Tamara von Forslun BioTamara Von Forslun, affectionately known as the Witch of Oz who was dubbed this title inthe early 80's by Raymond Buckland the father of American Witchcraft. ...view moreTamara von Forslun BioTamara Von Forslun, affectionately known as the Witch of Oz who was dubbed this title inthe early 80's by Raymond Buckland the father of American Witchcraft. Tamara has beeninvolved in the Craft since the 1970's and teaching Wicca and Witchcraft for over 50 years,she is considered one of the world's respected and truly qualified Wiccan and Witch Elderswho is the Founder and Creator of Australia's first legal Neo-Pagan Church "The Church ofWicca" (Australia 1989) and was the Arch Priestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church inAustralia. An Alexandrian High Priestess; High Priestess Elder of the Coven/Clanof Boskednan; Ordained High Priestess of the Fellowship of Isis by Lady Olivia andLord Lawrence Durdin-Robertson (1978); Sage of the Grey Council of Wizards & Sages(2019). Author, Lecturer, Oracle/Seer, Teacher, Ritualist, Wiccan Marriage and FuneralCelebrant.Tamara has put 5 decades of training and teachings into her books. Along the way all thatshe has learnt, she has passed on freely to those who would listen and learn, now at the endof her earthly cycle as a teacher she travels the world continuously appearing at Paganfestivals, Witch Shops, universities & museums doing rituals & workshops. In her books shehas revealed all she has ever learnt as a student of Magick, Witchcraft, Shamanism, Wicca,Tarot, Australian Aboriginal Magic, the Goddess and Herbal Medicine, Oracles and theworld of the Shining Ones in her books.This book Complete Teachings of Modern Wicca For The Seeker is a milestone in humanand Wiccan understanding, it is written with clarity and sensitivity by a person who was oneof the first to outwardly and courageously speak out and fight the establishment in the 1970'sabout the persecution of Witches and educated the masses, she paved a pathway for futureWiccans, Pagans and Witches alike so as to not be persecuted in the name of ignorance. Thisbook is a culmination of her initial training to Seekers of the ancient Craft known asWitchcraft & now in the 21st Century the New Age Nature Religion called Wicca.view less
Pagan & Witch Elders of the World Past & Present: Pagans, Witches, Wiccans, Druids and Magicians Preparing the Path for the 21st Century Revised Edition