Fortean Times

Star Dreamers


Back when I used to travel the world to appear at conferences I had a particularly interesting time in the desert in Phoenix, Arizona. I met some fascinating people, including a key witness to the Rendlesham Forest incident who refocused my view on that extraordinary affair. However, that is not what I want to talk about.

It was here that I first discovered the concept of ‘Star Children’. I had not come across the term before, but realised that I had met a few of these kindred spirits back in the UK, without appreciating this was a global phenomenon. Star Children are not just close encounter witnesses or abductees. They go one step beyond. Some actually believed they had not just met aliens, but had actually once aliens living on a distant planet and then sent here to Earth to ‘incarnate’ in a terrestrial body as some kind of galactic missionary. This was a million light years away from investigating a fuzzy blob in the sky, and I was sceptical – until I actually started to talk with some of them. I discovered, to my surprise, they were not obviously any crazier than your average witness telling me about that light in the sky near an airport that was the landing beacon on an aircraft. This Star Child idea was something I needed to understand.

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