Born in Cuba to British diplomat parents, Clara started travelling as a baby and hasn't stopped since. She's lived in eleven countries on five continents, and visited nearly 70. She will soon be on...view moreBorn in Cuba to British diplomat parents, Clara started travelling as a baby and hasn't stopped since. She's lived in eleven countries on five continents, and visited nearly 70. She will soon be on her way to country number twelve – South Africa. Along the way, Clara has picked up a husband and produced two daughters. She's worked as a journalist, a diplomat, a writer, a press officer, an antenatal teacher, a customer service advisor, a PA, a coffee shop waitress and a school cook. Which only lasted for a day.
If Clara had any spare time she would spend it diving and getting better at taking photographs. In reality, she spends her days writing, looking out of the window and picking things up off the floorview less