Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy


Spying and infiltration is as old as warfare itself. Capturing enemy intelligence and learning their plans is most useful. To paraphrase Sun Tzu: “What enables the good general to conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge. It cannot be elicited from spirits nor can it be worked out from experience or deduction. Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men.”


Set five minutes from now, in no specific time or place, two factions we will call Red and Blue are at war. The intelligence network of the Blue state has a long list of ‘persons of interest’ they would like to question. One of these people has appeared up on their network using an unsecured mobile phone. The coordinates of where the transmission came from have been narrowed down to a trenchwork close to the front line. A special team from Blue has been tasked with

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