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Automotive Internetworking
Automotive Internetworking
Automotive Internetworking
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Automotive Internetworking

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A complete introduction tocar-to-X communications networking

Automotive Inter-networking will introduce a range of new network and system technologies for vehicle safety, entertainment and comfort systems currently being researched and developed. C2X networking is not only a matter of technology, but is also very closely related to policy-making about deployment. This book will provide the background on technical developments but will also discuss the potential benefits, costs and risks. Also discussed will be concepts related to application of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication technologies for various purposes such as automobile safety enhancement, vehicle user applications for comfort and convenience and efficiency along with other potential commercial applications.

Application domains will build the starting point for an analysis of the requirements on suitable mobile network technology and the book will look at how well existing and new systems match these requirements. New automotive-specific technologies are presented in detail, explaining millimeter wave short range systems and special automotive network protocols. Specially designed system services and security mechanisms are introduced and system architecture, radio spectrum use, medium access control, network protocols and security concepts and considered.  Finally, the book will present the current world-wide standardization activities, deployment strategies and an outlook about the evolvement of inter-vehicle communications in the next decades.

  • Presents a comprehensive top-down approach to the newly evolving car-to-X communications networking
  • Provides a broad overview of all relevant C2X communication topics
  • Written by well known experts in the field
  • Predicts the outlook of the evolvement of inter-vehicle communications in the next decades
  • Includes illustrations and high-level technical sketches of application domains and photographs, 3D renderings and professional graphical sketches of current prototypes
Release dateFeb 14, 2012
Automotive Internetworking

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    Automotive Internetworking - Timo Kosch


    Automotive Internetworking: The Evolution Towards Connected and Cooperative Vehicles

    Safety on the road is one of the most important aspects of mobility: people want to be highly mobile, but they also have a great interest in travelling safely to their destinations. This is of particular importance since the request for mobility is permanently growing, and thus travelling on the road is getting more and more crowded and dangerous. According to surveys in 2009 of the Federal Statistical Office in Germany (destatis) shown in Figure 1.1, the total mileage of people travelling in Germany continuously increased, and was three times higher in 2008 compared to 1970. At the same time, the number of accidents has also increased by 70% over the past 30 years.

    However, Figure 1.1 also shows that the total number of road fatalities – that is severe accidents where death results – continuously decreased in this time interval to about 25% compared to 1970. This is mainly due to the fact that both active and passive safety of the vehicles have been improved and vehicles have become more ‘intelligent’. As we will see in the following sections, this intelligence has been mainly driven by the introduction of electronics and software in vehicles, which are basically focused on the ‘autonomous perception’ of the vehicle itself, that is the vehicle only gets information about its surrounding from its own sensors. In this book, we will address the next logical step where cooperative vehicles exchange information between each other and with their environment. Experts agree that this is one of the key technologies to reduce both fatalities and the number of accidents in everyday traffic.

    Figure 1.1 Development of accidents in Germany in the context of mileage and road fatalities.


    In the following sections, we will introduce the advances in in-vehicle electronics, and we will explain the idea of connected and cooperative vehicles. We will also define the terminology we use throughout this book, and we will introduce the different stakeholders involved in such a cooperative system. Finally, an outlook about the contents of this book concludes this chapter.

    1.1 Evolution of In-Vehicle Electronics

    In the 1950s, automobiles were still basically mechanical products. Vehicle development in those days was focused on the mechanical components needed to get vehicles moving quickly and safely. In the past few decades, electronics has risen as another major component of a vehicle’s value, making up around 5% in the early 1970s, growing to 20% in the 1990s and today reaching a mean share of around one third of the value of modern cars. Software has become a major part of this value share, divided approximately into 20% of sensor value, 40% of electronics hardware value and another 40% of software value. This means that the share of software has doubled within the last ten years.

    The first generation of vehicle electronics were stand-alone in-vehicle systems that were basically automating or supporting certain driving tasks or comfort features. Prominent examples for systems supporting the driving task are servo (power) steering and anti-lock braking systems. Comfort-oriented systems included the car stereo, electronic windows and automated locking systems. These systems have been implemented with so-called ECUs (electronic control units). The number of ECUs in a typical mid-class vehicle has increased from only a few in the mid-to-late 1990s up to around 50 and more at the end of the first decade of the new millenium. The ECUs control almost every activity in a modern vehicle in order to improve travel comfort and safety and to reduce fuel consumption. Compared to the desktop computer market, the embedded system market has featured a far greater variety of platforms and operating environments. As a move to reduce costs, speed up development and improve quality, French vehicle manufacturers founded VDX (vehicle distributed executive) in 1988, and German vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, together with the University of Karlsruhe, founded OSEK™in 1993¹ in order to establish an industry standard for an open-ended architecture for distributed control units. The two consortia became one joint OSEK/VDX group in 1994. With OSEK-OS, a specification for a real-time operating system for ECUs was published. In 2005, it became an international standard as ISO 17356-3.²

    Besides architecture and system platforms, special communication networks have been developed to interconnect the originally stand-alone systems. For the data exchange of ECUs in vehicles, special vehicle communication systems have been introduced. In 1983, the company Bosch developed the CAN (controller area network) bus which was used commercially in automobiles less than ten years later. Today, it is standardised as ISO 11898. The MOST (media oriented systems transport) [3] bus system defines an optical network and was introduced to satisfy multimedia requirements. Specifications are defined and published by the MOST Cooperation, which was founded in 1998. Around the same time, the LIN consortium (Local Interconnected Network) started as a working group and the first specification of the low-cost solutions-oriented LIN bus was published in 2000. The Flexray consortium was then founded in that same year and has since then defined the FlexRay as a real-time bus system. Many of these activities have been addressed by the AUTOSAR consortium (Automotive Open System Architecture) since 2003. AUTOSAR defines an in-vehicle software architecture with a purpose to support re-use, exchange and integration of software components across platforms and to integrate the different bus systems.

    The in-vehicle networks allow the ECUs to exchange data and to realise ever more complex functionality. At the same time, the interface to the driver has become more complex as many of these new functions need to be controlled or interact with the driver. These in-vehicle networks also enable highly sophisticated driver assistance systems that use interconnected sensor technology to constantly monitor the vehicle’s environment. Complex sensor-actuator networks have been developed, enabling features such as active cruise control (ACC) , electronic stability programs (ESP) and night vision systems.

    While complex in-vehicle networks are state of the art, they are still not or barely connected to systems outside. Hence, a vehicle today is still a relatively autonomous system, because most of the functionality of the vehicle relies on information generated by itself. During the last few years, manufacturers have started to provide connectivity to and from vehicles. BMW’s ConnectedDrive technology was the first available system establishing a communication channel between specifically equipped vehicles and a dedicated BMW back-end infrastructure. This connectivity has largely been used for driver-oriented information services like traffic or weather information, emergency call support or mobility assistance through remote vehicle diagnostics.

    These features were not originally addressed directly to driving-related tasks; in fact, this type of connectivity was rather viewed as a key technology to introduce new types of applications and services to drivers. Most likely, vehicle connectivity to the outside will be restricted to the non-driving related domain and remain running through the manufacturer’s server infrastructure in the near future. Nevertheless, enabling this data exchange between vehicles and dedicated back-end systems can be seen as the origin of a ‘connected vehicle’. As new wireless communication standards have emerged, security solutions are on the horizon and hardware prices are decreasing, we presume that the next important step in-vehicle electronics will be the connectivity of vehicles with traffic infrastructure entities and other traffic participants. This connectivity will then be used not only to provide convenience services to the driver, but more importantly to improve their original task: driving. It will not be only the driver information unit, but the vehicle ECUs in general will be networked with other ECUs in other vehicles and with traffic infrastructure controllers.

    1.2 Motivation for Connected Vehicles

    The main motivation for the application of wireless network technology to road traffic scenarios is to optimise driving with respect to safety and efficiency. Safety has long been one of the main drivers of vehicle communications. At the end of the 20th century, when many of the bigger research activities started in North America as well as in Europe and Japan, the global number of injuries caused by road traffic accidents was close to 40 million people and the number of fatalities was almost 1.2 million people.³

    Statistics from the United States Department of Transportation’s (US DoT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)⁴ show a total of 37,261 people killed in traffic accidents in 2008 in the United States alone, with about 2.35 million people injured. Estimates of the economic impact (from 2003) state a cost of 230 billion US Dollars related to traffic accidents.

    While passive safety systems have been very effective in protecting the passengers, they will typically not help avoid the accident itself. Accident statistics show that the rate of fatalities and injuries over vehicle miles travelled has gone down in many developed countries. In the US, for instance, the injury rate was around 150 per 100 million vehicle miles travelled (VMT) around 1990, decreasing to about 120 at the turn of the millenium and going down further to less than 80 in 2010. Fatalities declined from 1.73 per 100 million VMT in the year 1995 to 1.53 in 2000 and 1.13 in 2009 the US.⁵ These numbers show what can be achieved with passive safety, while the total number of accidents has stayed at a high level over the last few years as the following numbers from Germany show: in 2007, 335,845 combined deaths and injuries were caused by 2.33 million accidents while in 2010, 288,297 combined deaths and injuries were caused by 2.41 million accidents.⁶ This is why, in addition to the proven effective passive safety systems, research has turned towards active safety systems in order to avoid a crash in the first place. Sensor technology is able to detect objects in front of and around a vehicle. However, current sensors are not able to detect objects around corners or hidden behind other objects. Therefore, data sensed by other traffic participants or roadside infrastructure is very valuable for getting a full picture of the situation a vehicle is facing. How this data can be communicated is an important part of AutoNet technology. The focus of the communication-data based applications have mainly been aimed at driver information rather than vehicle control. While one reason may be that the technological challenges are not as high, there is also justification from accident analysis.

    Consider three typical accident situations at an intersection as illustrated in Figure 1.2 (for more information on intersection safety, refer to [4]):

    Figure 1.2 Reasons for crossing traffic accidents in Germany.


    1. Turn into (or cross) a major road.

    2. Turn left with oncoming traffic.

    3. Red traffic lights.

    Analysing accidents in each situation, the data shows that there are three main causes: misinterpretation of the situation, sight obstruction and inattention of the driver.⁷ Moreover, Figure 1.2 also provides data on the driver’s behaviour, showing the rate of drivers reacting not at all or reacting by either braking or steering or both. From these numbers we can draw the following two important conclusions:

    1. The three kinds of mistake add up to more than 50% in each scenario; in the first scenario they make a total of 92%. All three mistakes basically occur due to the unavailability of information about the situation. If this information was available for both the vehicle and the driver, these kinds of mistake and accordingly the numbers of accidents might be diminished significantly.

    2. On average about 50% of drivers did not react at all to the situation (‘no attempt’ column). The timely availability of information about the situation and support by vehicle warning and assistance systems might contribute significantly to increasing the share of (proper) reactions to the situation. This way, the accident could be potentially completely avoided or, at least, the consequences made less dramatic.

    Gruendl shows in his study that an overwhelming number of accidents are caused by individual drivers’ mistakes [2]. According to this reference, the main cause of driving mistakes was that important information on the surrounding traffic and driving situation was not available in time. Nevertheless, even with complete information available, human error cannot be completely excluded in complex traffic situations. Therefore, besides providing the necessary and relevant information, it is important to minimise the complexity of the current driving situation for the driver. Sophisticated foresighted driver assistance and information systems play a crucial role in this context. In particular, the attention of the driver is supposed to be explicitly directed to relevant events and possible potential risks in complex traffic situations.

    In this context, powerful wireless communication systems allow the provision of data about a vehicle’s driving environment surveyed by other entities that is very precise, timely, of high quality and reliable. They also provide the means to offer information about the vehicles and what they sense to operators, owners and manufacturers. If the vehicles in a traffic environment share their information with other entities using respective communication technologies, we call this system an AutoNet. AutoNets systematically enhance the functionality of stand-alone in-vehicle systems, they build an Internet of the in-vehicle networks, and thus we chose the title ‘Automotive Internetworking’ for this book. Through the ability to receive remote sensing information, AutoNets provide the capability to extend the so-called electronic horizon of vehicles, that is the systems’ forecasts about future driving conditions, beyond its own immediate sensing range. The electronic horzion comprises information about the immediate vicinity of a vehicle as well as relevant information at longer distances. In this way, knowing what is lying ahead of them, drivers (and driver assistance functions) gain valuable time to make the right decisions, adapt their controls accordingly and hence reduce driving mistakes. The hardware of wireless communication systems is usually less expensive than sophisticated sensor systems like radar or lidar. Thus, if deployed widely, smaller and less-expensive vehicles (and also motorcycles) which are little equipped with cutting edge sensor technology, would benefit particularly from automotive Internetworking.

    As opposed to stand-alone and autonomous systems, the exchange of information between vehicles and their environment enables the deployment of cooperative assistance functions. Vehicles do not act autonomously in such systems; instead, they mutually interact with each other in order to handle a traffic situation in a cooperative way. In such a cooperative system, the quality and effectiveness depends largely on the extent of participation, that is system penetration. The overall quality advances with the increasing penetration rate of communicating entities. In particular, cooperative systems usually require a minimum level of penetration or, to be more precise, a certain minimum number of equipped vehicles travelling in a certain area at the same time. The extent to which this system penetration is sufficient depends on the specific application.

    Although traffic safety and efficiency are mostly seen as the key application domains of AutoNets, it is worth mentioning that driving and travelling by car can be made much more pleasant in a connected world too. In addition, vehicle maintenance and management profit from connectivity, and can be seen as commercial enablers to finance the basic infrastructure and penetration before cooperative applications can be offered. Therefore, these applications play an important role with respect to deployment strategies and scenarios.

    1.3 Terminology

    When talking about communication among vehicles or between vehicles and roadside infrastructure, different communities or institutions from different domains currently use slightly different terminologies and abbreviations, examples are C2C, V2V, Car2X, VSC (vehicle safety communications), DSRC (dedicated short-range communication) or cooperative systems. These terms are often used in a broader sense, even though they clearly refer to different aspects of AutoNets. V2V refers to communication between two vehicles while C2C or Car2Car has a narrower meaning with its reference to cars. Car2X references cars as one endpoint of a communication with an undefined communication partner referred to as ‘X’. While these terms tell us nothing about a technology, they are often used to refer to direct vehicle communication, that is with a transceiver in each vehicle and no other communication infrastructure. The term DSRC describes a set of digital communication technologies with a limited communication range. These can be wireless LAN systems or infrared communication systems or others. In the USA, DSRC is often used to refer to a specific communication technology: IEEE 802.11p wireless LAN systems. In Europe, it is sometimes used to refer to toll collection systems based on infrared or other short range communications. VSC is also often used in the USA when talking about vehicle safety systems that use DSRC technology. However, the term itself does not exclude the use of other types of communications. The term ‘intelligent transportation system’ (ITS) has a far wider meaning and refers, broadly speaking, to all traffic related electronic systems that provide information about traffic, or otherwise influence or control traffic.

    With respect to a consistent representation, we use abbreviations with clearly defined semantics. We distinguish communications according to the type of communication partner, as illustrated in Figure 1.3, where the communication partner is a physical rather than a logical entity in order to avoid ambiguity. This also means that we will not use V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure) in this book even though this is an abbreviation commonly used but with different meanings in different contexts. In the following chapters, we will explain the applications and the necessary technologies for the different communication partners of vehicles. Therefore, we assume the following communication forms in an AutoNet throughout this book (including typical examples to clarify the communication form):

    Figure 1.3 Classification of V2X communications. Reproduced by permission of BMW Group.


    Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) refers to communication between any type of vehicle. This is often called C2C or car-to-car in the community, although typically no differentiation is made with respect to different types of vehicles. This way, vehicles may be cars, trucks, motorbikes and so on.

    Vehicle-to-mobile-device (V2M) refers to communication between a vehicle and any type of mobile consumer electronics device, such as (cellular) smartphones using respective communication protocols.

    Vehicle-to-toadside (V2R) refers to communication between vehicles and roadside traffic infrastructure. Examples include traffic lights or variable message signs. Often, this type of communication is described by the term vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) in literature.

    Vehicle-to-central-infrastructure (V2Central) refers to communication between a vehicle and a traffic management centre. A traffic management centre is typically an institution that controls the traffic flow of a part of the road network. This way, we explicitly distinguish this type of communication form since central infrastructure domains have a significant impact on the traffic flow and thus on traffic efficiency.

    Vehicle-to-Internet (V2Internet) refers to any type of communication between a vehicle and an ‘accessible’ host in the Internet. Hence, V2Internet communication is based on IP communication as used in the Internet. Examples include access to third-party services available on the Internet.

    Vehicle-to-private-network (V2Private) refers to communication between vehicles and any type of private network. Here, private networks are networks that limit their access to some vehicles only. A typical example would be communication between a vehicle and a (private) server located inside a home or a company network. Hence, this type of communication also refers to communication between a vehicle and the network of a vehicle vendor, which may provide vendor-specific services to its customers.

    For the sake of generality, we use the abbreviation V2X throughout this book in order to refer to vehicle-to-X communication. If we refer to vehicular networks in general, we will either use the term V2X or the term AutoNet as an abbreviation for automotive (Inter-)networks. Note there is no explicit vehicle-to-pedestrian communication since this would be covered by the mobile devices pedestrians use. Thus, this communication scenario is covered by V2Mobile. Also, it is important to mention that communication between the different entities is generally bidirectional. For the example of V2R, this communication form comprises communication from a vehicle to a roadside traffic infrastructure unit as well as communication from the roadside traffic infrastructure unit to the vehicle. However, different communication technologies may be used for either direction.

    It is also important to mention that V2X communication is not fixed to a particular communication technology or a respective communication protocol. Instead, different wireless communication technologies can be applied to interconnect the entities. They all have their particular properties regarding characteristics like coverage, data rate or latency. Traditionally, broadcast networks have transmitted traffic information to vehicles on radio channels. Analogue broadcast systems have been amended and sometimes replaced by digital broadcast media like DAB (digital audio broadcast), DVB (digital video broadcast), DMB (digital multimedia broadcast) or HDRadio [1]. These systems are unidirectional, usually employ high data rates and cover large areas. Thus, they are useful to distribute information that is of interest to a large number of receivers distributed over a larger area of at least a few dozen square kilometres. In this context, broadcast networks are in particular useful to distribute information of general interest like traffic conditions or weather conditions in the respective area.

    To be able to utilise an up-link and also send data out of the vehicles, bidirectional communication systems are required. These enable both the transfer of individual information to single vehicles and the utilising of information that is available in the vehicle for other purposes. Today, typically, cellular systems are used for this kind of communication. Some modern cars feature GSM, GPRS (2.5G), EDGE (2.75G) or UMTS (3G) equipment and offer services like individual location-based information or remote vehicle diagnosis. In addition, many vehicles provide connectivity to mobile phones or other consumer electronic devices via Bluetooth technology, for example. The usage of wireless LAN according to IEEE 802.11 a, b or g within vehicles has also recently been offered by some vehicle manufacturers. In addition to these more general purpose networks, some wireless technologies have been developed specifically for certain usage scenarios in vehicles. Those are infrared technologies and microwave communications for electronic toll collection (ETC) and adapted wireless LAN technologies for vehicle safety and traffic efficiency applications. Wireless LAN technologies specifically adapted for the automotive domain will be called Auto-WLANs in the course of this book. The wireless technologies, their usage for connecting vehicles, their properties in the automotive domain and specific automotive wireless technologies are presented in more detail in Chapter 8.

    In this context, we also want to clarify two other terms that we distinguish: situations and events. Situations describe the environment during a period of time. They usually reflect the existance of specific circumstance. A real-life example would be an area of heavy cross-winds or a construction site along the road. There are also short-lived situations, such as a vehicle engaged in emergency braking. While situations usually describe a certain state of a system, events are well-defined state transitions. In our understanding, events are snapshots of a situation previously unknown to the AutoNet system at a distinct point in time. Thus, the event marks a state transition of the system’s knowledge. Vehicles as part of a cooperative traffic situation messaging system, generate events after detecting specific new situations, create messages resembling that information and distribute them. The on-board systems of vehicles receiving these messages calculate their relevance and the confidence they have in the information and then decide on driver notification or autonomous action of the vehicle.

    1.4 Stakeholders

    Typically, AutoNets comprise a variety of different stakeholders. While it is essential to involve some stakeholders right from the beginning of system development, others may join at a later stage. This greatly depends on the use cases being deployed. The following overview introduces the essential stakeholders of AutoNets together with some examples:

    Operator organisations include road operators, network operators and providers and telecommunication providers.

    Service providers include public transport providers, emergency service providers, fleet providers, freight service providers, mobility providers (e.g. car sharing), Internet service providers and transportation companies.

    System users include end users, public transportation operators, emergency operators, service centre operators, application management centre operators, road network operators, fleet operators and freight operators.

    Manufacturers and suppliers include system suppliers, vehicle manufacturers, roadside equipment suppliers and traffic management equipment suppliers.

    Content providers include, for example traffic information or navigation map providers.

    Authorities include certification authorities, road authorities and other public authorities.

    Drivers include private vehicle drivers, freight vehicle drivers, emergency vehicle drivers, hazardous freight vehicle drivers and public transport vehicle drivers.

    Travellers include sporadic travellers or frequent travellers.

    Other stakeholders include associations of motorists, insurance companies, health service providers, incident managers, town supervisors , traffic managers and many others.

    Apparently, the wide variety of stakeholders results in different backgrounds and highly heterogeneous (and often conflicting) aspirations of the system. We will not further discuss the different aspirations and requirements of the stakeholders. In order to realise a respective system architecture, the stakeholders’ aspirations have to be mapped onto user requirements. These requirements are the basis to derive the respective functionality of the system architecture in terms of logical and physical subsystems, designs, specifications or implementations.

    We will not discuss the stakeholder aspirations in this book. Such issues are important and exhaustive contributions occur in related projects about AutoNets, such as E-FRAME (see Section A.2.9) or COMeSafety (see Section A.2.3).

    1.5 Outline of this Book

    Authors of books on communication systems always have to decide if they should describe the communication system bottom-up or top-down. Both approaches have their particular strengths (and weaknesses): the bottom-up approach, that is starting at the lowest layer, clearly shows how upper layers deal with deficiencies of lower layers, whereas it is not clear why respective mechanisms are useful for applications or higher layers. Vice versa, top-down approaches – that is starting at the highest communication layer – motivate the requirements for the communication system by examining the uses, while it is not clear for each layer why specific mechanisms are needed. In this book, we decided to follow the top-down approach. This is due to the fact that the design of AutoNets – as well as the development of new technologies for vehicles – is greatly driven by the applications and uses, which are the most important factors for the development of the respective technology. Following this top-down approach, this book basically consists of three main parts:

    Part I: scenarios and System Architecture. We outlined in this chapter the development of communicating vehicles, and we introduced the different stakeholders involved in cooperative systems. In order to show the requirements for the system design, Chapter 2 introduces different scenarios and classifies potential AutoNet applications. It also describes the characteristics of the classification scheme, the stakeholders involved and finally the requirements derived for the design of the respective AutoNet communication system. Chapter 3 continues by describing AutoNets from the system architecture’s perspective. Starting from a high level domain view, the system’s architecture is refined by separating the different domains, their subsystems and their respective mechanisms and relations. This chapter also introduces the AutoNet Generic Reference Protocol Stack, which forms the basis for the AutoNet communication system.

    Part II: AutoNet Communication Layers. Following the top-down approach, Chapters 4 to 10 describe the different communication layers of the AutoNet Generic Reference Protocol Stack in detail. The application layer in Chapter 4 is most important, because it details exemplary applications of the different classes in our classification scheme, and it derives the requirements necessary for the lower communication layers, especially with respect to the mechanisms required for the different layers. Afterwards, Chapter 5 introduces the application support layer (also known as facility layer), the transport layer and network layer are addressed in Chapters 6 and 7, and the transmission aspects of the physical communication yechnologies are described in Chapter 8. Finally, the two cross-layers for security (Chapter 9) and management (Chapter 10) conclude this part of the book. Througout this part, we also introduce related work and existing mechanisms and examinations of several aspects of the layers, and we also address some implementation issues for the realisation of some communication layers.

    Part III: Methodologies and Markets. In the final part of this book, we provide an overview of the methodologies in Chapter 11, which are used for the development and examination of AutoNets. We also give examples for their realisation and provide some basic results. Additionally, we provide a market survey in Chapter 12, which can be seen as the current state of the art for cooperative systems for vehicles. Finally, Chapter 13 concludes this book and outlines the impact we expect for the market introduction of communicating (and cooperative) vehicles.

    In the Appendix, we give a review of past and ongoing activities for AutoNet-based cooperative systems, as well as current standardisation activities. We also provide a summary of already standardised applications, including standardised message formats for the exchange of information among the different entities in an AutoNet.


    [1] Schiller, J. (2003) Mobile Communications, 2nd Edition. Addison Wesley.

    [2] Gruendl, M. (2005) Fehler und Fehlverhalten als Ursache von Verkehrsunfällen und Konsequenzen für das Unfallvermeidungspotenzial und die Gestaltung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen [Mistakes and misbehaviour as causes for traffic accidents and consequences for the potential to avoid accidents and design driver assistance systems]. Dissertation. Regensburg 2005. (in German).

    [3] Grzemba, A. (2011) MOST. The Automotive Multimedia Network. From MOST25 to MOST150. Franzis.

    [4] Klanner, F., Thoma, S., Winner, H. (2008) Driver Behaviour Studies and Human-Machine-Interaction Concepts for Intersection Assistance. Proc. of 3rd Conference on Active Safety through Driver Assistance. Garching / Munich, Germany.

    ¹ Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen für die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug (open systems and the corresponding interfaces for automotive electronics). OSEK is a trademark of Continental Automotive GmbH.

    ² Road vehicles; open interface for embedded automotive applications; Part 3: OSEK/VDX Operating System (OS).

    ³ In the year 1998 according to the study ‘Injury: A leading cause of the global burden of disease’, published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2000.

    ⁴ NHTSA homepage:

    ⁵ Data source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) yearly traffic safety report and fatality analysis reporting system at

    ⁶ Source:

    ⁷ Source: Statistisches Bundesamt (destatis) and Database of Accident Research of Dresden and Hannover (GIDAS).


    Application Classifications and Requirements

    Connecting vehicles to different external entities through different network technologies is the enabler of a plethora of novel applications for the vehicular domain, which we call AutoNet applications. These applications can be classified according to different metrics. Very often, they are classified with respect to their intended purpose. Thus, AutoNet applications are typically classified as either:

    traffic safety applications;

    traffic efficiency applications; or

    convenience applications.

    While traditionally active safety for accident prevention was the main motivation for developing AutoNets, their potential to improve traffic efficiency has not only added to research activities, but has also spurred the hope for a realistic deployment scenario. Since convenience applications can be offered on an individual basis and do not require standardisation, we have seen the growth of such services in the market over the past few years. Also, the different application types pose different requirements for the wireless communication technologies, as we will see later in Section 2.3. This, however, is an additional reason for convenience applications to appear on the market following mobile service offerings on smartphones. Reflecting this development, it is not uncommon to speak of automotive apps. Since latency is more important for active safety applications than throughput, safety systems have not been built on top of cellular technology. Whether this will change with a larger deployment of LTE remains to be seen. Effective communication algorithms for safety applications usually employ data traffic prioritisation schemes to ensure low latency information exchange. We will discuss the potential of cellular technology for safety applications later.

    This chapter is partitioned into three sections. In the first, we classify AutoNet applications, describe their basic characteristics and derive implications for information and communication system design. In the second part, we identify key information system properties derived from the requirements of the application classes described in the first part. Since situation handling is an important feature of AutoNet systems, we describe a methodology for implementing reliable situation estimates as an important prerequisite for information relevance assessment and information filtering in this context. The third part addresses the communication system properties and the communication models relevant for AutoNets. Based on the different characteristics, we show which communication model is relevant for which AutoNet application.

    2.1 Classification of Applications and their Implications

    You may think of a number of possibilities to classify the plethora of applications that is enabled by connecting the vehicle to different external entities through different network technologies. You’ve seen a possible classification according to the main purpose of an application above. We understand a classification merely as a means to subdivide the vast field of applications into sections that usually employ certain common characteristics. A classification, however, does not necessarily need to be orthogonal in the sense that there is only one class that a certain application can belong to. Nevertheless, there should be an obvious and unambiguous assignment according to the major characteristics of the application. In the following, we differentiate AutoNet applications along three basic dimensions, as illustrated in Figure 2.1:

    Figure 2.1 AutoNet applications classification.


    Driving. Driving-related applications aim at improving traffic on the road, enhancing both the efficiency and safety of moving vehicles by providing support and assistance to the driver or by improving the cooperation of the traffic participants. These applications may be distributed and include third party services provided by the AutoNet infrastructure domain. Connected navigation or driver warning applications are natural representatives of this class. According to our understanding, new types of traffic light control as infrastructure-oriented applications also belong to this class. As AutoNet applications, they would make use of probe data from vehicles. Since the effect then is clearly on the movement of the vehicles, we classify such applications as driving-related.

    Passenger. Passenger-related applications are focused on the comfort, convenience and entertainment of the passenger. In our understanding, this includes the driver when taking the role of a passenger. Consider point of interest information (POI) services, for instance. Based on such information, the driver may decide to change their route and thus the information would have an effect on driving. We still classify such POI services as passenger-related because they provide more information than just position for the convenience of the passengers (e.g. pictures, menus of restaurants and the like).

    Vehicle. A third class of applications is related to the improved operation, management and simplified configuration of the actual vehicle. Vehicle-related applications are typically implemented for a single or a defined set of vehicles only. They do not have an immediate impact on traffic safety and efficiency. Instead, respective applications have a clear commercial use and business case, and are typically controlled by private service centres. Examples include the connected management of vehicles for fleet operators, or services from automotive manufacturers for their customers like remote software updates. Improved engine and vehicle energy management also belongs to this class if only affecting the operation of the vehicle without influencing the driving behaviour or the movement of the vehicle.

    2.1.1 Driving-Related Applications

    A large number of the applications that are currently being discussed in the context of intelligent transportation systems are driving-related in the sense described above. These applications usually need to know and have to predict the traffic or driving situation as accurately as possible. Consequently, driving-related AutoNet applications support traffic safety and efficiency by providing more and/or more accurate information about the driving context of the vehicles. Regarding the system requirements that have to be met, two major system aspects deserve a closer look: the impact of the information on the driving task and the dependence on the vehicle context. In the following, we present some more details on these two aspects. The Impact on the Driving Task

    Following the three levels of Rasmussen’s control model [3], the driving task can be categorised into knowledge-based, rule-based and skill-based levels. Driver assistance systems can be structured according to this logic as follows:

    On a knowledge level, navigation applications (e.g. road navigation and traffic information systems) provide knowledge to the driver and facilitate the decision making processes.

    On a rule-based level, manoeuvering applications such as active cruise control or lane change assistance help drivers in observing traffic rules.

    On a skill-based level, stabilising applications (e.g. anti-lock braking or traction control systems) improve driving safety by controlling the typical actions or driving situations of a vehicle.

    Within the driving-related class, a further distinction can be made between driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicle control systems. Autonomous vehicle control is defined as systems that are either making purely autonomous decisions on driving dynamics such as acceleration, braking or steering, or systems that are making autonomous decisions regarding the vehicle operation (e.g. switching gears, engine operation). Usually, both driver assistance and autonomous control systems are targetted towards one or more of the three goals of safety, efficiency and comfort. For example, Active Cruise Control (ACC) is primarily a comfort system but also implicitely improves safety.

    Driving-related applications can also be classified along the so-called ‘4 A axis’, emphasising the cognitive interaction with the driver: automation, action, attention and awareness.

    Automation refers to autonomous vehicle control systems where direct driver interaction is neither required nor possible. Typically, this refers to driver assistance systems as mentioned before, such as a dynamic stability control. Obviously, such systems require a very high overall reliability. If based on AutoNet communications, such driver assistance systems also require very low communication and processing latency, because of the very limited time frame available for stabilising the vehicle in critical driving situations.

    Action refers to situations in which the driver needs to react immediately, for instance in the case of a suddenly hard braking vehicle ahead. Because of the spatial proximity, there is very little time to react. Therefore, the overall AutoNet system again needs to ensure low latency and a high reliability, as well as very intuitive user interaction concepts.

    Attention refers to situations that do not require an immediate action from the driver. Instead, the driver should have his or her attention drawn to a specific entity or event, like an approaching emergency vehicle, low grip or an expected spot of black ice on the road segment ahead. Since there is no immediate action required, the latency constraints of the system are usually not as strict as for the Automation and Action class.

    Awareness refers to all situations that should not explicitly draw a driver’s attention to a specific action, but rather should be subliminally perceived in order to support the driver’s cognitive model of the overall traffic condition on the travel route. This can refer, for instance, to an emergency vehicle that is in the proximity, but does not cross one’s individual route, or a traffic jam or bad weather conditions on the route ahead at some distance. In such a scenario, obviously there are relaxed latency requirements. Also, the impacts of a false system behaviour are less severe, resulting in soft requirements for system reliability.

    The examples mentioned above show, however, that requirements of both the overall in-vehicle system in general and the communication system in particular, do not primarily depend on the specific application. Instead, the requirements are driven to a great extend by the effect on driver interaction and the spatial proximity of the respective event or entity. For example, an application to support the driver in case of a near emergency vehicle can either require a driver’s attention, or it can only require his or her awareness. The same is true for all applications that provide information about the route ahead. Depending on the distance to a critical road condition, the required driver interaction is either action (very close ahead), attention (close ahead) or awareness (further away).

    Figure 2.2 illustrates the above mentioned classification of driving-related applications according to the knowledge level, the rule level, and the skill level. In a safety enhancement context, these levels are associated with applications such as weather information (knowledge or awareness, respectively), slippery road warning (rule or attention, respectively), and collision avoidance (skill or action, respectively). In an efficiency improvement context, the levels refer to applications such as traffic information, traffic light speed advisory, and automated engine stop. As an example for application-based classification, consider a parking information system. This would be a driving-related application in the navigation domain with the goal of improving efficiency.

    Figure 2.2 AutoNet classification for driving-related applications.


    In general, the requirements on AutoNet systems increase from a knowledge-based level to skill-based level, and from an autonomous to an awareness level, respectively. This is in particular true for the overall system latency, availability, fault-tolerance and security.

    As we will see in Chapter 7, there are two different approaches to designing respective communication networks. One approach puts each application into a specific application class, depending on the most critical characteristics of the application. For the example of black ice notification, this would result in a classification as an instance of the action class. Correspondingly, data transmission of this application would be handled and prioritised according to the requirements of the application class. The second approach aims at maximising the overall benefit of the available network capacity. Message transmissions in this case are scheduled according to the additional benefit the transmission will actually provide. Following this approach, not all messages of black ice spot notification are treated equally, but rather differently depending on the situation, for example the distance to the reported event. Classification of Information about the Context of a Vehicle

    As stated, AutoNet systems provide data beyond the vehicle’s own sensors from remote sources to the vehicle’s electronic systems. From a driving assistance point of view, an AutoNet communication channel is often simply considered an additional sensor. Following this metaphor, two types of information are provided by this additional sensor:

    Proximity information. Proximity information is extracted from a set of basic sensor data that each AutoNet vehicle transmits regularly. In particular, this set of data comprises the vehicle’s position, speed, direction and acceleration. The frequent transmission of this kind of information forms the basis for action and automation applications aiming to avoid the collision of two vehicles. Because of the special character of such frequent transmissions, such messages are often called heartbeat messages or here I am messages. Often it is assumed that the transmission of such messages is done periodically, for example every 500 ms or even every 100 ms. However, like biological heartbeats, there are good reasons to adapt the transmission frequency according to the driving situation, for example based on the current speed of the vehicle. In order to emphasise the fact that this type of message increases the mutual awareness of the vehicles, they are also often referred to as cooperative awareness messages, or in short CAM, especially in European standardisation.

    Environmental information. Environmental information refers to information about the driving environment that may require awareness or attention. In contrast to proximity information, this type does not reflect the state of a (single) vehicle but information about the environment that can be detected by one vehicle or a group of vehicles. A large variety of different context information is covered by this type, ranging from the condition of the road surface, to different weather conditions, black ice or traffic jams. Because of the decentralised character of data acquisition, in Europe, such messages are usually called decentralised environmental notification messages, or in short DENM. Standardisation activities define common conditions so that receiving vehicles understand the context information. DENMs are usually transmitted whenever a vehicle detects the existence (or absence) of a certain environmental condition.

    It is important to note that these types impose very different requirements on the transport and communication layer of AutoNets. As we will see later on, both types are therefore treated very differently by the AutoNet communication system. The reason for this is again mainly correlated to the impact on the driving task and the driver. As menioned, applications that are based on cooperative awareness messages are typically in the domain of automation or action. The obvious reason for this is that the state of a vehicle, that is its speed, position, direction and so on, changes very dynamically. Hence, application of such data is only reliable for a very limited period of time, and thus in turn is only reasonable for vehicles that are in close proximity. Therefore, CAMs are broadcast by each vehicle, but not further distributed throughout a larger area. Because of the comparably high transmission frequency, this also leads to a significant network load. In contrast, applications based on decentralised environmental notification messages mainly focus on early driver attention, and are usually in the domain of awareness or information. In particular, DENMs are not transmitted periodically, but event driven whenever significant situations are detected. In order to ensure an early warning, such information is regularly distributed within a larger area.

    Because of these very different requirements on the underlying AutoNet communication, the differentiation of CAMs and DENMs, or the correlated applications respectively, is sometimes also justified by the underlying communication patterns. However, as we have seen, this is only a consequence, not a reason. Consequently, differentiation should be made based on the type of information that is communicated.

    2.1.2 Vehicle-Related Applications

    With AutoNets, the infrastructure is available to deploy communication-based applications for vehicles and their components, independent of their location and their drivers. Such vehicle-related applications may address a single vehicle or groups of vehicles. Like driving-related applications, vehicle-related applications will typically make use of several communication types in AutoNets, such as V2V and V2R communication, but also V2Internet, V2Private and V2Mobile communication. In contrast to driving-related applications, vehicle-related applications do not have an immediate impact on the traffic situation on the road. As illustrated in Figure 2.3, vehicle-related applications can be differentiated in the following way:

    Figure 2.3 Applications classification for vehicle-related applications.

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