A dedicated mother, wife, and entrepreneur, Kellie-Anne Gallagher's life has been marked by a series of profound challenges and transformative experiences. These events have shaped...view moreA dedicated mother, wife, and entrepreneur, Kellie-Anne Gallagher's life has been marked by a series of profound challenges and transformative experiences. These events have shaped her into a resilient and passionate advocate for neurodiversity. Kellie-Anne masked the symptoms of stage four endometriosis for much of her life. The turning point came in 2017 when she faced a near-death experience due to a post-operative infection following a surgery to manage the condition. This life-threatening ordeal forced her to confront her deepest fears and promise herself that she would survive and thrive-for herself and her son, Lucas Junior. This moment marked the beginning of a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. When her son, Lucas Junior, was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD at the age of 7, Kellie-Anne recognized her own experiences mirrored in his. This realization led to her own diagnosis of ADHD and a deeper understanding of her neurodivergent traits. Diagnosed at the age of 39 with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), anxiety, PTSD, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), Kellie-Anne has embarked on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance, transforming her challenges into opportunities for growth and deeper self-awareness. Kellie-Anne and her husband, Lucas Senior-the love of her life-run a successful business, Living Dream Kitchens and Coastal Surfaces GC, on the Gold Coast. Together, they share their life with their 'miracle baby,' Lucas Junior, and their two cherished fur babies, Ronnie and Ruby. Through her writing and advocacy, Kellie-Anne Gallagher hopes to offer support and solidarity to others navigating similar paths, and highlighting the strength and beauty that can be found in embracing one's true self.view less