Richard D. Parker, author of the "Temple Island Series," an alternate universe adventure, toils during the day at Washington University in St. Louis where he is a department manager at the universi...view moreRichard D. Parker, author of the "Temple Island Series," an alternate universe adventure, toils during the day at Washington University in St. Louis where he is a department manager at the university bookstore. In the evenings however, he transforms and is carried away to one of the many worlds which reside only in his head. The "Red Planet," by Robert Heinlein was Richard's very first book not assigned by a teacher and he's been hooked on science fiction ever since. When he's not writing, Richard enjoys hiking, biking and reading all types of fiction genres including thrillers, horror, military, historical and fantasy. He also enjoys popular nonfiction science books. Richard D. Parker currently lives in St. Louis, Missouri with his wife Kathy, his daughter Alex, his cat Tasha and last but not least, Tonya the turtle, who has the run of the house.view less