Lindsay Gibson and Aimee Greenaway recently sat down to discuss his work on historical thinking and historical inquiry with pre-service teachers (students in teacher education programs) and in-service teachers. The conversation expanded into the potential benefits of historical thinking in the broader community.
AG Could you please describe your work in education?
LG I'm an Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education at UBC. My teaching and research focus on different aspects of social studies and history education, including curriculum design, teaching and learning, assessment, historical thinking, historical consciousness, teacher education, commemoration controversies, and difficult histories.
AG What is historical thinking?
Historical thinking has been discussed by historians and educators for more than 100 years, but its theoretical development really began in the 1970s. In the last 50 years it has become a standard in the theory and practice of history education in North America, Europe,