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My Pumpkin
My Pumpkin
My Pumpkin
Audiobook6 hours

My Pumpkin

Written by Marina Simcoe

Narrated by Elle Sonali

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

What do a pumpkin, a cyborg, a dog, and an alien have in common? They are all one person!

When I was ten, my mom bought me a pumpkin for Halloween. A year later, it transformed into a bizarre animal that I ended up raising as my dog.

Except that it isn't a dog at all. My lazy, lovable pet Pumpkin turns out to be an extremely dangerous fighting machine that never should've been created.

Now, those who made him steal him back, taking me along by mistake. I find myself on a haunted spaceship with no crew, hurtling through space with a destination unknown.

As I learn more about the creature I'd grown to love as my childhood friend, I realize how little I knew about him before. When Pumpkin goes through yet another transformation, becoming Maxx, our feelings for each other grow far beyond friendship.

Maxx is so much more than his creators meant for him to be. But can I make the rest of the world see it when the world doesn't want him to exist at all?

Contains mature themes.
Release dateApr 4, 2023
My Pumpkin

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