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The Once Upon a Princess Saga: A Historical Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty
The Once Upon a Princess Saga: A Historical Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty
The Once Upon a Princess Saga: A Historical Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty
Audiobook19 hours

The Once Upon a Princess Saga: A Historical Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty

Written by C. S. Johnson

Narrated by Alexa Crema

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook



Beauty’s Curse

Beauty’s Quest

Beauty’s Kiss

Beauty’s Gift

At her birth, Princess Aurora of Rhone—Rose to her friends—was cursed Magdalina, the wicked ruler of the fairies at war with her kingdom. Under the curse, Rose is doomed to die on her eighteenth birthday after pricking her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel.


Along with her friends—Theo, a priest on a quest for his own revenge; Mary, a young and talented fairy; Ethan and Sophia, siblings with a troubled past; and a newcomer to the group, Prince Philip—Rose sets out to find a way to break her curse, willing to risk everything to fight the battle of her life—the battle for her freedom, her kingdom, and her heart.

PublisherC. S. Johnson
Release dateMay 31, 2020
The Once Upon a Princess Saga: A Historical Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Sleeping Beauty

C. S. Johnson

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