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Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions
Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions
Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions
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Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions

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With the aging population ever growing, healthcare for persons suffering from stroke and related illnesses is increasingly important. Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions provides a comprehensive and practical guide for novice, experienced and advanced practice nurses working with patients suffering from stroke and other neurovascular conditions.

With a focus specifically on neurovascular disorders, this highly detailed text offers easy-to-find information on evidence-based care guidelines. The book begins with a thorough introduction to normal cerebrovascular anatomy and physiology and common pathologic mechanisms, describing the unique challenges in working with this patient group.  Later chapters provide the pathophysiology, diagnostic and current nursing interventions for the care of patients with neurovascular disorders including transient ischemic attacks, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, Moyamoya, Migraines and more.

Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions is a must-have resource for practitioners caring for patients enduring stroke and other neurovascular conditions.
Release dateNov 20, 2012
Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions

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    Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions - Sheila A. Alexander


    This edition first published 2013 © 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Evidence-based nursing care for stroke and neurovascular conditions / editor Sheila A. Alexander.

    p. cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-0-470-95875-9 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Cerebrovascular disease--Treatment. 2. Evidence-based nursing. I. Alexander, Sheila A.

    RC388.5.E976 2013



    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

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    Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken.

    Myrtle Aydelotte, PhD, RN, FAAN


    Tarek Dakakni, MD

    Translational Acute Brain Injury Research Group

    Department of Anesthesiology

    Department of Medicine (Neurology)

    Duke University

    Durham, North Carolina, USA

    Alice E. Davis, PhD, APRN

    Assistant Professor

    School of Nursing

    University of Hawaii, Hilo

    Hilo, Hawaii, USA

    Michael L. Luke James, MD

    Assistant Professor

    Translational Acute Brain Injury Research Group

    Department of Anesthesiology

    Department of Medicine (Neurology)

    Duke University

    Durham, North Carolina, USA

    Lori M. Massaro, MSN, CRNP

    Clinical Supervisor

    UPMC Stroke Institute

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


    Nursing is a profession that requires significant didactic and clinical training for entry into practice. Development into an expert in this field, as with any other, requires scholarly inquiry, continuous evaluation of current practices, and experience only gained over time. There are limited resources available for the neuroscience nurse, and even fewer specific to those who further specialize in the neurovascular nursing specialty. An aging population has been supported by advancements in care allowing individuals to survive who once would not, and an increase in population growth have led to a larger aging population with significant neurovascular disease. These changes have led to an increase in both quantity and quality of life, but also an increase in workload for health care providers and a need for knowledge about the evidence driving care practices including diagnostic tools and surgical, medical, and behavioral interventions. Nursing, neuroscience nursing, and neurovascular nursing in particular are advancing at a rapid pace. Increased knowledge about pathology driving various diseases has led to rapid advancements in care including newly developed interventions and challenges to existing treatment protocols that are known to lack efficacy. It is difficult for the new bedside nurse and for the practicing nurse to develop and maintain expertise within the context of rapidly changing standard of care protocols. Patients are better served by clinicians with specialized knowledge and experience in similar populations. As we continue to focus on more specialized areas of care and populations, it becomes more and more difficult for the clinician at any point in the spectrum to keep up on best practices to maximize patient outcomes. There are few text resources for the neuroscience nurse, and while there are some very excellent texts available, there are none specific to neurovascular nursing. The complexity of neurovascular disease and the body's response to critical events in the context of pre-existing co-morbidities requires nurses to provide care based on evidence, but also perform critical thinking that requires a strong knowledge base and foundation for care. The special needs of these patients' demands that nurses have detailed knowledge of the pathophysiologic underpinnings driving disease development, progression, symptoms, and the care we provide. This book was written out of the need for bedside nurses from novice to expert in all roles for a single source to begin the learning process around the area of neurovascular nursing. It is meant to serve the novice nurse as a single source to initiate the process of development into expert, but also to serve the expert nurse as a source of reference for existing care and foundational understanding to aid in the development of standard protocols. It brings together the knowledge gained through personal experiences of the various contributors, a lifetime of mentors, and an exhaustive search of the literature to find rationale for current practices.

    This book is the first effort to bring together knowledge from the many disciplines on which nursing draws to develop a framework for care of some common and not so common neurovascular diseases. Each chapter includes a clear description of the known pathophysiology of the disease process and the impact that pathophysiology has on individual patients. Current evidence-based care is described with rationale for each intervention provided. In cases where there is no proven, efficacious treatment regimen available, a current state of the knowledge of existing treatments with appropriate rationale has been provided. This has been provided to promote the understanding of disease and interventions and critical thinking. It is not meant to be the final decision for patient care, but rather a starting point upon which nurses can gain meaningful command of the knowledge and build on that understanding to offer individual patients the best care. It has also been written so that the reader may better understand the impact of as yet unidentified interventions and their potential impact on patient recovery.


    There has been considerable effort on the part of many individuals resulting in this final book. I would like to extend appreciation and thanks to each of those people because without their input this final product would never have been completed. My colleague and friend, Gretchen Zewe, worked with me to identify the most clinically necessary topics for this book and identify others with appropriate expertise to assist in the writing. The other contributing authors of this book, Lori M. Massaro, Alice E. Davis, Tarek Dakakni, and (Michael) Luke James have my eternal gratitude for thankless sharing of their time, energy, experience, expertise, and brain power to produce this work. Additional recognition and thanks go out to Melissa Wahl, Senior Editorial Assistant, and Carrie Horn, Senior Production Editor, at Wiley for their pleasant and persistent tolerance of my untraditional working style. Finally to my colleagues, friends, family, and my dear husband who were so supportive as I worked on this piece. It is through the efforts of all of these individuals that this final product has come to fruition.



    Sheila A. Alexander

    Neurovascular nursing

    Specialized cells of the central nervous system

    Brain structure

    Cerebral blood flow

    Blood brain barrier

    Anterior circulation

    Posterior circulation

    Factors influencing cerebral blood flow



    With the advancement of health care, several subspecialties have developed within the discipline of nursing. Neuroscience nursing was one of the first specialties, with the American Association of Neuroscience Nursing being established in 1968. The complexity of the central nervous system (CNS), disease processes impacting the CNS, and further advancements in health care of this population has resulted in increased specialization within neuroscience nursing. Neuroscience nurses now practice in clinical settings that specialize in spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, neuro-oncology, medical neurology, surgical neurology, neurovascular conditions, neurologic rehabilitation (some of which have specialty units within the overall setting), and general medical practices. They provide neuroscience specific care, as well as general care, to patients in inpatient settings, outpatient settings, community settings, and in individual's homes. The neurologic specialized educational needs of these nurses are vast, and available resources for nurses practicing in these settings are scarce. This book will serve as a resource for nurses providing care at all levels to individuals suffering from neurovascular conditions.



    Neurons are specialized cells that reside within the CNS, and some extend out to organs and tissues within the body making up the peripheral nervous system. The structure of neurons is variable, with some common features (Figure 1.1). The dendrites of the neuron serve to receive chemical signals from other neurons. The soma, or cell body, of the neuron houses the nucleus and many organelles. Transcription and translation, resulting in protein production, occurs in the soma. The axon of the neuron carries the chemical signal from the dendrites/soma to the axon terminal, often called the buton. There are many microfilaments and microtubules within the axon that serve to maintain form and as a tract for transportation of substances made in the soma to the axon terminal. The structures of the neuron are important for neuronal communication. In a resting state, the extracellular fluid is more positive than the intracellular fluid. When a signal is received by the dendrite, the cell membrane becomes depolarized and positive ions flow into the cell so that the intracellular fluid is more positive than the extracellular fluid. This is known as the depolarization phase of the action potential. Upon reaching maximum membrane polarization, ion channels close so no further ion influx occurs, and sodium-potassium pumps are activated to pump sodium ions out of the cell in exchange for fewer potassium ions. These pumps serve to restore homeostasis within the cell, bringing the membrane polarization to its normal range. The polarization normalizes during the repolarization phase of an action potential. As there is some delay in cellular recognition of the membrane polarization returning to normal, the polarization drops below normal so that the intracellular fluid is more negative than normal and then rises to normal again. This is known as the hyperpolarization phase. When the action potential reaches the end of the neuron, and the axon terminal depolarizes, vesicles filled with neurotransmitters move to the edge of the cell membrane, merging with that membrane and dumping their contents out of the neuron and into the synaptic cleft (see Figure 1.2). The neurotransmitter released will bind with receptors on the cell upon which the original neuron synapsed and generate action within the receiving neuron. Some neurotransmitters are excitatory, initiating an action potential in the receiving cell. Other neurotransmitters are inhibitory, blocking an action potential being passed on to the receiving cell. It is through a balance of excitatory and inhibitory communications that neurons drive functions within the body.

    Figure 1.1 Structural classification of neurons showing dendrite(s), soma, and axon. Breaks indicate that axons are longer than shown. Reprinted from Tortora, G. J. and Derrickson, B. (2009). Principles of anatomy and physiology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. with permission.


    Figure 1.2 Signal transmission at a synapse. Through exocytosis of synaptic vesicles, a presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitter molecules. After diffusing across the synaptic cleft, the neurotransmitter binds to receptors in the plasma membrane of the postsynaptic neuron and produces a postsynaptic potential. Reprinted from Tortora, G. J. and Derrickson, B. (2009). Principles of anatomy and physiology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. with permission.


    Neurons also communicate with cells outside the central nervous system. Neurons of the peripheral nervous system synapse on organs or muscle cells. When the neurotransmitters are released onto the cells of organs or muscles, they generate an additional response of that organ or muscle. For instance, peripheral nervous system neurons synapse on muscle cells in the thigh. These neurons release acetylcholine, which binds with nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on the muscle cell. Receptor binding causes calcium release within the cell and muscle cell contraction. In this way, neuronal input controls movement of the thigh. The movement of the muscle is modified by input from sensory neurons, neurons within the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and other brain structures to provide coordinated smooth movement.

    It is important to note that there is structural variability of neurons within the CNS. Many neurons have a series of dendrites branching off the soma and one axon; this is the simplest neuron cell structure. Some neurons within the CNS also develop axons that branch into two axons that synapse on different cells, permitting one neuron to communicate with more than one cell (Figure 1.1). The axon terminals of neurons often have several branches so that one neuron can stimulate many other cells. This structure permits complex communication among cells that coordinate movement, maintain homeostasis of the body, and permit thought.


    While the neurons are the most widely known cells of the CNS, astrocytes are a vital cell type to CNS function. They are star shaped in structure (Figure 1.3a). In the developing brain, astrocytes release factors that stimulate stem cell differentiation into neurons. Astrocytes contribute to the blood brain barrier by extending portions of their cellular membrane, known as astrocytic feet, to wrap around the microvasculature and regulating substances passing from the blood into the CNS (Figure 1.3b). They stimulate transportation of nutrients, such as glucose and lactate, from the blood into the CNS and to neurons. Astrocytes absorb potassium from the extracellular environment, maintaining a proper environment to maximize neuronal function. They remove excess neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft. Astrocytes are also able to release select neurotransmitters in select situations. When stimulated by neuronal release of ATP, they stimulate myelin formation by oligodendrocytes. Astrocytes can also become phagocytic, engulfing and digesting injured cells of the CNS, filling the space created by loss of these cells, and ultimately repairing/replacing the lost cells (Figure 1.3).

    Figure 1.3 (a) Diagram of a single astrocyte. Reprinted from Abbott, N. J. (2002). (b) Astrocytes and endothelial cells of the blood brain barrier. Journal of Anatomy, 200: 629–638. doi: 10.1046/j.1469-7580.2002.00064.x with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



    The blood brain barrier serves to control passage of many substances and cells from the blood into the CNS. While it serves to prevent CNS infection, once infection develops in the CNS, inflammatory and immune cells are not able to pass through the blood brain barrier to fight off infection. Microglia serve as macrophages of the CNS, scavenging for damaged cells, plaques, and infectious agents. Some microglia are phagocytic, engulfing and digesting their target. Once they have phagocytosed an infectious agent, they are able to act as antigen-presenting cells. Microglia can also release cytokines and other modifiers of inflammation. Many microglia lay dormant within the CNS and are activated when there is CNS damage or infection (Figure 1.4).

    Figure 1.4 The three main morphological aspects of microglial cells. Reprinted from Verney, C., Monier, A., Fallet-Bianco, C. and Gressens, P. (2010). Early microglial colonization of the human forebrain and possible involvement in periventricular white-matter injury of preterm infants. Journal of Anatomy, 217: 436–448. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2010.01245.x with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



    Oligodendrocytes serve to generate myelin. Processes of the oligodendrocyte extend out and wrap around the axon of a neuron. The oligodendrocyte cell membrane forms the myelin sheath. Myelin is wrapped around axons and prevents dissipation of action potentials by decreasing ion leakage out of the axon. Myelination of an axon permits the action potential to be transferred down the axon at its original strength over a shorter period of time. A single oligodendrocyte may branch multiple processes wrapping around the same neuron. Multiple oligodendrocytes may extend myelin sheath around the same axon. The gaps causes between myelin sheaths are known as the Nodes of Ranvier. Schwann cells are oligodendrocytes present in the peripheral nervous system (Figure 1.5).

    Figure 1.5 A diagram of an oligodendrocyte. Courtesy of the Office of Communications and Public Liaison. (2002). The life and death of a neuron (NIH Publication No. 02-3440d). Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke at the National Institutes of Health.



    The brain is made up of multiple lobes, or sections, in two halves called hemispheres. The right and left hemispheres are divided by the medial longitudinal fissure. The falx cerebrii is a portion of the dura that resides in the medial longitudinal fissure. The two hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum, a tract or bundle of axons extending horizontally, which facilitates communication between the two hemispheres (Figure 1.6).

    Figure 1.6 A diagram of the diencephalon. Reprinted from Lewis, W. H. (Ed.). (1918). Anatomy of the human body. Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Febiger.


    The outer surface of the hemispheres is the cerebral cortex, an area made up primarily of the soma of neurons. The cerebral cortex is often referred to as gray matter because the nuclei within soma stain dark. The cortex contains many bulges called gyrus (plural gyri) and sulcus (plural sulci) as it folds to increase the surface area. The white matter lies beneath the cortex and contains mainly tracts, or groups of axons. Myelin covering many of the axons does not stain with older stains used during the early days of neuroanatomy exploration, hence the axon heavy areas are termed white matter.

    Frontal lobe

    The right and left frontal lobes are the anterior portion of the hemispheres (Figure 1.7). They are defined by the front edge of the hemisphere and the primary motor cortex, also called the primary motor strip or the precentral gyrus. The central sulcus lies immediately behind the precentral gyrus, separating the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe. The lateral sulcus, or sylvian fissure, separates the posterior portion of the frontal lobe from the temporal lobe.

    The most anterior portion (approximately one-half) of the frontal lobe is termed the prefrontal lobe or prefrontal cortex. Neurons in this area initiate the planning of complex cognitive tasks, initiate decision making, inform personality expression, and moderate social behaviors. This area of the brain is thought to be responsible for goal-oriented behavior and high-level cognitive and abstract thinking.

    Other regions of the frontal lobe maintain long-term memory, motor function via the primary motor cortex, and speech production via Broca's area.

    Parietal lobe

    The parietal lobe is the portion of the brain behind the frontal lobe. It is separated from the frontal lobe by the central sulcus and extends to the parieto-occipital sulcus (immediately anterior to the occipital lobe) and down to the lateral sulcus, also called the Sylvian fissure, immediately above the temporal lobe. Adjacent to the primary motor strip of the frontal lobe, within the parietal lobe, lies the primary sensory cortex, also called the post-central gyrus or the somatosensory cortex. The primary sensory cortex is important to processing sensory input in the brain. Other portions of the parietal lobe are responsible for visuospatial processing, numerical knowledge and relations, and object recognition and manipulation.

    Temporal lobe

    The temporal lobe is the portion of the brain beneath the lateral sulcus/sylvian fissure extending to the anterior lower portion of the occipital lobe. The neurons in this region form the primary auditory cortex, which contains Wernicke's area and is responsible for hearing and speech processing, and the hippocampus, responsible for long-term memory formation. The inferior region of the temporal lobe also processes complex visual information such as facial recognition and object perception and recognition.

    Occipital lobe

    The occipital lobe is the most posterior portion of the cerebral cortex. This area of the brain houses neurons that process visual stimuli allowing vision, color perception, visual spatial processing, and motion perception.

    Diencephalon structures

    The diencephalon is the innermost aspect of the cerebral cortex. Structures within the diencephalons include the thalamus, hypothalamus, and the pituitary gland (Figure 1.9).

    Figure 1.7 A diagram of the lobes of the brain. Reprinted from Lewis, W. H. (Ed.). (1918). Anatomy of the human body. Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Febiger.


    The thalamus surrounds the third ventricle and processes information between the cerebral cortex and the brain stem structures. Auditory, visual, gustatory, somatic, and somatosensory information are all processed in this area. Neurons within this region influence arousal and consciousness.

    The hypothalamus lies inferior to the anterior portion of the thalamus. The hypothalamus serves to connect the cerebral cortex and the pituitary gland. Through hormonal stimulation of the pituitary gland the hypothalamus regulates body temperature and blood pressure. Hypothalamic input also plays a role in immune response, gastric reflexes, hunger, thirst, and circadian rhythms.

    The pituitary gland dangles below the hypothalamus, connected via the pituitary stalk. It is structurally divided into two regions, the anterior and posterior, with different functions. The anterior pituitary gland releases hormones that modify blood pressure, gluceoneogenesis, immune response, metabolism, growth, lactation, ovulation, and reproductive functioning. The posterior pituitary gland releases hormones that modify fluid homeostasis and blood pressure and facilitate labor, birth, and lactation.

    The basal ganglia is a region in the center of the brain, although formally it is part of the telencephalon (cerebral cortex/upper brain regions), not the diencephalons. The basal ganglia modify motor function by providing inhibitory input to the motor tracts, coordinating smooth movement.


    The cerebellum is a region of the brain that lies below the cerebral cortex and posterior to the brainstem structures. It is formally separated from the cerebral cortex by a layer of dura mater called the tentorium cerebelli. Neurons within the cerebellum receive input from the pons, brain, and spinal cord and send input to the pons and down the spinal cord to coordinate motor movement. Recent evidence has implicated the cerebellum in modifying language, attention, and mental imagery via connections with cerebral cortex (Figure 1.8).

    Figure 1.8 A diagram of the cerebellum. Reprinted from Lewis, W. H. (Ed.). (1918). Anatomy of the human body. Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Febiger.


    Brainstem structures

    The brainstem resides beneath the diencephalon, connecting the brain and the spinal cord. Sensory and motor tracts travel through the midbrains structures to the spinal cord, carrying impulses that stimulate motor movement or signal sensation. The midbrain is divided into three distinct areas: midbrain, pons, and medulla (Figure 1.9).

    Figure 1.9 A diagram of the brainstem structures in the context of the right hemisphere. Reprinted from Lewis, W. H. (Ed.). (1918). Anatomy of the human body. Philadelphia, PA: Lea & Febiger.


    The midbrain is the uppermost portion of the brainstem, connecting the brain to the pons. The cerebral aquaduct – the small tube connecting the third and fourth ventricles – passes through the midbrain. Motor neurons and sensory neurons pass

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