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Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy
Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy
Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy
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Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy

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Sequence stratigraphy is a powerful tool for the prediction of depositional porosity and permeability, but does not account for the impact of diagenesis on these reservoir parameters. Therefore, integrating diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy can provide a better way of predicting reservoir quality.

This special publication consists of 19 papers (reviews and case studies) exploring different aspects of the integration of diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy in carbonate, siliciclastic, and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions from various geological settings. This book will be of interest to sedimentary petrologists aiming to understand the distribution of diagenesis in siliciclastic and carbonate successions, to sequence stratigraphers who can use diagenetic features to recognize and verify interpreted key stratigraphic surfaces, and to petroleum geologists  who wish to develop more realistic conceptual models for the spatial and temporal distribution of reservoir quality.

This book is part of the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) Special Publications.

The Special Publications from the IAS are a set of thematic volumes edited by specialists on subjects of central interest to sedimentologists. Papers are reviewed and printed to the same high standards as those published in the journal Sedimentology and several of these volumes have become standard works of reference.

Release dateNov 7, 2012
Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy

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    Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy - Sadoon Morad


    Diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy studies are conventionally performed as independent and isolated methods for the understanding and prediction of the spatial and temporal distribution of reservoir quality in sedimentary successions. Sequence stratigraphy focuses on the distribution of depositional facies and therefore of primary porosity and permeability of sedimentary successions promoted by the interplay between the rates of changes in relative sea level and in sedimentation. Diagenesis focuses on post-depositional processes causing modifications to depositional porosity and permeability at near-surface and during progressive burial of the successions, being commonly controlled by several parameters, which vary widely among the carbonate and siliciclastic successions.

    Recently, several authors have demonstrated that the integration of diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy is a powerful tool for the understanding and prediction of the distribution of diagenetic alterations and of their impact on reservoir quality distribution and evolution. The successful application of the integrated approach is possible because the parameters controlling the distribution of early diagenetic (eogenetic) alterations also control the sequence stratigraphic framework. These parameters include: (i) changes in the relative sea level, which control changes in pore water chemistry (marine, meteoric and mixed); and (ii) rates of sedimentation, which control the residence time of the sediments under specific geochemical conditions, such as along surfaces of subaerial exposure (i.e. sequence boundaries) and at the seafloor (e.g. along marine flooding surfaces). The first papers, which have dealt with this integrated approach, apply to carbonate successions; usually carbonate sediments are far more reactive and sensitive to changes in pore water chemistry (marine, meteoric and mixed marine-meteoric compositions) than siliciclastic sediments.

    This IAS Special Publication was assembled from a set of peer-reviewed papers by invited authors working with this research topic. Contributions cover the application of the integrated diagenesis-sequence stratigraphy approach to carbonate and siliciclastic successions from various geological settings.

    This volume consists of 19 papers exploring different aspects of the integration of diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy in carbonate and siliciclastic successions, including review papers and case studies. The opening paper by Morad et al. is a general review of the links between diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy in carbonate and siliciclastic rocks and their applications to reservoir quality prediction. The second paper, by Amorosi, consists of a revision on the distribution patterns of glaucony in a sequence stratigraphic framework. The two following papers, by Caron et al. and Csoma & Goldstein, propose relationships between the diagenesis and the sequence stratigraphy of carbonate successions. Buijs & Goldstein, Smeester et al. and Railsback et al., present aspects of diagenetic alterations related to surfaces of subaerial exposure surfaces, while Ritter & Goldstein and Barnett et al. demonstrate examples of sequence stratigraphic controls on the diagenesis of carbonate successions. The influence of sequence stratigraphy on the diagenesis of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions is presented by Coffey.

    The sequence stratigraphic controls on the diagenesis of siliciclastic, continental successions is explored by De Ros & Scherer, whilst controls on coastal and marine sucessions (including deep water turbidite deposits) are presented by Machent et al., Al-Ramadan et al. and Mansurbeg et al. and Marfil et al., McKinley et al. and Walz et al. present integrated studies applied to the understanding of burial diagenesis and to the application of diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy. The volume is completed with an example by Dill on the application of diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy integration to mineral exploration.

    This volume is expected to interest various classes of readers, including: (i) sedimentologists and sedimentary petrologists who aim to understand the distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary rocks; (ii) sequence stratigraphers who wish to recognize key sequence stratigraphic surfaces based on their specific diagenetic signatures, aiding in the construction of the sequence stratigraphic framework of carbonate and siliciclastic successions, and (iii) petroleum geologists aiming to develop models for the spatial and temporal distribution of reservoir quality in these successions.

    Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy: An Integrated Tool for Understanding and Predicting Reservoir Quality Distribution

    S. Morad*,†, J.M. Ketzer‡ and L.F. De Ros§

    *Department of Petroleum Geosciences, The Petroleum Institute, P.O. Box 2533, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; E-mail: [email protected]

    Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, 752 36, Uppsala, Sweden

    CEPAC Brazilian Carbon Storage Research Center, PUCRS, Av. Ipiranga, 6681, Predio 96J, TecnoPuc, Porto Alegre, RS, 90619-900, Brazil; E-mail: [email protected]

    §Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Porto Alegre, RS, 91501-970, Brazil; E-mail: [email protected]


    Sequence stratigraphy is a useful tool for the prediction of primary (depositional) porosity and permeability. However, these primary characteristics are modified to variable extents by diverse diagenetic processes. This paper demonstrates that integration of sequence stratigraphy and diagenesis is possible because the parameters controlling the sequence stratigraphic framework may have a profound impact on early diagenetic processes. The latter processes play a decisive role in the burial diagenetic and related reservoir-quality evolution pathways. Therefore, the integration of sequence stratigraphy and diagenesis allows a proper understanding and prediction of the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations and, consequently, of reservoir quality in sedimentary successions.


    The diagenesis of sedimentary rocks, which may enhance, preserve or destroy porosity and permeability, is controlled by a complex array of inter-related parameters (Stonecipher et al., 1984). These parameters range from tectonic setting (controls burial-thermal history of the basin and detrital composition of clastic sediments) to depositional facies and palaeo-climatic conditions (Morad, 2000; Worden & Morad, 2003). Despite the large number of studies (e.g. Schmidt & McDonalds, 1979; Stonecipher et al., 1984; Jeans, 1986; Curtis, 1987; Walderhaug & Bjorkum, 1998; Ketzer et al., 2003; Shaw & Conybeare, 2003) on the diagenetic alteration of sedimentary rocks, the parameters controlling their spatial and temporal distribution patterns in paralic and shallow-marine and particularly in continental and deep water sedimentary deposits are still not fully understood (Surdam et al., 1989; Morad, 1998; Worden & Morad, 2000, 2003).

    Diagenetic studies have been used independently from sequence stratigraphy as a tool to understand and predict the distribution of reservoir quality in clastic and carbonate successions (e.g. Ehrenberg, 1990; Byrnes, 1994; Wilson, 1994; Bloch & Helmold, 1995; Kupecz et al., 1997; Anjos et al., 2000; Spötl et al., 2000; Bourque et al., 2001; Bloch et al., 2002; Esteban & Taberner, 2003; Heydari, 2003; Prochnow et al., 2006; Ehrenberg et al., 2006a).

    The sequence stratigraphic approach, nevertheless, allows the prediction of facies distributions (Posamentier & Vail, 1988; Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Emery & Myers, 1996; Posamentier & Allen, 1999), providing information on the depositional distribution of primary porosity and permeability (Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Posamentier & Allen, 1999). Depositional reservoir quality is mainly controlled by the geometry, sorting and grain size of sediments. Sequence stratigraphy enables prediction of the distribution of mudstones and other fine-grained deposits that may act as seals, baffles and barriers for fluid flow within reservoir successions and as petroleum source rocks (Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Emery & Myers, 1996; Posamentier & Allen, 1999).

    Although sequence stratigraphic models can predict facies and depositional porosity and permeability distribution in sedimentary successions, particularly in deltaic, coastal and shallow-marine deposits (Emery & Myers, 1996), they cannot provide direct information about the diagenetic evolution of reservoir quality. As most of the controls on early diagenetic processes are also sensitive to relative sea-level changes (e.g. pore water compositions and flow, duration of subaerial exposure), diagenesis can be linked to sequence stratigraphy (Tucker, 1993; South & Talbot, 2000; Morad et al., 2000, 2010; Ketzer et al., 2002, 2003). Hence, it is logical to assume that the integration of diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy will constitute a powerful tool for the prediction of the spatial and temporal distribution and evolution of quality in clastic reservoirs, as it has already been developed for carbonate successions (Goldhammar et al., 1990; Read & Horbury, 1993 and references therein; Tucker, 1993; Moss & Tucker, 1995; South & Talbot, 2000; Bourque et al., 2001; Eberli et al., 2001; Tucker & Booler, 2002; Glumac & Walker, 2002; Moore, 2004; Caron et al., 2005). This approach can also provide useful information on the formation of diagenetic seals, barriers and baffles for fluid flow, which may promote diagenetic compartmentalization of the reservoirs. A limited number of studies has been undertaken that illustrate how the spatial distribution of diagenetic features in various types of sedimentary successions can be better understood when linked to a sequence stratigraphic framework (Read & Horbury, 1993 and references therein; Tucker, 1993; Moss & Tucker, 1995; Morad et al., 2000; Ketzer et al., 2002, 2003a, 2003b, 2005; Al-Ramadan et al., 2005; El-Ghali et al., 2006, 2009).

    Carbonate sediments are more reactive than siliciclastic deposits to changes in pore-water chemistry caused by changes in relative sea-level versus rates of sediment supply (i.e. regression and transgression) (Morad et al., 2000). Therefore, the distribution of diagenetic alterations can be more readily linked to the sequence stratigraphic framework of carbonate than of siliciclastic deposits (Tucker, 1993; McCarthy & Plint, 1998; Bardossy & Combes, 1999; Morad et al., 2000). Cool-water limestones are commonly composed of low-Mg calcite and thus are less reactive than tropical limestones, which are composed of the metastable aragonite and high-Mg calcite. In tropical carbonate rocks, particularly, the distribution of diagenetic alterations can be recognized within third (1–10 Ma) or fourth (10s ky to 100 ky) order cycles of relative sea-level change (Tucker, 1993), whereas in siliciclastic deposits only alterations relative to third order cycles can be recognized (Morad et al., 2000). Less commonly, however, diagenetic alterations can be correlated to smaller cycles (parasequences; Van Wagoner et al., 1990) within third order sequences (Taylor et al., 1995; Loomis & Crossey, 1996; Klein et al., 1999; Ketzer et al., 2002). The low rates of subsidence in marine epicontinental environments (Sloss, 1996) render linking diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy difficult.

    In the following discussion, definitions of the diagenetic stages eodiagenesis, mesodiagenesis and telodiagenesis sensu Morad et al. (2000) will be applied to clastic successions, whereas the original definitions of these stages (Choquette & Pray, 1970) are applied to carbonate successions. According to Morad et al. (2000), eodiagenesis includes processes developed under the influence of surface or modified surface waters such as marine, mixed marine-meteoric, or meteoric waters, at depths <2 km (T < 70 °C), whereas mesodiagenesis includes processes encountered at depths >2 km (T > 70 °C) and reactions involving chemically evolved formation waters. Shallow mesodiagenesis corresponds to depths between 2 and 3 km and to temperatures between 70 and 100 °C. Deep mesodiagenesis extends from depths of ~3 km and temperatures ~100 °C to the limit of metamorphism, corresponding to temperatures >200 °C to 250 °C and to highly-variable depths, according to the thermal gradient of the area. Telodiagenesis refers to those processes related to the uplift and exposure of sandstones to near-surface meteoric conditions, after burial and mesodiagenesis. In the original definitions of Choquette & Pray (1970) there is no depth or temperature limit between eodiagenesis and mesodiagenesis, but only a vague effective burial limit, defined as the case-specific depth below which the surface fluids cannot reach and influence the sediments and there is no distinction between shallow and deep mesodiagenesis.

    The goals of this paper are to: (i) demonstrate that the distribution of diagenetic alterations in sedimentary successions can, in many cases, be systematically linked to sequence stratigraphy, (ii) highlight the most common diagenetic alterations related to specific systems tracts and to key sequence-stratigraphic surfaces and (iii) apply these concepts to prediction of the spatial and temporal distribution of reservoir quality in carbonate and clastic successions.

    Sequence Stratigraphy: An Overview of the Key Concepts

    In order to emphasize the impact of rates of changes in relative sea-level versus rates of sedimentation on the distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic and carbonate sediments, it is worthwhile to provide a brief overview of the concepts and basic definitions of sequence stratigraphy. Sequence stratigraphy is the analysis of genetically-related strata within a chronostratigraphic framework. The stacking patterns of these strata are controlled by the rates of changes in relative sea-level (i.e. accommodation creation or destruction caused by subsidence/uplift and/or changes in the eustatic sea-level) compared to rates of sediment supply.

    There are genetic differences in the sequence stratigraphic models developed for shallow-marine and paralic siliciclastic and carbonate successions related to: (i) origin of sediments. Siliciclastic sediments are derived mostly from outside the depositional basin and are thus influenced by lithology, tectonic setting and climatic conditions in the hinterlands (Dickinson et al., 1983; Dutta & Suttner, 1986; Suttner & Dutta, 1986). Conversely, marine carbonate sediments are produced by organic and inorganic intrabasinal processes (Hanford & Loucks, 1993). (ii) Carbonate sediments are commonly produced at higher rates than siliciclastic sediments and respond differently to changes in the relative sea-level compared to siliciclastic deposits (Hanford & Loucks, 1993). (iii) Transgression coincides with higher rates of carbonate sedimentation, whereas the opposite is true regarding siliciclastic sediments. Therefore, the sequence stratigraphic framework of carbonate successions differs from that of siliciclastic successions (Hanford & Loucks, 1993; Boggs, 2006). (iv) Subaerially exposed carbonate sediments are subjected to dissolution by meteoric waters, i.e. little sediment is produced. Conversely, exposed siliciclastic deposits can be subjected to valley incision and deposition of the reworked sediments at and beyond the shelf break. Moreover, the incised valleys can act as sites for the deposition of fluvial and estuarine deposits.

    The sequence stratigraphic terminology of carbonate and siliciclastic deposits presented here is largely based on the concepts introduced by Vail (1987), Posamentier et al. (1988) & Van Wagoner et al. (1990), but taking into account revisions and critical evaluations of these concepts (Sarg, 1988; Loucks & Sarg, 1993; Emery & Myers, 1996; Miall, 1997; Posamentier & Allen (1999); Catuneanu, 2006). The examples of links between diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy presented in this paper fall within the framework of so-called high-resolution sequence stratigraphy (1 to 3 Ma; Emery & Myers, 1996).

    The basic principle of sequence stratigraphy is that the deposition of sediments and their spatial and temporal distribution in a basin are controlled by the interplay between the rates of: (i) sediment supply, (ii) basin-floor subsidence and uplift and (iii) changes in the eustatic sea-level (e.g. Vail, 1987; Posamentier et al., 1988; Van Wagoner et al., 1990). These parameters control the space within a basin that is available for sediment deposition and preservation, i.e. accommodation (Jervey, 1988). Accommodation in shallow marine environments can be created by a rise in the eustatic sea-level and/or to basin-floor subsidence. This is referred to as relative sea-level rise. Fall in the relative sea-level is caused by fall in the eustatic sea-level and/or tectonic uplift.

    The stacking pattern of sedimentary packages depends on rates of accommodation creation versus rates of sediment supply (Fig. 1; Posamentier et al., 1988; Van Wagoner et al., 1990). If the rate of sediment supply exceeds the rate of accommodation creation, the sediment stacking will be progradational, which is referred to as normal regression (Fig. 1A). Regression may also occur either due to fall in the relative sea-level (owing to a fall in eustatic sea-level and/or tectonic uplift of basin floor), also referred to as forced regression, being characterized by a ‘downstepping’ geometry of the facies (Fig. 1B). Conversely, retrogradational stacking patterns are developed by lower rates of sediment supply lower than rate of accommodation creation (i.e. transgression). The shoreline will migrate landward and the vertical facies succession display an upward deepening trend (i.e., backstepping; Fig. 1C). Aggradation of depositional facies occurs if the rate of sediment supply is equivalent to the rate of accommodation creation (Fig. 1D). In this case, deposits will keep fixed position upwards in the stratigraphic section. Rates of sediment supply across a carbonate platform depend on the productivity of the carbonate factory, which depends on sea water temperature, salinity, water depth, rate of siliciclastic sediment input and nutrient supply (Hallock & Schlager, 1986). The rates of siliciclastic sediment supply depend largely on climatic conditions (i.e. rates of chemical weathering) and tectonic setting (e.g. rates of uplift, lithology of source rocks).

    Fig. 1 Diagram showing the major stacking patterns of parasequences (A)–(D) and sequence stratigraphic features. (A) Progradational parasequence sets resulting from forced regression caused by substantial sediment supply derived from subaerial erosion and fluvial incision into the previously deposited sediments during sea-level fall. (B) Retrogradational parasequence sets formed when the increase in the rate of accommodation creation is larger than the rate of sediment supply. (C) Aggradational parasequence sets resulting from similar rates of sediment supply and accommodation creation. (D) Progradational parasequences showing a shallowing upward pattern bounded by marine flooding surfaces. The schematic representation of the four systems tracts, including lowstand (LST), transgressive (TST), highstand (HST) and forced regressive wedge (FRWST), also referred to simply as forced regressive (FRST). Modified after Coe (2003).

    Sequence stratigraphic analysis aims to divide the sedimentary record into depositional sequences, in which the sequence boundaries are subaerial erosion surfaces (unconformities) or their correlative conformities. Sequence boundaries are formed by a rapid fall in relative sea-level (Van Wagoner et al., 1990). Thus, sequences are deposited between two episodes of relative sea-level fall, which coincide, for instance, with falling inflection points on a hypothetical relative sea-level curve (Fig. 1D). If relative sea-level eventually falls below the shelf edge, valley incision, pronounced erosion of, particularly siliciclastic, shelves and deep-water turbidite deposition will occur (Posamentier & Allen, 1999). Changes in relative sea-level in carbonate depositional systems may result in exposure of the platform, stopping the carbonate factory and leading to karstification, particularly under humid climatic conditions.

    Sequences are composed of systems tracts, which are, in turn, composed of parasequences (Fig. 1D). Parasequences are relatively conformable successions of genetically related beds or bedsets bounded by ‘minor’ marine flooding surfaces and their correlative surfaces (Van Wagoner et al., 1990). A parasequence set is a succession of genetically related parasequences, which display progradational, aggradational or retrogradational stacking pattern. Hence, parasequence sets reflect the interplay between rates of deposition and accommodation creation (Van Wagoner et al., 1990). If the deposition rate is higher than the accommodation creation rate, the parasequence set will be progradational, whereas if the deposition rate is equal to or lower than the accommodation creation rate, then the parasequence set is aggradational or retrogradational, respectively (Figs. 1A–D).

    Parasequence sets can be associated to a specific segment of a relative sea-level curve and comprise system tracts. Systems tracts are defined as the contemporaneous depositional systems linked to a specific segment on the curve of changes in the relative sea-level (Fig. 1D). Each systems tract is defined by stratal geometries at bounding surfaces, position within the sequence and internal parasequence stacking patterns. Four main systems tracts have been described in the literature (Vail et al., 1977; Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Hunt & Tucker, 1992): lowstand systems tract (LST), transgressive systems tract (TST), highstand systems tract (HST) and forced regressive wedge systems tract (FRWST; Fig. 1D).

    LST deposits are formed during a fall in relative sea-level (i.e. retreat of the shoreline), which results in subaerial exposure of the shelf. Sediment supply on siliciclastic shelf margin/slope is often maintained and delivered via incised valleys and redistributed via fluvial-deltaic processes (Vail et al., 1977; Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Handford & Louks, 1993). Carbonate sediment production by the carbonate factory is terminated or restricted to shelf margins and upper slopes. LST deposits have thus progradational parasequence sets, particularly in siliciclastic successions, as carbonate factory stops during exposure of the shelf (Posamentier et al., 1992). Major Fall in the relative sea-level also causes deep submarine channel incisions on the slope of siliciclastic shelves and carbonate platforms/banks (Anselmmeti et al., 2000). LST deposits include fluvial-deltaic siliciclastic deposits and shallow-marine siliciclastic and carbonate deposits include shelf margin, slope and basin-floor turbidite and debris-flow deposits.

    LST deposits are bounded below by a sequence boundary (SB) and above by a transgressive surface (TS), which marks the beginning of rapid rise in relative sea-level. The SB and TS are amalgamated in shelf sites where there was little deposition and/or erosion. The TS is often marked by the occurrence of conglomeratic lag deposits, which are formed by reworking of shelf sediments by marine currents. The TST sediments are deposited due to higher rates of relative sea-level rise than rates of sediment supply, which is accompanied by landward migration of the shoreline (i.e. transgression) and of loci of siliciclastic sediment deposition. A rapid rise in the relative sea-level and deepening of water to depths greater than the photic zone may drown and shut down the carbonate factory. Conversely, slow transgression may allow the platform to remain within the photic zone and the carbonate factory to maintain carbonate sediment production. The impact of transgression on sediment production by the carbonate factory is important when occurring immediately after establishment of highstand conditions, i.e. after establishment of active carbonate factory (Catuneanu, 2005). Termination of the carbonate factory owing to drowning of the platform below the photic zone is followed by deposition of siliciclastic mud (Catuneanu, 2005). The TST deposits are bounded below by the TS and above by the maximum flooding surface (MFS), which corresponds to maximum landward advance of the shoreline (Fig. 1D).

    The TS is frequently marked by the presence of coarse-grained lag deposits composed of algal bored and encrusted intrabasinal fragments derived by marine erosion of sediments (i.e. ravinement), which include palaeosol, calcrete, bioclasts and/or highstand mudstones exposed along SB on shelves/platforms (Sarg, 1988; Hunt & Tucker, 1992; Hanford & Louks, 1993). Ravinement is expected to be more pronounced in open-marine shelves, whereas insignificant in rimmed shelves, which remain subaerially exposed during rapid rise in the relative sea-level (cf. Handford & Louks, 1993). The formation of TS is commonly followed by re-establishment of the carbonate factory across the shelf, including shoreward accretion of subtidal carbonate sediments over shallow-water sediments (Handford & Louks, 1993). However, carbonate sediment production usually lags behind rise in relative sea-level, which gives way, on some mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelves, to deposition of siliciclastic sediments followed by carbonate sediments (Handford & Louks, 1993).

    The MFS represents a condensed section (hiatus surface) formed by faster rates of relative sea-level rise than rates of sedimentation, particularly in the middle and outer shelf. The TST is comprised of retrogradational (backstepping) parasequence set of shelf sediments, including shallow-marine sandstones and mudstones. Peat (coal) layers are developed during transgression of coastal plain under humid climatic conditions in both carbonate and siliciclastic successions (de Wet et al., 1997).

    The HST is deposited during late stages of rise, stillstand and early stages of falling relative sea-level. The HST package is bounded below by MFS and above by the upper SB. The HST is comprised of initially aggradational and later, as the rates of accommodation creation by rise in the relative sea-level diminishes, of progradational parasequence sets. Sediment production by carbonate factory is greatest during highstand, because of the slow rates of drowning of the platform (Handford & Louks, 1993). Growth of carbonate rims in shelves may result in the development of lagoons with restricted connection with the open sea encouraging deposition of evaporites under arid climatic conditions. The HST record is only partly preserved owing to erosion during the next cycle of fall in relative sea-level and formation of upper sequence boundary. The FRWST, also known as falling-stage systems tract (FSST) was proposed (Hunt & Tucker, 1992) to include deposits formed during relative sea-level fall, between the highstand and the point of maximum rate of sea-level fall (i.e., formation of the succeeding sequence boundary). The most typical sediments of FSST are sharp-based sandstones deposited in shoreface environments above erosional surfaces formed during regression (Plint, 1988). The sequence boundary is usually drawn above the FSST (the subaerial unconformity and its seaward extension), because this surface is formed when the relative sea-level reaches its lowest point and it coincides with the surface of subaerial exposure.

    Parameters Controlling Sediment Diagenesis

    The diagenesis of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments is controlled by a complex array of inter-related parameters, many of which are not related directly to the interplay between rates of changes in the relative sea-level versus rates of sediment supply and thus cannot be constrained only within a sequence stratigraphic context. These parameters include the tectonic setting, which controls: (i) basin type and the burial, temperature and pressure histories, (ii) relief and lithology of source rocks, which exert direct control on detrital composition of sandstones (Siever, 1979; Dickinson, 1985; Ingersoll, 1988; Zuffa, 1987; Horbury & Robinson, 1993) and (iii) depositional setting (Fig. 2A). The depositional setting controls both the primary composition and textures of carbonate sediments and hence most diagenetic processes (Fig. 2B). Tectonic setting exerts a less direct influence on the diagenetic processes of carbonate successions, as their primary composition is a product of intrabasinal processes.

    Fig. 2 Diagram showing the complex array of factors controlling the diagenesis of clastic (A) and carbonate (B) sediments. Sequence stratigraphy can provide useful information on depositional environment, structures, texture and composition, which directly control the diagenetic processes and patterns.

    The tectonic setting of the basin controls the rates of sediments supply and depth of meteoric water incursion in the basin (Fig. 2A). Under high sediment supply rates typical of tectonically active settings, such as in rift or forearc basins, there is smaller opportunity for eogenetic reactions to occur and therefore for sequence stratigraphic control on diagenesis. Detrital sand composition strongly influences the types, distribution and patterns of clastic diagenetic processes (Fig. 2A; Surdam et al., 1989; De Ros, 1996; Primmer et al., 1997).

    Other important parameters that influence the diagenesis include palaeoclimatic conditions. The role of palaeoclimatic conditions is most prevalent during relative sea-level fall and partial to complete exposure of the shelf, which results in meteoric water incursion into the paralic and shallow-marine deposits (Hutcheon et al., 1985; Searl, 1994; Thyne & Gwinn, 1994; Worden et al., 2000). The impact of meteoric water incursion into these sediments is more important under warm, humid climatic conditions than under arid to semi-arid conditions.

    Basis for Linking Diagenesis and Sequence Stratigraphy

    Linking diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy is possible because parameters controlling the sequence stratigraphic framework of sedimentary deposits, including primarily the rates of changes in the relative sea-level (interplay between tectonic subsidence/uplift and changes in the eustatic sea-level) versus rates of deposition (Van Wagoner et al., 1990; Posamentier & Allen 1999), also exert profound impact on parameters that control the near-surface diagenetic alterations in these deposits, including:

    i. Changes in pore-water chemistry. Pore-water chemistry varies during near-surface eodiagenesis among marine, brackish and meteoric compositions (Hart et al., 1992; Tucker, 1993; Morad, 1998; Morad et al., 2000, 2010). Pore-water chemistry is the master control on a wide range of diagenetic reactions, including cementation, dissolution and neomorphism of carbonate and dissolution and kaolinization of framework silicates (Curtis, 1987; Morad et al., 2000).

    ii. Residence time. The residence time of sediments under specific geochemical conditions is established as a consequence of regression and transgression. Prolonged subaerial exposure of the sediments during regression results in extensive meteoric water incursion, particularly under humid climatic conditions (Loomis & Crossey, 1996; Ketzer et al., 2003). Typical diagenetic reactions encountered are dissolution of marine carbonate cements and kaolinization of chemically unstable silicates (e.g. micas and feldspars). Conversely, low sedimentation rates on the shelf results in prolonged residence time of sediments at and immediately below the seafloor and hence extended marine pore water diagenesis, which is probably mediated by diffusive mass exchange between pore waters and the overlying sea water (Kantorowicz et al., 1987; Wilkinson, 1991; Morad et al., 1992; Amorosi, 1995; Taylor et al., 1995; Morad et al., 2000). Thus, variations in residence time control the extent of diagenetic alterations under the prevailed geochemical conditions.

    iii. Variation in the framework grain composition. Transgression and regression may cause changes the proportion of extra-basinal and intra-basinal grains (Dolan, 1989; Fontana et al., 1989; Garzanti, 1991; Amorosi, 1995; Zuffa et al., 1995; Morad et al., 2000, 2010). Framework grain composition controls the mechanical and chemical properties and hence the burial diagenetic alterations and related reservoir-quality evolution pathways of arenites (Fig. 3). Intrabasinal carbonate (bioclasts, peloids, ooids and intraclasts) and non-carbonate (e.g., glaucony peloids, berthierine ooids, mud intraclasts and phosphate; Zuffa, 1985, 1987) grains increase relatively in abundance upon marine transgression (Fig. 3). Transgressions promote the flooding of shelf areas, dramatically increasing the sites available for the generation of carbonate grains and starve extrabasinal sediment supply to the shelf edge, thereby favouring the formation of glaucony and phosphate. In contrast, regressions decrease or even shut-off the production of these grains, favouring increased erosion and redistribution of extrabasinal siliciclastic sediments (Dolan, 1989).

    iv. Organic matter content in sediments. Transgression and regression have also profound impact on the amounts and types of organic matter (Cross, 1988; Whalen et al., 2000), which control, in turn, the redox potential of pore waters and consequently the oxidation-reduction reactions in the host sediments (Coleman et al., 1979, Curtis, 1987; Hesse, 1990; Morad, 1998). Planktonic productivity and hence the amount of reactive marine organic matter in marine sediments, increases in abundance during transgression (Pedersen & Calvert, 1990; Bessereau & Guillocheau, 1994; Whalen et al., 2000; Sutton et al., 2004). Highly reactive organic-matter content in paralic and marine sediments causes rapid, progressive depletion of pore waters in dissolved oxygen below the sediment-water interface, i.e. progressively more reducing geochemical conditions (Froelich et al., 1979; Berner, 1981). These conditions have profound impact on the formation of Fe-rich and Mn-rich minerals, such as pyrite, siderite, Fe-dolomite and Fe-silicates (Curtis, 1987; Morad, 1998).

    Fig. 3 Variations in relative proportions of extrabasinal and intrabasinal grains corresponding to transgression and regression (A) and major diagenetic processes observed in siliciclastic sandstones and intrabasinal arenites (B), shown on Zuffa (1980) diagram. Hybrid arenites usually display mixed diagenetic processes corresponding to their compositional constituents.

    Extracting valuable information about these parameters from sequence stratigraphic analyses should, hence, allow constraining diagenesis and related reservoir-quality evolution of sandstones below sequence and parasequence boundaries and marine flooding, transgressive and maximum flooding surfaces and within systems tracts (Morad et al., 2010).

    In the following sections, the types, distribution patterns and impacts of diagenetic processes and products will be discussed for carbonate (Table 1) and siliciclastic (Table 2) deposits in relation to the main sequence stratigraphic surfaces and systems tracts.

    Table 1 Summary of major diagenetic processes and products related to sequence stratigraphic controls in carbonate deposits and main impacts on reservoir quality.

    Table 2 Summary of major diagenetic processes and products related to sequence stratigraphic controls in siliciclastic deposits and main impacts on reservoir quality.

    Distribution of Diagenetic Alterations Along Sequence Stratigraphic Surfaces

    The distribution of diagenetic alterations along the key sequence stratigraphic surfaces (i.e. SB, PB, TS and MFS) occurs owing to more significant increase in the rates of relative sea-level rise than rates of sedimentation. Hence, considerable shifts in the parameters controlling diagenesis are encountered along these surfaces, resulting in fairly marked diagenetic alterations (Tucker, 1993; Morad et al., 2000, 2010). For identification and interpretation of diagenetic patterns linked to sequence stratigraphy, it should be kept in mind that the original near-surface, eogenetic alterations in siliciclastic and, particularly, in the highly reactive carbonate sediments are usually subjected to chemical (elemental and isotopic), textural and/or mineralogical modifications during subsequent eodiagenesis, mesodiagenesis and/or telodiagenesis. Such changes include: (i) recrystallization of carbonate cements, which results in decrease of and of signatures of marine calcite cements, (ii) calcitization of dolomite and dolomitization of calcite and (iii) transformation of clay minerals, such as illitization of kaolinite and chloritization of berthierine and smectite (Morad et al., 2000; Worden & Morad, 2003).

    Sequence Boundaries (SB)

    Subaerial sediment exposure due to major fall in the relative sea-level (i.e. formation of SB), is accompanied by basinward migration of the meteoric pore water zone (Fig. 4; Morad et al., 2000), which is accompanied by characteristic diagenetic alterations in carbonate and siliciclastic sediments (outlined below). However, the extent and depth of meteoric water flux into siliciclastic and carbonate successions depend on the hydraulic head, tilting of the permeable bed(s), climatic conditions, duration of subaerial exposure, reactivity of the sediments and intensity and connectivity of fracture systems (Galloway, 1984; Worthington, 2001; Burley & MacQuaker, 1992; Longstaffe, 1993; Mátyás & Matter, 1997). Hence, meteoric-water flux below SB is more extensive in unconfined than in confined aquifers (Coffey, 2005).

    Fig. 4 Shift observed in the distribution of meteoric, mixing-zone and marine zones in platforms and ramps during sea-level fall and rise. A larger area is affected in platforms than in homoclinal ramps.

    The extent of shelf exposure as consequence of a fall in the relative sea-level increases with decrease in tilting of the shelf. Fall in the relative sea-level by tens of metres would expose most shallow water shelves with break (for siliciclastic deposits) as well as platforms and rimmed shelves (for carbonate deposits) (Wilkinson, 1982; Read, 1985; Hanford & Loucks, 1993). Conversely, a similar fall in the relative sea-level would expose a much smaller area of homoclinal shelves (Fig. 4; Harris, 1986; Calvet et al., 1990). A fall in the relative sea-level subsequent to transgression and early sea-level highstand is expected to be associated with a progressive change in pore water chemistry across the shelf from fully marine to mixed-marine-meteoric and, finally, fully meteoric composition.

    Carbonate Deposits

    Meteoric-water flux influences the exposed upper parts of ramp and, particularly, platform sediments, whereas the deeper parts may undergo marine pore water diagenesis. This depth-related variation in pore-water composition can be attributed to the ‘floating’ of meteoric waters over the denser marine pore waters (Hitchon & Friedman, 1969). Typical diagenetic alterations below the SB include (Table 1):

    1. Karstification due to dissolution of TST and HST carbonate sediments by meteoric and brackish waters (Smart et al., 1988; Moss & Tucker, 1992; Evans et al., 1994; Jones & Hunter, 1994), which are undersaturated with respect to most marine carbonate sediments, particularly to high-Mg calcite and aragonite. Dissolution of aragonitic bioclasts and ooliths may lead to the formation of moldic and vuggy porosity and hence in improvement of reservoir quality (Tucker & Wright, 1992; Benito et al., 2001; Fig. 5A). Therefore, the original mineralogy of the carbonate sediments controls the intensity of creation of fabric-selective, secondary porosity. The low-Mg calcitic Jurassic-Cretaceous and mid-Palaeozoic oolites, as well as the Palaeozoic bioclasts and cool water limestones are expected to display smaller extent of meteoric water diagenesis (dissolution-cementation) than the aragonitic Mesozoic-Cenozoic bioclasts as well as the Permian-Triassic and Cenozoic oolites (Tucker, 1993).

    The dissolution of carbonate grains may lead to saturation of the meteoric fluids relative to low-Mg calcite, typically promoting precipitation of meteoric equant spar (Bourque et al., 2001), which occludes primary intergranular and intragranular porosity (Figs. 5B and C). These molds and vugs may also be filled by coarse-crystalline, mesogenetic blocky calcite, dolomite and/or anhydrite (Choquette & James, 1987; Emery et al., 1988; Moore, 2004) or by eogenetic, marine radiaxial and fascicular calcite or botryoidal aragonite cements during the following marine transgression (Kendall, 1977, 1985; Mazzulo & Cys, 1979; Csoma et al., 2001). Karstification is intense under humid climatic conditions, which is due to the high rates of meteoric water recharge and extensive vegetation (Longman, 1980; James & Choquette, 1988, 1990; Wright, 1988). Vegetation acts as source of CO2 and organic acids, which accelerate the dissolution of carbonates owing to acidification of meteoric waters. Meteoric-water diagenesis below SB results also in neomorphism of marine aragonite and high-Mg calcite cements and grains to low-Mg calcite (Fig. 5D; Longman, 1980; James & Choquette, 1990). Cementation of limestones below SB by phreatic blocky, equant, drusiform, syntaxial overgrowth and isopachous low-Mg calcite spar (Figs. 5B and C) (Carney et al., 2001). Meteoric calcite cement contains very low but variable Mn and Fe owing to the overall oxic to weakly sub-oxic pore waters (Froelich et al., 1979; Berner, 1981). Thus, meteoric-water calcite cement is non-luminescent or displays zones of dull and light brown/orange luminescence (Moss & Tucker, 1995), which are attributed to fluctuation in the redox potential in the pore waters (Edmunds & Walton, 1983).

    Despite the fact that transgression is accompanied by largely marine pore-water diagenesis, the concomitant rapid, yet local, expansion of ooid sands and barrier island formation is associated to meteoric diagenesis (Grammer et al., 2001). Diagenesis of these carbonate sands commonly result in dissolution of metastable carbonate grains (aragonite and high-Mg calcite) and hence in eogenetic near-surface enhancement of reservoir quality. Local precipitation of poikilotopic, low-Mg calcite cement may occur, however, causing deterioration of reservoir quality (Moore, 1985; Scholle & Halley, 1985; Emery et al., 1988; Moore, 2004).

    2. Calcitization of dolomite (dedolomitization). Changes in pore water chemistry from marine and mixed marine/meteoric to meteoric composition are associated with shifting of the mineral stability field from dolomite to calcite that is commonly encountered below SB (e.g. Fretwell et al., 1997). Calcitization of dolomite may be associated by dissolution of Ca- sulphate cements and dolomite and thus result in improvement of reservoir quality (Sellwood et al., 1987).

    3. Pedogenesis under semi-arid climatic conditions, which may be accompanied by the formation calcrete (caliche) horizons with typical meniscus and pendular cement textures, laminated crusts and root casts/rhizocretions in the upper vadose zone (Harrison, 1978; Adams, 1980; Esteban & Klappa, 1983; Wilson, 1983; Wright, 1988, 1996; Tucker & Wright 1990; James & Choquette 1990; Charcosset et al., 2000). Exposure surfaces may constitute impervious horizons forming fluid-flow barriers in carbonate reservoirs. In some cases, evidence of pedogenesis includes subtle changes in stable isotopes and trace element compositions of limestones, e.g. decrease in , and Sr concentrations and increase in ratio (Cerling, 1984; Railsback et al., 2003).

    4. The formation of kaolinite and bauxite. Humid climatic conditions and extensive vegetation cover lead, in rare cases, to the formation of patches of kaolinite and, in rare cases, bauxite layers in clay-mineral rich carbonate successions (Bardossy & Combes, 1999; Csoma et al., 2004). The low mobility of Al³+ probably precludes its transportation in dissolved form with the percolating meteoric waters (Maliva et al., 1999; Morad et al., 2000).

    5. Dolomitization. Dolomitization may occur due to fall in the relative sea-level, presumably through: (a) evaporation of marine pore water, particularly in near-shore environments (Zenger, 1972; M'Rabet, 1981; Machel & Mountjoy, 1986) and (b) in the mixed meteoric/marine (brackish) pore water zone that lies between the phreatic marine and phreatic meteoric pore water zone (Badiozamani, 1973; Humphrey, 1988). Dolomitization under these circumstances is commonly associated with the development of moldic or vuggy pores by selective or non-selective dissolution of aragonite or Mg-calcite constituents (Figs. 5E and F). According to the evaporative models, dolomitization is caused by an increase in the Mg²+/Ca²+ ratio, which is attributed to precipitation of gypsum and anhydrite (Adams & Rhodes, 1960; Hardie, 1987; Machel & Mountjoy, 1986; Morrow, 1990).

    The mixed marine/meteoric pore-water zone is shifted landwards during relative sea-level fall, which may account for an upwards increase in dolomitization in regressive carbonate successions (Taghavi et al., 2006). These extensively dolomitized, extremely tight zones, which display high density log responses, may baffle vertical hydrocarbon flow (Taghavi et al., 2006). However, the absence of considerable, if any, amounts of dolomite in modern mixed marine/meteoric zones castes doubts on the viability of mixing zone dolomitization model (Machel, 1986; Machel & Burton, 1994; Melim et al., 2004). Instead, it is generally agreed that mixing zone diagenesis results in the dissolution of aragonite and high-Mg calcite and precipitation of bladed and overgrowth low-Mg calcite (e.g. Csoma et al., 2004).

    Therefore, upward increase in extent of dolomitization in regressive sequences can probably be attributed to more restricted connection of shelf waters with open marine water, leading to evaporative precipitation of Ca-sulphates and concomitant increase in Mg²+/Ca²+ ratio in pore waters. A major fall in the relative sea-level and consequent subaerial exposure of tidal limestone deposits may thus induce dolomitization of HST and TST limestones below SB according to the supratidal-evaporative seepage reflux model, which requires warm, arid climatic conditions (Tucker, 1993).

    6. A less common yet distinctive feature of exposed limestone includes darkened limestones and limestone intraclasts known as black pebbles, which occur in shallow subtidal, intertidal and supratidal environments (Strasser, 1984; Leinfelder, 1987; Shinn & Lidz, 1988). The blackening is attributed to the presence of organic matter (decayed cyanobacteria) (Strasser, 1984). Blackened limestones, which can be used to recognize SB, are commonly associated with gamma ray peaks (Evans & Hine, 1991).

    Fig. 5 Diagenetic processes related to depositional and stratigraphic setting in carbonate rocks. (A) Photomicrograph showing the development of vuggy pores by the coalescence of moldic pores from the dissolution of carbonate ooids by meteoric water, related to exposure. Albian, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, NE Brazil. Crossed polarized light (XPL). (B) Intraclastic-bioclastic grainstone pervasively cemented by meteoric low-Mg calcite mosaic after fibrous rims. Albian, Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil. XP. (C) Pervasive syntaxial calcite overgrowths on crinoid bioclasts. Cambrian, South Australia. XPL. (D) Radial ooids (some of which have ostracodes nuclei) cemented by fibrous rims extensively recrystallized and microcrystalline mosaic. Permian, Paraná Basin, southern Brazil. Plane-polarized polarizers (PPL). (E) Moldic pores formed by dissolution of bioclasts in microcrystalline dolostone with sand and silt grains. Upper Cretaceous, Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, NE Brazil. XPL. (F) Dolomite crystals lining vuggy pores in partially dolomitized intraclastic rudstone. Albian, Jequitinhonha Basin, E Brazil. XPL.

    Siliciclastic Deposits

    Diagenetic processes affecting siliciclastic sediments below the SB on the continental shelf (typically the HST sediments), which are conducted by dominantly meteoric waters, include (Table 2):

    1. Mechanical clay infiltration. Grain-coating clay minerals may be introduced into sandy deposits by the infiltration of muddy rivers waters into sandy deposits (Fig. 6; Ketzer et al., 2003b). Clay infiltration (Fig. 7A) is more pervasive under semi-arid climate, owing to the deeper position of the phreatic level that allows muddy waters to infiltrate through a thick vadose zone (Moraes & De Ros, 1990). The preservation potential of sandstones containing mechanically infiltrated clays below SB is relatively low because of marine erosion of such sandstones during the next transgression event and formation of the transgressive surface (Molenaar, 1986; Ketzer et al., 2003b; Fig. 6).

    The formation of grain-coating, infiltrated clays may have a profound impact on the mesogenetic and related reservoir-quality evolution pathways (Moraes & De Ros, 1990; Jiao & Surdam, 1994; De Ros & Scherer, this volume). As product of dry climate weathering, infiltrated clays are originally smectitic in composition (De Ros et al., 1994; Worden & Morad, 2003), being transformed into illite or chlorite during burial. Grain-coating illite in sandstones may cause either: (i) deterioration of reservoir permeability due to the fibrous and filamentous crystal habits of illite crystals and their distribution as rims blocking pore throats (Glassman et al., 1989; Burley & MacQuaker, 1992; Ehrenberg & Boassen, 1993), (ii) deterioration of reservoir quality through enhancement of pressure dissolution (i.e. chemical compaction; Tada & Siever, 1989; Thomson & Stancliffe 1990), or (ii) enhancement of reservoir quality through the retardation or inhibition of precipitation of syntaxial quartz overgrowths (Morad et al., 2000; Worden & Morad, 2003; Al-Ramadan et al., this volume; De Ros & Scherer, this volume).

    Whether illite or chlorite from eogenetic smectites is conditioned by: (i) the original composition of the smectite; illite is preferably derived from dioctahedral smectite, whereas chlorite is derived from trioctahedral smectite (Chang et al., 1986). (ii) Derivation of K+ from the dissolution and albitization of detrital K-feldspars, which encourages the formation of illite (Fig. 6; Morad, 1986; Aagaard et al., 1990). (iii) Derivation of Fe²+ and Mg²+ from the dissolution or replacement of abundant ferromagnesian grains (e.g. biotite) and volcanic rock fragments favours the formation of chlorite (Morad, 1990). (iv) Derivation of fluids from associated mudrocks and evaporites may form illite or chlorite (Boles, 1981; Gaup et al., 1993; Gluyas & Leonard, 1995). In cases where the presence of grain-coating chlorite in LST incised valley sandstones cannot be related to mechanical clay infiltration, formation by chemical precipitation from pore waters is probable (Salem et al., 2005; Luo et al., 2009).

    2. Formation of calcretes and dolocretes. Subaerial cementation of siliciclastic sediments by calcite (calcrete) and dolomite (dolocrete) may occur in the vadose and phreatic zones below SB (Figs. 7B and C). Dolocretes are most common under arid climatic conditions, whereas calcretes occur under semi-arid climatic conditions (Watts, 1980; Khalaf, 1990; Spötl & Wright, 1992; Burns & Matter, 1995; Colson & Cojan, 1996; Williams & Krause, 1998; Morad et al., 1998). Calcretes and dolocretes developed in the vadose zone commonly display rhizocretions and crusts formed around and plant roots (Fig. 7B; Semeniuk & Meagher, 1981; Purvis & Wright, 1991; Morad et al., 1998). Calcretes and dolocretes occur as scattered concretions or as aerially extensive cement, which may act as fluid flow baffles (Khalaf, 1990; Beckner & Mozley, 1998; Morad, 1998; Morad et al., 1998; Williams & Krause, 1998; Worden & Matray, 1998; Schmid et al., 2004).

    3. Grain dissolution and kaolinization. Meteoric waters are undersaturated with respect to most framework silicate grains. Therefore, percolation of these waters below the SB typically results in the dissolution (i.e. formation of intragranular and moldic porosity) and kaolinization of unstable framework silicates (e.g. micas and feldspars) (Figs. 6 and 7D–F), most extensively under humid climatic conditions (Worden & Morad, 2003; Ketzer et al., 2003a). Dissolution and kaolinization of mica is commonly accompanied by the formation of siderite (Fig. 8A; Morad, 1990). Siderite, which induces expansion to the mica flakes, forms under sub-oxic to anoxic pore-water conditions by fermentation of organic matter and may also occur as concretions and scattered cement patches with microcrystalline and spherulitic habits (Hutcheon et al., 1985; Mozley & Hoernle, 1990; Baker et al., 1995; Morad et al., 1998; Huggett et al., 2000). The formation of siderite within expanded mica causes local occlusion of pore throats and, hence, reduction in reservoir permeability.

    4. Reworking of autochthonous glaucony. A fall in the relative sea-level below shelf break and consequent valley incision may also result in the erosion of autochthonous glaucony-rich, TST and early HST sediments (Baum & Vail, 1988; Glenn & Arthur, 1990; Ketzer et al., 2003). Parautochthonous glaucony may be re-deposited in paralic and shallow-marine settings (Fig. 8B), as well as the slope fan and deep-sea fan sand deposits (Amorosi, 1995). Thus, abundant locally reworked glaucony in paralic and deep marine sand deposits can be used as a criterion for the recognition of the SB. This is particularly important in marine turbidites, in which the recognition of systems tracts and key sequence stratigraphic surfaces is problematic (Amorosi, 1995, 1997).

    Fig. 6 Summary of diagenetic processes and patterns observed in fluvial, deltaic, coastal and shallow marine sandstones of key sequence stratigraphic surfaces and systems tracts. (modified after Morad et al., 2000; Ketzer et al., 2003b).

    Fig. 7 (A) Irregular, anisopachous, discontinuous coatings of mechanically-infiltrated clays in Early Cretaceous fluvial sandstone, Recôncavo Basin, NE Brazil. Crossed polarizers (XPL). (B) Calcrete formed by multiple, displacive crusts of microcrystalline low-Mg calcite. Displaced, ‘floating’ sand grains. Albian, Espírito Santo Basin. E Brazil. XPL. (C) Phreatic dolocrete constituted by coarsely crystalline, displacive dolomite with strong zoning defined by fluid inclusions and ‘floating’ sand grains. Jurassic, Recôncavo Basin, NE Brazil. XPL. (D) Strongly dissolved feldspar grains. Late Cretaceous, Espírito Santo Basin, E Brazil. XPL. (E) Feldspar grains replaced by vermicular kaolinite. Backscattered electrons (BSE) image. Cretaceous. Sirte Basin, Libya. (F) Vermicular kaolinite aggregate made of stacked platelets with aligned defective edges, characteristic of low-temperature precipitation. Secondary scanning electron microscope (SEM) image. Late Cretaceous, Utah, USA.

    Fig. 8 (A) Biotite flakes widely expanded and replaced by microcrystalline siderite (brown). Carbonaceous fragments (black). Late Cretaceous, Espírito Santo Basin, E Brazil. XPL. (B) Parautochtonous glauconite in shallow-water Cretaceous sandstone from Oriente Basin, Equador. PPL. (C) Divergent aggregates of scalenohedral, ‘dogtooth’ high Mg-calcite crystals rimming the grains in Holocene beachrock, NE Brazil. (D) Mud intraclasts partially compacted to pseudomatrix. Jurassic, Recôncavo Basin, NE Brazil. XPL. (E) Dolomitized carbonate intraclasts in sandstone cemented by blocky dolomite. XPL. Cretaceous, Sirte Basin, Libya. (F) Hybrid arenite with carbonate intraclasts and bioclasts rimmed by originally high-Mg calcite. Potassic feldspar grains with distinct epitaxial overgrowths. Cenomanian, Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil.

    Parasequence Boundaries (PB), Transgressive Surfaces (TS), Maximum Flooding Surfaces (MFS)

    These key sequence stratigraphic surfaces, which are the product of faster rates of rise in the relative sea-level than the rates of sediment supply (i.e. transgression or retrogradation), lead to domination of marine pore waters.

    Carbonate Deposits

    The impact of changes in the relative sea-level and shelf physiography on the distribution of near-surface, eogenetic alterations in carbonate deposits is depicted in Fig. 9 and summarized in Table 1. Transgressive surfaces in marine carbonate successions can be recognized by distinct pattern of diagenetic alterations, increase in gamma ray responses (owing to increase in clay minerals) and/or increase in extent of bioturbation (Tucker & Chalcraft, 1991). Prior to the establishment of fully marine pore-water composition as a consequence of rise in relative sea-level, migration of the marine/meteoric mixing and meteoric zones landward may result in cementation by marine calcite or by alternating marine calcite and mixing zone dolomite (Folk & Siedlecka, 1974; Hardie, 1987; Humphrey, 1988; Morad et al., 1992; Frank & Lohmann, 1995). However, establishment of fully marine pore waters may preclude the occurrence of these latter diagenetic alterations across a shelf. Thus, alterations mediated by marine pore waters include cementation by high-Mg-calcite or aragonite and dolomitization of limestone (Tucker, 1993).

    Fig. 9 Diagenetic models of carbonate shelves and ramps in response to 3rd order sequence stacking patterns in a background of 2nd order sequences. Progradational and retrogradational patterns are more typical of carbonate shelves, while aggradational sets are shown for a carbonate ramp. Modified from Tucker (1993).

    Sediment diagenesis in the subtidal zone and basinward is presumably mediated dominantly by diffusive rather than advective flux of Ca²+, Mg²+ and HCO3− from the overlying sea water. Increasing number of field, stable O-isotopic, C-isotopic and Sr-isotopic data and thermodynamic equilibrium studies (Machel & Mountjoy, 1986; Machel & Burton, 1994; Whitaker et al., 1994; Budd, 1997; Swart & Melim, 2000; Ehrenberg et al., 2006b) suggests that dolomitization occurs by normal or slightly modified sea water. Apart from tidal pumping, there is little evidence to suggest that circulation of sea water occurs in sediments buried at shallow depths below the seafloor. Dolomitization by advective sea water flux requires long lasting circulation of large volumes through the sediments (Machel & Mountjoy, 1986; Hardie, 1987; Budd, 1997). Circulation of sea water in the subsurface of carbonate platforms is suggested to be driven by a combination of salinity and thermal gradients (Whitaker et al., 1994; Kaufman, 1994; Ehrenberg et al., 2006b).

    Diffusive ionic flux from sea water into pore waters may result in the development of hardground and firmground by extensive cementation of carbonate sediments below TS, PB and MFS by calcite and/or dolomite (± phosphate, glaucony, Fe-oxide). Cementation commonly extends for few decimetres below the seafloor (Folk & Lynch, 2001; Mutti & Bernoulli, 2003). The development of hardgrounds and firmgrounds may baffle fluid flow and hence causes reservoir compartmentalization in carbonate successions (Mancini et al., 2004).

    Coal layers may be deposited on carbonate shelves primarily along the transgressive surfaces and early stages of TST deposition in humid climatic conditions (de Wet et al., 1997; Longyi et al., 2003; Shao et al., 2003). Organic acids generated by coals may promote extensive dissolution of carbonate horizons below transgressive surfaces. The formation of Mn-oxyhydroxide and Fe-oxyhydroxide nodules in the abyssal plains of modern oceans, which is favoured by low sedimentation rates (i.e. similar conditions to condensed sections), suggests that the occurrence of such oxyhydroxides in the stratigraphic record of shelf deposits may be used as analogs to recognize MFS (cf. McConachie & Dunster, 1996).

    Although reddish colouration of carbonate sediments is typically attributed to oxidation of iron during subaerial exposure, it has been argued by several authors (Jenkyns, 1986; Van Der Kooij et al., 2007) that staining in sediment along the MFS in platform top, slope and the basin floor implies fully marine conditions. Staining by marine pore waters was further evidenced by elevated values (+2 to +3‰) of the carbonate cement (van der Kooij et al., 2007). Reddening has been attributed by these authors to iron oxidation during early diagenesis by iron bacteria, which occurred upon upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water masses.

    Siliciclastic Deposits

    Diagenetic alterations related to PB, TS, MFS and TST in siliciclastic successions include (Table 2): (i) formation of concretionary or continuous marine calcite, dolomite and siderite cementation of sandstone and mudstone beds; (ii) carbonate cementation or formation of pseudomatrix in transgressive lag deposits, (iii) calcite, pyrite and kaolinite cementation in sandstones below and above coal-bearing PB and (iv) formation of autochthonous glaucony (Whalen et al., 2000; Amorosi, this volume). The formation of carbonate cements along PB, TS and MFS (De Ros et al., 1997; Ketzer et al., 2002; Coffey, 2005) is probably related to the increase in extent of bioturbation (Hendry et al., 2000); and in amounts of marine organic matter content, which helps increasing the carbonate alkalinity and decrease Eh of the pore waters (Curtis, 1987; Morad, 1998; Al-Ramadan et al., 2005).

    Coalesced concretionary or continuous carbonate cementation (±phosphate, Fe-oxides, Fe-silicates) are favoured below the MFS in dominantly sandstones or mudstone successions (Morad et al., 2000; Wetzel & Allia, 2000; Al-Ramadan et al., 2005). Cementation (most commonly calcite) is suggested to occur at very shallow depth below the seafloor being facilitated by reduced sedimentation rates (long residence time below the seafloor), which allows prolonged diffusion of Ca²+ and HCO3− into pore waters from overlying sea water (Figs. 10 and 11) (Kantorowicz et al., 1987; Raiswell, 1988; Savrda & Bottjer, 1988; Morad & Eshete, 1990; Wilkinson, 1991). Once nucleation of calcite cement occurs within the sediment (e.g. around bioclasts and/or in locally concentrated marine organic matter), chemical gradients of Ca²+ and HCO3− are established between the sites of carbonate precipitation from pore water (concentration is nil; Berner, 1982) with overlying sea water (contains high amounts of dissolved calcium and carbon) column (Fig. 11; Morad & De Ros, 1994). Petrographic and oxygen isotopic signature suggest that concretion growth may commence below the sediment-water interface but continues during burial diagenesis (Klein et al., 1999; Raiswell & Fisher, 2000; Al-Ramadan et al., this volume).

    Fig. 10 Schematic representation of the development of carbonate cementation in clastic sediments below flooding surfaces, as opposed to absence of cementation under normal regressive conditions. Extensive cementation below marine transgressive surfaces act as baffles for fluid flow and may thus result in reservoir compartmentalization.

    Fig. 11 Schematic representation of the impact of sedimentation rate on the styles of carbonate cementation in marine sandstones. Sediments which experience long residence time at shallow depth below sea bottom remain within the aerobic zone and may be cemented by isotopically homogeneous, laterally continuous, stratabound calcite. Under larger sediment supply rates, the carbon and oxygen compositions of carbonate cements tends to be concentrically arranged, reflecting the diverse zones of bacterial organic matter degradation. Modified after Kantorowicz et al. (1987).

    The presence of concretionary or continuous stratabound cementation within mudstone sections (referred to as hiatus limestones by Wetzel & Allia, 2000) is important in two respects: (i) it aids the recognition of major transgressive surfaces within thick, monotonous siliciclastic mudstone successions; (ii) Act as baffle fluid flow, including primary migration of hydrocarbon within source rocks. Calcite and, less commonly, dolomite cements in diagenetic concretions and beds within mudstones have micritic and radial habits and occur between the clay

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