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Saudi StyleBy Robert E. King - B.A.(Hons.), MCIM, F.inst.SMM. CM.Authors Bio.I played football with Osama Binladen, (Terrorist) went shopping with Idi Amin, (Murderer) had coffee with Mohammed Ali ...view moreSaudi StyleBy Robert E. King - B.A.(Hons.), MCIM, F.inst.SMM. CM.Authors Bio.I played football with Osama Binladen, (Terrorist) went shopping with Idi Amin, (Murderer) had coffee with Mohammed Ali (The Greatest Boxer of all time) Dated the beautiful Air Stewardesses, (Angels) and visited with Princes and Kings, (The wealthiest men on the planet), it was the adventure of a lifetime. Come with me now and I will guide you through a nightmare, though I must warn you, I would go back tomorrow, would you?I enjoyed Saudi Arabia for over a decade, soaking up the culture and customs of a nation, who considered themselves the closest race to God. My travels permitted audiences with a total cross section of the race, from the fantastically wealthy ruling royals, to the last link in the chain of hierarchy, from devout worshipers to beggars, thieves and murderers. I even played football with Osama Binladen, at that time he was just a gangly kid, working in his father’s precast concrete plant during university downtime in the late 70’s but that is another story. Eventually, a simple legal dispute, resulted in an appalling journey deep into the bowels of Saudi and the brutal, physical and mental torture of an innocent man. This nightmare experience revealed the bizarre and sometimes grotesque secrets, that are carefully detailed in the manuscript. Secrets that until now have remained mostly uncharted. It also provided, what I believe, are the qualifications and experience to pen this work. This is not about telling tales, this is about living the dream and experiencing a different culture, in short, I would go back tomorrow with a much better idea of what to expect. This could also be a guide for all potential Saudi expatriates who need a manual for working in vastly differing cultures.I migrated to the Middle East during the mid seventies when OPEC ruled the waves and the oil price had almost reached that magical, forty dollars a barrel high. The euphoria of the Saudis was unreal. Massive wealth was accumulated; money was spent like water and the whole nation celebrated, gorging on the excesses of their newly acquired fortune and who could blame them? I couldn’t, I was enjoying the same fruits of life’s swollen orchards.During the boom years, some would say OPEC's hand had increased the oil price to such an extent, that it was now possible to extract the black gold from just about anywhere in the world and still make a handsome profit. As North Sea supplies came on stream and other major fields were discovered, the oil price stabilized before it started to fall, along with the demand. As new supplies increased, a glut accumulated and the oil price began to plummet, taking with it the dreams and aspirations of a nation.My account will take you inside the palaces of Kings, along the wealth washed corridors of princely domains and down the chain of command to the bottom of its final, abhorrent and brutal abyss.During my time abroad I achieved a rare title, an accolade bestowed by the desert dwellers themselves, an ancient, invisible protector that would eventually see me through an extremely painful ordeal. This is the story of the Khowaja and why I am confident, I have earned the right to tell it.I disclose this information for the ones we left behind and I dedicate this work to their memory, hoping they can forgive my humble efforts and may they all rest in peace:JUERGEN SCHNETZ – Too much Saudi Arabia for his heart a close friend.DEBBIE STONE– Hepatitis with complications I remember her well.PETE MARTIN – Road Accident he was humble, they weren’t, cockney rebel.GINNY – The Tri-Star Incident, burned alive probably, heartbreakingMOHAMMED BINJARI – Road Accident, he was brave, he was a good man.Bryan – Finally your true age overcame you what a mentor, "some of my best customers wear sandals".Paddy – At peace but no more fags or cid. Say hi to Chris for me, Stew with maggots, I was hungry Paddy.Picture - The author in his Red Shirt – Chapter 12, page 270view less