the underlying emotional problems in the parents that were negatively affecting their child with autism; on the other hand, the behavioral approach provided directed instruction to parents who were expected to follow a fairly strict program to fix their child’s problems. Although the latter approach was far less judgmental and more constructive, it was not intended as a cooperative partnership between parent and professional.

    Several developments across a 10–15-year period from the 1960s through the 1970s influenced the direction of parent-professional relationships. In 1964, the late Bernard Rimland’s (1964) book detailed his theory that autism was biologically based. Although not widely read or accepted at the time, his theory laid the groundwork for future research and the ultimate change in the understanding of the etiology and nature of autism.

    In 1966, the late Eric Schopler and Bob Reichler, with funding from the National Institute of Mental Health, conducted research demonstrating that parents of children with autism could be brought into the treatment process as cotherapists (Schopler & Reichler, 1971). This revolutionary concept led to many of the current methods and practices that involve parents and

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